Open A Very Early Morning Study Sesh

Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (13)
Enoch's first semester at the school had not entirely gone to plan. He had been trying to keep straight O's and failed, there were elements of magic that he had just failed at, and he hadn't gotten on to the team. His dormmates also sucked, but that was less important to him. Everything else just hadn't gone well. He hadn't done well, and when he'd complained to his parents over the break about it, they had said that they'd sent letters, but he hadn't seen any changes, so they were lying. Or the letters had no effect. Enoch had had many a tantrum over it, and in the end, his father had been rude enough to suggest that he just work harder, as if he didn't work hard enough. He had no friends, had no spare time for all he was doing. But he took to heart what he had said, and woke up extra early and went straight to the library. Intending to study and work on his classes until breakfast. He had opted for the library since he was sure his stupid roommates would have problems with him studying.
Dante managed to keep his condition a secret from his family, which was great because Daemyn was a rock star, and his parents might flip out if they knew. He might have been on edge all first semester, but he was starting to ease up slightly. Plus, he had straight Os! Dante decided to research a bit about werewolves in the library, and grabbed a large amount of books that should be hard to carry long distances. That was why he set them down, hard, on a table where someone was studying. The blond wiped the small bead of sweat from his ordeal and looked to see who was at the table. Oh! It was his dormmate! Wait, with these books... Oh crap. Dante used his arm to hide most of the titles - albeit not well. "Uh, too early for you to be studying, isn't it?" Dante asked, not sure how he was going to worm his way out of this one. It wasn't like he made a good first impression with him, since Dante threw grapes at him.
Enoch didn't know what Dante was doing up, and far less what the boy was doing in the library at the exact same table as he was studying at. He glared at him and rolled his eyes. But his gaze settled upon the books the boy had placed down. "Doing a little project?" he asked, since clearly it was something that this boy didn't want him to see. "We're not due to learn about such things until we're in third year," he told him, with a very pompous air to his tone. It didn't matter that Enoch knew Dante had done better than him in classes, the boy was cheating, probably getting favouritism from something.
Dante thought that maybe he had gotten away with it, since he could work on a project, but then Enoch mentioned how they were not due to learn things until third year. His tone rubbed him the wrong way. He took his hand from the spines and folded his arms across his chest, and said in a very cool tone, "My sister was killed by a werewolf right before we came to school. Forgive me for wanting to learn about the thing that took her away." Dante knew that he was being cruel and doing this on purpose to make someone feel bad - using his pain to inflict more pain on someone else, but Dante really didn't like that arrogant tone from him. "Happy with the explanation or should I show you the obituary that was in the papers to prove it."
forgive me as I jump in to make your boys miserable with this horrible girl

Audrey was having a great time with classes. She was hungry to learn as much as she could and keep her mind active, as she had been incredibly bored in the leadup to Hogwarts. And sure, they weren't doing as much as she would have liked yet, but at least she was being challenged in a fun way. Transfiguration hadn't come as easily as she thought it might but that made it all the more interesting. But she had other classes to get stuck into for the new semester, and she'd found herself reading up on European witch hunts so she could really show off in History of Magic, when she overheard snippets of a conversation between two boys she recognised from some of her classes.

