Buck up!

Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara was glad she'd decided to make the trip to visit Keifer. She'd visit her parents at the same time, and it would be good to see them. She knew Kief wasn't in the best of places at the moment, and she felt it was her duty as a friend to be there. She'd sent him an owl to let him know she was coming, and was going to meet him for coffee. It felt good to be back on the northern hemisphere. She'd never get used to the backwards seasons down under, but hadn't been prepared for the cold at home. She was dressed warmly, which was a change and even more unusually; she was away from work. Usually, she'd spend her weekends training, or catching up on sleep. She was looking forward to getting all of Kiefer's news. Obviously he wouldn't be particularly happy in his personal life; since Ashfer was no more, but he was a quidditch player now; surely he was enjoying work at least. She was a bit apprehensive about this meeting. If Keifer were a girl; she'd know exactly how to comfort him. Cookie dough ice-cream and sad films, followed by a good cry. This was unknown territory. The last man she'd had to confront about his feelings had been her brother, and that had ended in a fight. She'd had to physically restrain Ryan to get him to confront his behaviour. She sent up a silent prayer that Kiefer would be easier to deal with.

She ducked into the café where she'd agreed to meet her friend, and took a seat by the window. Here, she could watch the other people there; families, couples. It wasn't too crowded, but Sara had always enjoyed people-watching. She could keep an eye out for Kiefer too. She informed the waiter who approached her that she was waiting for someone, and leaned back in her chair. She wondered idly what state Kiefer would be in. She'd only ever really known him to be cheerful. In truth, she felt sorry for her friend. He'd never met his girlfriend, or rather his ex-girlfriend, but no doubt the break-up was hurting him. Sara had no real experience of this. She'd only ever been in one relationship, and that was in Hogwarts; hardly mature or life-changing. She frowned, looking down at her hands. She was so absorbed in work, that she hardly allowed herself the option of meeting someone. Loving people, caring about people; just gave them the opportunity to hurt you, or for you to hurt them. She didn't want to experience either. Anyway, she knew she'd probably make a terrible girlfriend; she was always busy, and though that was partially her own fault, she couldn't see it changing in the immediate future. Pushing all thoughts of her own life from her mind, she decided to focus on Keifer today. He was the reason she was here after all. Fiddling with her hair, she gazed out the window, smiling at the grey of the sky. There was rain on the way. She'd always quite liked rain, running out to play when there were storms. Here parents would usher her into a hot bath, too amused to admonish her.
"Oh... f*cking hell," Kiefer swore in a murmur to himself as he slid on his fully shaded sunglasses on his nose. The sunglasses covered the majority of the area around his eyes and he was thankful no flash of the camera can see right through it. He was a mess by just looking at his eyes and they were not a pretty sight at the moment. The color its dark circles possessed was a nasty dark tinge that unattractively contrasted the fairness of his skin. He looked like he had not slept for days, which was untrue (seeing that he did sleep, but only for two hours or so), however the fact that he had been drowning himself in alcohol and cigarettes was something he could not deny. It was only this time he was getting out of his apartment for something besides from Quidditch practice and surprisingly, he was out to see a lady. This was not just any lady, but this was Sara Moon, a young woman whom he saved from humiliation many months before all of this. She offered to listen to him and he agreed, knowing that she wouldn't really give out these private pieces of information to the press for publishing. The cause of all his distressed actions was no other than Ashe Cavell and ever since they have drifted apart, the part-veela left a hole in his heart that nobody could ever fill. She was his golden gem that only he could have and when she slipped away from his fingers, he was obviously left to himself, devastated and clueless on how to move on. Sara though stated she was willing to give him some advice. Blindly, he agreed to meet her to ask just that.

