Closed Back for Another Year

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
Leif was glad to be back at Hogwarts, even if he couldn’t believe that he was already in his fifth year at the school. The holidays had hardly been as fun as he had wanted them to be. His little sisters were getting older and had been less excited to hang out with their big brother. It was just the time at which the age gap between them was too big. Normally he wouldn’t have been bothered by it, not only because he was sure that they’d come around, but also because he would have Freya. But Freya wasn’t there this time, she had graduated and had started travelling around the country. Leif had been writing her, but it just wasn’t the same. He was happy she could finally do what she had wanted to do for a long time. He was just bummed that it had been at a time when he had needed her guidance the most.
The boy had made his way to the courtyard, as he was in desperate need of some fresh air after being packed in the great hall for the sorting ceremony. He also just needed a little time to get his thoughts in line. Over the course of the holidays the boy had realized that perhaps the feeling that he had for his best friend weren’t just feelings of friendship, that perhaps it was something more. So he had come to the realization that he, in fact, had a crush on his best friend and he didn’t know what to do with that information. His sister had written him to just tell her, to get it out of the way, but Leif had slightly resented her for taking it so lightly, especially since she wasn’t there. He also wasn’t sure whether that would be such a good idea, since he didn’t want things to get awkward between him and his friend. It was a funny thing really, because the boy was used to being confident but right now he felt far from it. So Leif made his way over to the side of the courtyard and crossed his arms as he leaned against one of the stone pillars, placing his gaze on the floor in front of him and completely zoned out whilst he was trying to get his thoughts back in order.
Therese had started with all and the lessons were on their way. She was busy with training for Quidditch and still liked to help more more and forgot about her homework and classes sometimes. It wasn't like she didn't thought it was important but she just liked helping people. Therese had spend a lot of time inside and it seemed like nice weather outside so the Swedish blonde went outside to catch some fresh air. Rory and she had ended things and she missed it sometimes, but she understood it also. She would always like him and care for him. He was a great friend of her and she still saw him that way. But he was just not her boyfriend and she was fine with that. She believed she could find some love and true love sometimes. Therese smiled as she felt the sun on her skin. Than she walked further itno the Courtyard and saw Leif sitting. He was still her best friend and she hadn't spoken him in a long time. But whenever she did it was fun. And she really liked her friend. '' Hi Leif!'' she said excited. The brunette went standing next to him. '' How are things?'' She asked them friendly. She was excited to catch up and perhaps do something fun together.
Leif had been completely lost in his thoughts about everything when he suddenly hear someone say his name. It was a voice he recognized immediately and he was both happy and nervous to hear that voice. “Hey!” The boy greeted his friend with a smile, trying to act as natural as he possibly could. He hadn’t really spoken to Therese for some time, and he still didn’t understand how or why that had happened. However, what’s in the past is in the past and he was honestly excited to see her again. He still considered the girl to be his best friend. Obviously his thoughts about her had changed and this was something that made him a little nervous, but he wasn’t going to just spit that out into the open right away. “I’m good.” Leif replied to her question. It was a short answer, but he didn’t know what else to say about that. “What about you?” He returned the question to her, honestly interested in how things were. “How’re things? How’s Quidditch?

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