Open Down a rabbit hole

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Elvera had started reading an article in the prophet over dinner about a wizard in Cairo who had rebuilt an ancient magical instrument. this had lead her down the rabbit hole of artifacts and magic and alchemy and divination until she had ended up in the library in the restricted section taking a rather large and dusty book on death magic of ancient civilisations off the shelf. a topic that was never one she had been interested in, other than maybe a short amount of time after she had lost her grandmother. but she was just in that mood where one thing led to another and there she was in the library far later than susual, reading a book on magic that she probably should not be reading.
Gabrielle was in two minds about the restricted section. Knowledge in the hands of people who didn't respect the dangers was a powerful weapon indeed. She had been briefed on the basilisk debacle, of course. Teenage boys thought they were indestructible - pairing that with magic was just asking for trouble. But, by the same token, knowledge was meant to be shared. Learning waa supposed to be interesting, sometimes confronting, and something that spurred growth. Half the time students were already disinterested in learning the second they walked into the classrooms in firat year. She made a point of mentioning that she was happy to assist in additional research. Maybe she should blatantly tell her third and fourth years she'd get them into the restricted section if they wanted.

At least Gabrielle was old enough to not want to use any knowledge for anything more than sheer curiosity. Which sometimes was more nosiness than anything. A benevolent nosiness, she'd call it. Sometimes the company of research was plenty, but she did yearn to speak with more people who matched with her intellectually. She raised an eyebrow at the Divination teacher's reading material of choice, a smirk crossing her face. "Should I warn the third years of the dangers of Divination, or should I assume this is more a personal interest?"
Time had slipped away. And elvera was well and truly falling down the rabbit hole of questionably grey magic. It wasn’t like she was ever going to use it. She was older and wiser now. The last time she had used anything even remotely questionable she had been young and her grandma, the lady who had raised her, was dying. Had it worked. Sort of. But it had come at a huge cost to her.
this was different. This was just for interest sparked by a newspaper article. She hadn’t realised that she was not alone until she heard a voice. She looked up and saw Gabrielle standing near to her looking at what she was reading. She blushed slightly in the low light at having been caught. I keep my divination books in my office. This is more, not even personal interest. I go carried away she said closing the book. how are you? Looking for some interesting history facts for the first years?” she asked.
Gabrielle raised an eyebrow, but she certainly wasn't going to judge. From what she understood, Elvera had been at the school for a very long time and was well liked by students and professors alike. Divination had never been her own strong suit, but she had a respect for the subject matter. If she was looking in to questionable branches of magic, that was her prerogative to. Broadening her horizons and her mind was something Gabrielle approved of. "Oh, of course. I was thinking of going in to greater, graphic detail of the types of torture wizards and muggles used on each other in the leadup to the Statute of Secrecy and make it so they'll never keep their lunches down through a History class." She smirked, clearly joking as her voice dripped with sarcasm. "But I'd like to keep my job, so no. I'm just enjoying the broader variety of information." In her case, it was mostly that she just liked knowing things. "Do students often ask for access? Or were they warned off by the whole basilisk thing?"
Elvera listened as Gabrielle said that she lady was looking for information on witch burnings. It took a second to realised that she was joking. im sure they will love that. If you can put up with complaints form heads of house and parents. she said
She smiled as she said she was just browsing for her own information what kind of history are you interested in? she asked. She didn’t know the history professor well but she seemed very passionate about the subject and looking at revamping it which was good which as, ironically for history, was rather outdated.
she shook her head when asked about the restricted section not really. I have been teaching here for about twenty years and I have never been asked. At the moment I just have third and fourth years. But Even when I taught the whole course I was never asked. I think the basilisk has made the staff a little more cautious” she said.
((me? forgetting replies? it's more likely than you think))

Gabrielle realized she could be a little dry and deadpan at times, probably came from her time in the UK if anything. She wasn't quite as deadpan with the students but she tended to be a little sarcastic in her delivery. It probably didn't help her make connections, come to think of it. But it was a hard habit to break. "Hm, no I'd rather not. I couldn't have any more crying first years on my conscience." She hadn't actually made any students cry, as far as she knew. Maybe just get angry about exams or something like that. Her smile became more genuine at the quest. "Everything and anything. Modern especially. But I was planning at having a fresh look at old Enochian," she admitted, figuring there was no harm in mentioning as such. Demonology was such a fascinating aspect of witchcraft which ironically had come in to prominence from those out to eradicate magic users. "I'm not planning on teaching the students to consort with the devil, don't worry. Just deciding if there's anything I should say no to if any students do ask." She sighed a little at Elvera's comment. "You'd think there'd be a little more curiosity. Especially with a professor as well liked as I hear you are." There wasn't any malice in her words, she was simply stating it as a fact. She knew the students liked Professor Le Fey, and she knew they liked Professor Corrins. Both were very warm and friendly types who went above and beyond for students. Gabrielle had never exactly been described as friendly, but she was who she was.

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