The cafe they agreed to meet in was not too busy. The chatter was not reaching the walls and the people handling the shop were not hot on their steps. From the outside, Kiefer easily spotted the pretty and petite face of Sara, who was clad in an adorable muggle themed outfit. Kiefer waved at her weakly once his grey eyes met hers and when he entered the shop, he approached the table and took of his sunglasses for her to see his miserable state. "Sara!" He gave her a friendly hug and once he separated from her, he surveyed her casually. "Still looking amazing, I see. Good for you," Kief complimented with a wink that lacked its natural coyness he once had. He was definitely out of his game to be the playful guy since his spirits were lower than hell itself. "Have you ordered drinks? I've been living on drinks alone to keep me awake for the past... uh, few weeks? Or has it been months?" Kiefer trailed and threw her a sheepish smile. His memory was never useful when it came to remembering dates and when he forgot the special dates he had with Ashe, he knew he was putting himself in some sort of trouble. Thinking about her made him sad so he tried focusing on what he was doing now. "Sorry, can't remember. Anyway, how are you first? You must be doing good... You look it. Promise." Kiefer grinned at her and shrugged, because she did look great. Her frame had built up and he wondered what lifestyle she was living now at the moment.
Sara pulled her sleeves down to cover her hands, which were cold. She often had cold hands, and her mother had always told her it meant she had a warm heart. She smiled at the thought, rubbing her fingers against the wool. Looking out the window, she squinted as she saw someone approach the door. She wasn't sure if it was Kiefer, the rain made him blurry, but she was guessing it was him. As he entered, she could barely contain a shocked "Oh!" He did not look well, he looked so spent, so unhappy. She'd been prepared for bad of course, but it was weird to see him like this. She smiled at him quickly, hoping he hadn't seen the concern on her face. "Kiefer, it's great to see you." she exclaimed, rising to give him a hug. Sara smiled at him as they sat, grinning at the compliment. "I wish I could say the same. Kiefer, you look like you haven't slept in a week! You need caffeine." she replied, looking at the dark circles under his eyes. She couldn't help comparing him to the handsome, confident man she'd met only a short while ago. "Wasn't sure what to order, but we can get something now. Maybe you should have something to eat? A liquid diet can't be particularly filling." she answered him, catching the waiter's eye, who, to his credit; came over immediately. "I'll have a latté please. Kiefer?" she ordered, smiling distractedly at the waiter. She needed to find some way to help Kiefer. She, being the kind of girl she was, had no experience of this sort of heartbreak. In fact, she was almost jealous of Kiefer's ability to care so much that losing Ashe could send him into such a spiral. She'd gone a bit crazy before, but that had been about herself, and she sometimes worried that she'd always be alone.

Sara smiled slowly as Kiefer asked her about herself. For politeness' sake, she'd have to answer, but she was going to make sure he didn't avoid talking. "Good, working a lot. I don't really get out much, which isn't like I used to be at all. Still, I'm kept busy." She replied. "I have a partner in the office now, so the workload is more spread out. It's good." She added, leaning forward on her elbows. "How about you? I heard you're with the Wimbourne Wasps. Is it any distraction?" she asked, a crease forming between her eyebrows as she studied her companion. She just couldn't fathom how much he'd changed. How had one girl done this? "Kiefer, I'm so sorry." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. I mean, it was bad enough that he'd gone through a break-up, with a girl he clearly still loved, but the press were simply loving their new star's depression. It made for great reading, she supposed, but it wasn't particularly amusing when you knew the injured party. She couldn't imagine being under such scrutiny, but she also couldn't imagine being in that sort of pain. It wasn't that she was unfeeling; she cried at the drop of a hat, she spent hours imagining alternate routes her life could take. She just hadn't met someone she could care about that much, outside of her family. She idly wondered whether it was possible for this to be resolved happily. "Do you think there's any chance you two could patch things up?" she asked, hoping for a positive answer. Surely if her loved her this much, anything was possible.
Kiefer was more than glad that he met someone like Sara Moon even if their very first encounter was not the most ideal one. She was a caring individual and that nature of hers even reached out to him, even if he was across the globe or simply kilometers away from her. She was there for him and Kief knew it and if he were a girl, he would have immediately bawled in front of her. However it was not the case and Kiefer dared not to show any tears of emotional heartbreak. He was hurt, but allowing anyone to see so could draw attention and the last thing he wanted was his face splashed across the tabloids that wrote bullsh*t about his love life.

He sat down and the waiter immediately approached them, noticing the new company Sara had. Kiefer looked up and saw the waiter approach and when it was his turn to speak, he spoke quickly. "I'll have a latte too and two muffins." The waiter noted their orders and left, leaving the two of them alone in their own isolated world. Kiefer listened as Sara briefly shared about her working life as an auror in training and he smiled when he gathered she was doing well. Hearing one of his closest lady friends doing good felt good to know and Kiefer was as well interested in the aspects of an auror-in-training's life. He wanted to avoid the Ashe topic - but as always, tides were inevitable in the sea. Sara however, was game to be polite and just go along with the traditional formalities at the start. "Yeah, they're like the masters of the wind when they're on the Pitch." Kiefer grinned, remembering all the training sessions he would have with his team. "It's amazing I was accepted into the team. They teach all these techniques and stuff so I could improve as a beater. They're brilliant and good lord, I still can't believe I'm one of them now." Kiefer knew he was close to gushing about them like a fourteen year old schoolgirl but he did not mind. This topic was something he preferred than delving into his personal life. He loved the topic of Quidditch since the sport was his first love back when he was at the age of four or so. The sport was easy to say, but difficult to be put into action.

