Fast In My Car

Kiefer Harris

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2 Tail of Charmed Newt
The never ending torrent of sounds pounded. The place was blaring with music and lights with various hues spotlighted different parts of the club. People of different ages and genders were having fun on the dance floor - a good deal of them sweating it out. The young man of eighteen though was not a part of the dancing crowd. Instead, Kiefer Harris chose to sit on the bar with a glass of alcohol in his hand as he witnessed the whole lot dancing. He was never a good dancer anyway, so he spared himself the shame of being a laughingstock. His best moves at dancing were just mild sways and a pattern of claps that can get along with the beat well. Also the thought of getting laid was not appealing to him, since he had the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. He was only in the United Kingdom to get some freedom from the unending pressure his father was giving him. What he wanted to do in his life yet, he had no idea. So here he was, trying to release the tension in his muscles as he took another sip of the alcohol. The liquid sensation ran in his throat and immediately entered his system. He spotted a few doing the same as well as they moved on the dance floor, sweaty bodies laughing frivolously.

The electronic music changed to a different tune that sent the crowd dancing like they had no care at all. Kief smirked at how they were enjoying themselves - how the muggles were enjoying themselves, rather. They had no idea that they had a wizard in their midst but he too had no idea if there was another person who had magical abilities around the area. Not that he minded though. He was seated in a muggle club located in Soho, England. Now was the time to enjoy and release the worries. He licked his lips as he recalled a formal party he had to attend about a week ago. Everybody was incredibly civil, for the sake of a successful business auction. Kiefer had no choice but to accompany his father there and he was bombarded with questions about his personal life. Where did he study? Did he ever study? Was there already a special someone? Politeness was crucial during that event unlike here, where everyone was equal and everyone was bound to have fun. The nightlife in Soho was treating him well and he let a pleased smile hang on his lips. The night was great, even with the flashy lights, blaring music and drunken laughter of the people nearby.
Sara Moon was excited. For the first time in her life, she was free to do whatever the hell she wanted. And right now; she wanted a good time. She'd been drinking, and dancing all night. She felt great, twirling around on the floor, her long hair whirling wildly as she moved. She didn't think she'd ever worn an outfit this daring before; while not extremely short, it wasn't something her parents would approve of. That was the great thing though; it didn't matter what they thought. She'd moved into her flat yesterday. It had been hard. So hard. Leaving the manor. It had become her home, and she hoped she could go back some day, but she needed some time on her own. The apartment was nice, quite big. The perks of coming from a rich family, she supposed. She wasn't good with money. It didn't really matter to her. Friends; they were more important, and family. She loved clothes, but she never thought about finance. It didn't matter to her. She could live without money.

As the music changed, she walked toward the bar. Time for a top up. It was great. She'd never understood why people went out drinking before, but this giddy, happy feeling. It was great! She slid onto a barstool, and smiled at the barman, and said; "Another screwdriver please." Half the cocktails didn't even taste like alcohol. She liked the screwdrivers. they had a lovely fruity taste. Looking around the bar, she saw someone who looked vaquely familiar, and very handsome. "Hello!" she called, more confident that she would ever be sober. "Sara Moon. What's your name handsome?" she asked, giggling uncontrollably. The barman came back with her drink and Sara thanked him, then walked over to the young man. She looked up at him through eyelashes that had a thick layer of mascara coating them. The young girl didn't need so much make-up. It hid her natural prettiness, but she felt so much older when she wore it. "Hahaaha! you're tall!" she laughed. For some reason she found this incredibly funny, and bent double laughing; "Oh, you're funny. You make me laugh!" she smiled as she recovered. She took a sip of her drink; "Merlin! You should try these! They're so tasty!" She didn't even realise that she'd used a wizarding phrase, in front of a muggle, but he wouldn't see the relevance, surely? She tapped the glass. "They're screws.... screw.....drivers? Yup! That's it! Screwdrivers....." she giggled. "Oh that's a funny word...screw." Her words came out rushed, though surprisingly unslurred.
The carefree, dancing bodies on the floor was an interesting watch. Just looking at them - witnessing their drunken moves - made him want to laugh. The drunk ones moved so boldly, whereas the rest still moved with decent feet. Kiefer had his eye on the drunk ones for theirs was more interesting. They laughed and partied as if today was the last day they had in the universe. Their laughs echoed with the blaring music, beating and pounding against the walls. So, this was what they called, nightlife. This was his first ever to do it all alone - the process of walking into a club and getting a drink, then watching muggles hit the dance floor. Witnessing all the dancing before his eyes, he openly watched some do the dance moves with smoothness. He guessed that some of these people were so used to living life during the night, where the parties began along with the fun. He liked this kind of scene however, doing this frequently would surely give him a meaningless life. Drinking, dancing and having fun was not what he needed to make a living for himself. Striving hard was more like it and Kiefer knew the feeling of doing just that. After all, what was behind all those subjects that he managed to pass?

