Closed And so it begins!

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley let out a yawn as she picked up her steaming mug of tea to take a sip. It was their first day back, sorting and the start of year feast taking place the evening before. The professor looked out on the hall, taking in the students gathered eating their breakfast. The first meal of the day was dying down, the seats emptying quickly. She smiled as she put her mug back down and resumed eating. The professor glanced to the side. "The first years look like quite the eager bunch" she stated with a pleasant smile. "Can you pass the butter, please" she requested. The HoHs would be having a small chat before heading off for their lessons. They met every now and then for quick chats, exchanges of ideas, and the like.
Landon was always very happy to be back at Hogwarts for a new year. It was sad to see some of the older students leave last year, but the new first years definitely looked like a good bunch and he was looking forward to getting to know them all. He nodded at Cyndi's words as he took a mouthful of some pumpkin soup and looked over at the Hufflepuff table. It seemed that the first years were already making some friends, and the idea of that made him smile. "Oh. of course!" he exclaimed as Cyndi asked for the butter, placing down his spoon before reaching for it for her. He passed it over to her. "Do you have any plans this year for an interesting house meeting?" Landon often wondered what went through the other professor's heads and was keen to throw around some ideas if they needed it.
Another new year had come around in the blink of an eye, and every day Kahurangi couldn't help feeling time seemed to pass faster and faster. Somehow her oldest nephew was already a seventh year, and her daughter was painfully close to finishing at Kōhanga Reo and enrolling in her first Kura. It seemed that the next time she blinked she would be watching Hinemoa's own sorting. Thankfully that time was still a long way off, and for now she could focus on her own students.

As always, getting to know the new first years was a start of year priority, and she nodded with a smile as Cyndi commented much the same. "It's certainly going to be an interesting year." Her interest perked up as Landon mentioned house meetings, nodding. "I want to do something creative this year, take a break from the academics. I was thinking of a painting party or something along those lines."
Angel stretched from his spot at the staff table, glad all the students seemed too burnt out after a long night yesterday to be too rowdy this early. He half listened to the other heads of house as he picked at his breakfast, much preferring to eat later in the morning even if it meant he had to fend off his toast from the probing tentacles of the venomous tentacula in his office.

"I'm looking forward to another year with the house cup at least," he said smugly, leaning back in his chair and taking a long swig of his coffee. It had been a quiet sorting for Slytherin this year, but that just meant fewer names for Angel to memorize. "I always wonder if it's worth the effort of trying something "fun", I swear my kids will complain of anything short than me showering them in galleons and lifting their curfew," he said with a sigh, leaning forward to set his mug back down.
Professor Kingsley thanked Landon quietly as she spread some butter on her toast while she listened. She had a few ideas for the house meetings this year, but hadn't made any firm decisions. "That sounds fun, Kahurangi " she smiled. She let out a small chuckle at Angel's response. "I don't think I'll ever be able to top bringing a trampoline into the common room" she mused, "but I might go with a team building event to try to bring the Gryffindors together a bit. What about you, Landon?"

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