When the bubble broke, Kiefer met Sara's eyes warily when she suddenly apologized for what was happening to him. The inner turmoil that was caused by just one person was taking a great toll on him, starting from his emotional side until it reached Kiefer's physical side. "Don't be sorry about Ashe. Whatever comes, really goes." He had not spoken her name to anybody in a long time, and Sara was the first one to hear it from his lips in weeks. The part veela who broke Kiefer's heart was now doing her own thing, probably enjoying the company of much more enjoyable men who could thrill her more than he ever did. Kiefer was a naturally adventurous man, whose thirst for it never quenched. He did not know where he went wrong though with Ashe - perhaps it was simply the distance between them that allowed the two to finally break it off through owl post. "Truthfully, I don't know," Kiefer admitted with reluctance. "I don't think she'd even want me again. She deserves a better man out there who actually knows how to keep a long distance relationship. Guess I didn't make the cut, eh?" He laughed dryly, because for the better part of their relationship, he thought he they were doing great. Now it was over, he thought otherwise.
Sara couldn't help searching Kiefer's face for signs of sadness. It must be horrible; your private life spread across the tabloids. It made her angry, thinking that her friend was going through terrible pain, and some people simply saw that as an opportunity to sell a story. She just wanted to give him a hug, but knew better than that. If there were any chance of him breaking down, there'd be double the chance of photographs getting in the paper. "Part of me envies you, for love of the game, and part of me feels sorry for you, because the press are such A**holes." she smiled, glad to hear him happy as he spoke about Quidditch. Girls could be horrible. So many underestimated their ability to hurt, believing the myths that men didn't have feelings. Sara had never bought that, but perhaps that was due to her father. He'd been the emotional, soppy parent in their house; while their mother had been the realistic, solid one. Sara was more like her Dad, but she often found it hard to express her own emotions, while that had never been a problem for Thomas Moon.

She laughed at his enthusiasm. "I need to see one of your games. It's terrible! I haven't been to a single one yet." she replied, shaking her head. She was always so busy, and it was hard to make time for things, herself included. Kiefer was lucky; in one sense anyway, that he was doing what he loved. She'd never understand those who chose a profession they didn't love. She was constantly tired, and active, but she loved what she did. Pretty soon she'd be qualified, and it was an exciting prospect; maybe then she'd have time for a personal life. However, from a look at Kiefer, she wasn't sure whether she ever wanted to love anyone that much, when inevitably she'd just be heartbroken. Nobody escaped it. Her sister had met her soulmate at eleven, and had still had heartache. Sure, she'd been upset after she and Jake had broken up, but they were just kids, and she hadn't loved him; not really. She'd never loved anyone, and sometimes wondered if she was even capable of it.

Sara shook her head at Kiefer's comment. "You don't really believe that Kief; I don't believe it for a second. Not everyone leaves, and not everything ends." she replied, gazing at him in earnest, a soft smile gracing her lips. "But not everything lasts, that's true." She didn't know what she could do to help him, and she really wanted to help him. Kiefer's next comment made Sara frown, and her brow furrowed crossly. "Don't give me that self-deprecating rubbish Kief. She's not going to find a better man than you, because that's nigh on impossible, and it's her who gave up Kiefer; not you. She is the one who couldn't keep the relationship going, so don't you dare feel guilty about it, because-" she admonished, pointing at him with her pinky finger, and stopping as the waiter approached with their order. She thanked him, and after he'd left, turned back to Kiefer. She took a breath and continued "Because, you did nothing wrong." she finished, sipping her drink, her shoulders tensing with frustration; how could someone hurt someone else so much? "She's the one who should feel guilty, not you." she added, her eyes concerned. She wasn't about to let him wallow in despair, not when he was in the right. Kiefer Harris had looked after her when she was at her lowest, and she wasn't going to let some silly girl who didn't appreciate him destroy him. Her loyalty was unwavering, and if she ever met Ashe, she'd get a piece of the tiny brunette's mind.

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