Introducing oneself to another whilst feeling boozy was not exactly the best way to do it. You slurred and sometimes stumbled over words. The young man knew that by experience and he preferred not to do it again any time soon. Hence why he was not taking too many shots before he was forced to throw up his meals. Kiefer wondered whom among the muggles would throw up publicly but, his thoughts were interrupted by someone who seemed to be calling out to him. From his periphery vision, he saw someone facing his direction. He flinched in surprise, since he never knew how it was to be called for in a loud club. Under normal circumstances, Kiefer would have smirked when he was referred as 'handsome,' but this was certainly different. He looked at the direction of the voice who introduced herself as Sara Moon. He felt acquainted with the name, but he could not fully remember where he heard it. As his eyes connected to the female slithering out of her barstool, he stiffened momentarily. Merlin's soul, he did know her! It was a good thing he was still sober! Kiefer's mind reeled back a week or two ago, wherein he had to go to this event. He remembered even exchanging a word or two with Sara Moon, but they were either brief or curt. She seemed incredibly appropriate during that event, but here, his grey eyes told him otherwise. He forced himself to relax and readied himself for what conversation they were going to have.

"I'm Kiefer," responded the wizard and sipped from his glass. He still was not done with his first glass of alcohol so feeling woozy was out of the question. She looked so different compared to when he saw her the first time. Now, she looked so mature and free. What she was wearing was wildly sexy but, this place was a club. Anyone could wear anything they wanted. He cocked his head to the side when she verbalized the obvious about his height. Indeed, he was almost a good foot taller compared to her petite frame. "Hm, never thought anyone would notice," said Kiefer over the loud music. The petite lady suddenly laughed making Kiefer realize that she was pretty drunk. She said that he was funny which was not a trait Kiefer knew he had. He simply watched her with a relaxed gaze, his lips curled in amusement. If he was not going blind and this really was the Sara Moon he had awkwardly met then let him be damned because here she was in a club with him. He froze though when he heard an expression that magical folk only used. It was a common one in his world and hearing it come from her lips carelessly gave him the confirmation that she really was who he thought he had met. Kiefer forced himself to shrug in response to her statement. Cocktails were not really his thing, so he declined her offer with a shake of his head. "You were nailing the dance floor. Seems like you come here a lot..." Kiefer looked around, his eyes sweeping over the whole view in front of him before looking back at the brunette. "Do you?"
Sara would never normally approach a guy like this. If she found a guy attractive, she would look at him, maybe flash him a smile, stand nearly. Without fail; she would wait for him to make the first move. She figured; if a guy wants something to happen between you, he will make sure it does. Her numbed senses knew this, deep down, but the alcohol was gone to her head, and she barely recognised herself. Some part of her brain knew how ridiculous she was acting, but the drunk part didn't care. She needed to forget about today. To forget how worried her Mother had looked, how tightly she'd hugged her Dad. She didn't want to think about that. Poor Keifer was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't his fault he was handsome, it wasn't his fault she was inebriated, yet still he had to deal with it, and put up with her pointless jibber-jabber.

"Kiefer, Keifer, Keifer.." she repeated, trying the word out on her tongue. "I like your name Mister Kiefer." she grinned straightening up, and nodding at him. "I'm Saara.." she repeated, forgetting that she'd already introduced herself. "There was somebody called Kiefer...I don't know how... hmm..... I don't think he was as tall as you!" she laughed, pointing a finger up at her companion. She laughed aloud at his sarcasm, almost falling, and catching the bar to right herself. "Whoops." She smiled at Kiefer, placing her drink on the bar. "Yuch, I'm tired. I moved into my apartment today!" she grinned excitedly, clapping her hands. "I just left school you know." she added, sobering for a moment, and with a comically serious look on her face as she leaned on a barstool. When he spoke, she shook her head, far more than was necessary and said; "Naaaahhhh I never used to. Now that I have my own place, I'll probably come a lot. Everyone here is so nice!" she smiled. "I love dancing. Do you want to dance?" she asked, suddenly excited again. She started dancing to herself, twirling around a bit, and turning back to Kiefer. "So no. I think I might come more though. I spent so much time studying! And now I'm not gonna get anything I wanted, so it doesn't matter." she downed the rest of her drink and turned to the barman. "Another one please." she handed in the money and received her drink. "Do you want anything?" she asked Kiefer, beaming once more. Her changes in mood were so odd. She had a tendency toward getting angry fast, but not such a wide spectrum in such a short time.
Kiefer raised a funny brow when Sara stated her name, for the second time. Talking in a noisy place like this with a conversational tone was terribly inconvenient. Everything about their location screamed the words - flirtation, drinking and (wild) partying. Kiefer cared not to indulge himself in those activities with the exception of drinking since, right in his grasp was a glass of alcohol. Only a glass or two and he was sure to be out of this bar but with Sara Moon flirting drunkenly with him, he might not be able to follow the schedule that he planned on doing. Bracing himself anyway whilst he was listening to his dad's business friend's daughter talk away, he wondered if he should ever tell his dad about Sara. However, thinking of diving into the details of how he saw her and where he saw did not appeal to him. He could not just share to the elder Harris man that he was in a club, having a shot or two when he saw Sara Moon. The way she addressed him too was not how he knew her from the party that had happened a week or two ago. That Sara Moon was all about civility whilst this - this version was a wild card. The pointless laughter she intoned caused her to stumble a bit on her own feet however Kiefer reached out to steady her in case she landed on her ass entirely.

"Careful," Kiefer warned over the loud and pumping music. The words would not probably reach the brunette's ears though, with the alcohol affecting her senses and movements. What she was feeling now was a not a total mystery to him since being helplessly drunk was something that he had already done and vowed never to do it for the next few months or so. Hangovers were the real sh!t and repeating them all over again was not incredible. As Sara leaned on the barstool, he knew that he was going to have to entertain the girl for a little whilst for the evening. The many words that she said were absorbed by the blond man, even with the delightful laughs and thunderous music in the club. He almost wrinkled his nose at the mention of "study" because that was just his first enemy in school. He amusingly smirked at her in response, knowing that she was probably here to live accordingly. "My dance moves are crap," Kief responded. True, he was never the dancer, but he was the always the one game for parties. Perhaps Sara Moon was one of those responsible know-it-alls back in her school. Merlin, how he would love to make a face at those people who thought they could win everything back in Durmstrang. "Speaking of crap, studiousness is too!" So were the professors who had two sticks shoved up their asses and the homeworks that even required advanced research. Almost everything about school made him glad that he was out of that hell. The only positive feeling he had towards school was his thankfulness in regards to meeting his friends and beloved girlfriend.

Even with the dancing bodies that were incredibly entertaining to watch from his spot, Kiefer's attention gradually focused it's whole self on the petite brunette. He immediately gave her the strange stare when she ordered another drink. This was her nth drink, perhaps? The way she acted all woozy gave away some vague answers, but Kiefer hoped that she did not exceed five. The way she freely moved and nailed some dance moves looked pretty much for only a drunken person to do. In his regards to her offer for a drink, he shook his head and raised his glass, but his expression slightly altered when she had her hands on her drink. "How many of those have you had? A hundred?" Kiefer jokingly asked, yet concern for the young lady bubbled suddenly. With her acting like a total newbie to the whole alcohol consumption thing, she might as well embarrass herself. Honestly wondering though, has she ever handled drinking large amounts of alcohol? With earnest care and curiosity, he looked over to the alcohol she was holding and looked back to stare at those orbs of hers, that had a line of thick make up.
Sara suddenly didn't feel quite as happy and carefree as she had been acting. Dad would hate this. They would be so angry with her. She took her seat, and looked over at Kiefer. Why was she talking to this stranger. She didn't know him, and he had absolutely no reason to be interested in her jibber-jabber. "Ugh, sorry." she sighed, sitting up on the bar stool. "I'm as giddy as....." she didn't finish the sentence. Why was she so confused? Everything was muddled, she'd been so happy. What happened? Her hand came up to her forehead, and she laughed weakly, watching people dance, but not really seeing them. The shapes were all muddled as they moved, she looked over at Kiefer, who looked solid enough, and she was pretty sure she was looking at him, if that was him. Was it? "Um...yeah.. I like dancing.." she answered, recovering slightly. Sara had never gotten drunk before, and had enjoyed her carefree happiness earlier, but this.. this she didn't like, she looked up as she heard Kiefer speak, but it took her a moment to understand, straining to hear him.

"Um..yeah, but it's um.... important?" she wan't sure what she was saying, and she looked at the barman as he brought over another drink. Had she ordered that? She didn't know, she picked it up and downed it, but she didn't feel any better, she just felt worse. "Gah!" she blurted, putting the empty glass back on the bar, and leaning forward, her head in her hands. The screwdriver that had tasted so nice a few moments ago made her feel terrible. At his question she looked up, but the sudden movement made her feel like falling over. "I'm not sure, they taste fruity, not like beer... or... or wine." she told him. Surely there couldn't be much alcohol in them? They tasted like a sort of smoothie. She put her head back down, and almost fell off her seat "Whoa!" she exclaimed, grabbing the bar. "Um, sorry, I'm not used to this." she admitted. "I'm good y'know, I'm not a slut, and I try to be nice to people, but I do silly things, and I get angry, and then I'm sorry, and now I'm silly, and..oh." she babbled, unable to stop.

She managed to pull herself back upright, and look at Kiefer. "My Dad.. I'll still see them okay? I'll visit, and it'll be okay, and I'll go to their parties, and even if I have to see Kate, Stefan will probably be there. She's travelling, and I haven't heard from her. We're not close anymore. Um..." she paused, for a moment realising that babbling on to a man she didn't know wasn't a good idea. She looked up at him, and panicked. "Don't tell Mam! She'll be so upset. Why did I come? I need to go home. OH Merlin's beard!" She stood up, unsteady on her feet and fell right into something solid. "Ow!" she sat back down, and pulled off her shoes , starting to walk away, falling and stumbling as she fled. Where was the door? Why was she so confused? The place was suddenly terrifying, the dancers terrible obstacles, and she had no idea how to get home. Her make-up ran as she cried, and clung to the bar. She'd only moved a few metres.
With concern genuinely running heavily in his entire brain, he watched silently as Sara Moon babbled about things that he was interested and uninterested about. He nodded along with her giggles and uncertain answers. Gladly though, she was not reverting any topic towards him because he hated having to share his profile with people he thought he would never fraternize with again. He caught her several times when she decided she was not capable of balance and accompanied it with a worried frown that creased his forehead horribly. When he had enough he followed her into the crowd and quickly caught her petite frame when she almost fell for the nth time. "Here now, don't cry. Let me help you get out of here. Hold onto me." Kiefer easily managed to hold her waist even if she was inches smaller than him, and led her out whilst shoving off the dancing people trying to be like obstacles and sh!t. He took her to a motel and there he let her rest, without anything intimate happen between them. Thankfully, he got through the rest of the night without anything happening to him excluding a mini stiff neck from dozing off on the armchair the entire night.

Months later.

The little cafe was warm and all cozy with all its little ornaments hanging about. It was simple and pleasing to the eye and Kiefer would have guessed the owner was one sweet little thing. The seat was comfortable and so was the atmosphere of the whole place. It smelled of coffee and hazelnut. The scents tangled themselves and wavered deliciously in the air, causing Kiefer to relax and have some fun with the petite brunette in front of him. This was not a date; more of a friendly meeting with one of his best female friends. She was a lovely thing, with more energy than what he thought she originally encased. Currently they were talking on their (technically) second encounter that was after their first which occurred in a dull event of business and politics. His grey eyes sparkled with amusement as he talked about Sara's first time of being more than drunk. She was wasted and ready to drive the town crazy with her babbles during that night.

"Did you know I counted how many times you stumbled during that night?" Kiefer grinned. He had no idea how many months have gone by but that night to date was already a blur. A grey blur that was full of emotion. Emotion like genuine concern and confusion that was most probably caused by the alcohol he had consumed. Alcohol had such a strong influence on him - most especially when he was stressed with life altogether. He leaned forward to take the cup of sweetened coffee in his hands. He brought it to his lips and sipped the right amount to let his insides heat a little more. This talk was really worth his time, even if what they were talking about was nothing as serious as Quidditch. He chuckled before saying, "God, I was joking there. But really, I would guess you fell around twenty times. Just sayin'." Kiefer was playing all casual, but his tone suggested the tease he was trying to express.

Sara had come to really enjoy Kiefer's company over the past few month. Usually, she'd be mortified by the way they'd become friends. She'd made an absolute fool of herself, flirted, and babbled, and worse, though she couldn't remember a lot of it. Still, he was something different. She felt very comfortable with him, and he never made too big of a deal about what had happened. However, that was their topic of conversation right now, as they sat in a little café. She really liked this place. She wrapped her fingers around the hot cappuccino she was drinking. She'd never liked them when she was younger, but she loved them now. Her fingers barely touched around the mug. She'd never liked her hands. Her fingers were just a few millimetres too short, and she'd always loved her Mother's long, piano fingers.

"No you did not!" she laughed at his comment. "I was drunk, for the first time ever; cut me some slack." she continued. the morning after had been hilarious. She'd woken up in a strange bed and freaked out a bit, not knowing where she was. She took a sip of her drink, loving the taste of the foam. She looked up at her companion, grey eyes meeting brown. "You know, I honestly don't remember. I think I made you dance at some point did I? Or tried to." It was strange for her, being responsible for her own actions, living alone. Sometimes, it was a bit overwhelming, it had been that night. "So, how are you?" she asked, leaning back in her chair and peering at him over her drink.

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