"Psht, do you really just stick to what they tell you to learn and don't read up on anything else? Boooooring," she rudely interrupted, giving the boy - Enoch, if she recalled correctly - a smug look. The other boy spoke up, and Audrey blinked for a moment...and nodded, assuming he was just pranking. "If you could pull out some photos I think that'd really sell it."
Enoch glanced at the girl who approached, rolling his eyes at her. But of course, it was what Dante said which had held his attention. There was a chance it was true, there was a chance that he was telling the truth, or that he was lying, attempting to just get a rise out of Enoch and this girl. Make them feel bad about it. "Prove it," he said with a little shrug, deciding that yes, he would like to see the obituary if the boy had it. If it were true and it had happened, he was still unlikely to feel bad about it. It wasn't like Dante was a friend or anything. He wasn't even alone in wanting to see it, if this girl was anything to go by.
Dante was not expecting anyone to just say to prove it, and when someone else came barging in just to verify it. He looked at the Ravenclaw and pointed out, "First of all, it is rude to eavesdrop." Dante did keep a copy of Varvara's obituary with him, mainly as a reminder of what he was still fighting for. He sighed and grabbed his bag. He reached into a small pocket and took out a folded piece of parchment and tossed it on the table. "There's your proof. So yeah, this is good reading material so I can better understand what it was that took my baby sister." What sort of monster it was, and see if he was stuck to doing the same thing night after night. "Which I dunno why I have to even prove anything. Or have anyone question my stuff. At least I get my work done on the first try so I have time to do things like this," Dante glowered at his peers, bragging in a manner that he had no idea might rub either of them the wrong way.
"Who's eavesdropping?" Audrey asked, as though she wasn't fully aware she was being nosy and listening in, something her parents often scolded her for. "It's the library and you're talking, 'snot like you're being all secret-y." She tried her best to maintain some sort of look of innocence, but it was hard for her to when she was a poor actress. It did mean that the glimmer in her eye and the smile faded when she saw what Dante posted. If this was a prank, he'd really gone the extra mile on it. Though Audrey had a distinct, nagging feeling that he wasn't joking. "Oh," she eventually uttered, giving him a look of confusion. "That sucks." She didn't really know what else to say, it wasn't like she knew him well enough to offer extensive sympathy, nor did she think it was what he wanted to hear anyway. "Well, yeah, it's not like any of the work's hard."
Enoch really hadn't expected the boy to actually pull out an article that supposedly backed up the story. He looked at the paper as it was shown to them. He couldn't quite read it from the angle he was looking at. But he felt maybe a little bad about it, it certainly felt like not something this boy would joke about. But then he had to take back any sympathy at what the boy said. it had not escaped his notice that Dante was doing better than he was. Seemingly didn't struggle as he did. He had no real idea about the girl, but he felt sure it had been a jab at him. "I don't believe you," he said with a shrug, trying to act a little braver than he felt in declaring that. He glanced between the two and the article. "I bet this isn't even your sister, just someone who shares the last name, and you just want it to be, to be interesting," he finished. He knew it was wrong to say all of it, knew that the surname Styx wasn't exactly that common, but it was early, he had just wanted to revise in peace, and he was more than willing to burn this bridge even more.
Dante did not expect sympathy. He would have waved it off. He put the article back in his bag, and then froze when Enoch said that it was not even his sister - just someone who shared a last name. There was not anything in there that mentioned him by name, but that rubbed Dante the wrong way. He picked up one of the bigger books that he grabbed from his stack. "Not my sister, you say," Dante murmured as he stared at the cover. The Ravenclaw girl was non-existent as he let his rage control his actions. "You know, these books have some hard hitting facts." Dante knew exactly what he was going to do, and he was not the first Styx to pull this - with his Gryffindor uncle doing this a long time ago. He might not be that strong, but he swung the book right at Enoch's smug face. Even if the expression was not smug, to Dante, it was. He saw the Slytherin mocking him, mocking his sister, and smirking. It was all in his head though.
It was times like these Audrey wished she had an enchanted bucket of popcorn. She could see that something was about to blow, and casually stepped back. But rather than trying to stop them, or get a staff member, or anything like that, she simply watched. It wasn't like it was her fight, though she hadn't exactly made it any better (she hadn't made it worse, though). "Ooh, with the one-liner too? I like your style," Audrey said, as though she hadn't just seen him swing a book at the other boy. It definitely didn't seem like he was lying about it, or if he was, he was really, really committed to the bit.
Enoch knew it was probably the wrong thing to say, the wrong thing to do, but he just couldn't stop himself. Dante was such a pompous git. Enoch didn't however expect the book to come flying towards him, hitting him square in the face, the corner of the book cutting his cheek, the force of it hitting his face cause his nose to bleed. He didn't even hesitate, he went to vault over the desk and tackle Dante to the ground. He knew fighting was bad, but he also in that moment did not care. Enoch just needed to hit something.
Dante smirked as the book connected, and he dropped it to the floor. That would show him! Even the girl liked his style. He gave her a proud smile, which left him open for when Enoch full on tackled him, sending the two to the floor. Now, he didn't practice martial arts like some of his brothers, so he got his a** handed to him on many occasions. But that didn't mean that he would back down either. So, the Slytherin fought. He used his fists and legs to do whatever possible to get the boy off, and deal some hurt at the same time. He didn't care how much he was hit since he could not block. He didn't even pay attention to see if any of his bite marks were visible on his calf.
Did she have a camera? Audrey stepped back, giving the two boys some space to hash it out, as she dug through her bag for a camera. She had an old hand me down from Dion, she knew, but whether she'd brought it with her was another matter. It wasn't like she was actually going to do anything with a picture, of course, it was more for her personal amusement. And maybe to have the upper hand if either of them took anything out on her. She wished she could at least conjure up some popcorn, but she had to make do with a half eaten Honeydukes chocolate bar. She ducked behind a shelf, peering intently between books as she chewed on her chocolate to stifle her giggles. Boys were so weird sometimes. It looked like Dante was no stranger to fighting, either. Maybe he'd fought off a werewolf and that's why he was looking them up? No, that was ridiculous, even by her standards.
Lucy, who had been quietly studying away in a corner further away, became alarmed when she realised fighting was actually going on. She closed her book and rushed over, watching the two boys on the ground. She had tried hard not to eavesdrop, but had a sort of inkling what the fight was about and felt a stab of sympathy but also guilt that she'd listened in. Lucy was surprised to see Audrey simply standing there, trying to get something out of her bag. Lucy looked over at Audrey in a semi-panicked state. "Shouldn't we try and stop them?" she said to Audrey. She didn't really know how to go about it. Lucy didn't know the two boys very well and wasn't about to get in between the pair and risk getting hurt herself.
Audrey was surprised to see Lucy, but she tilted her head in confusion at her comment. Sure, Audrey did actually have an understanding of right and wrong, and knew that theoretically the right thing to do was to try and stop the two from fighting. But she also had enough sense to know that getting in the middle of that was a bad idea, and she'd already overstepped by overhearing and waltzing in. "I don't want to get hit, do you?" she asked, blinking a couple of times. She turned back to the boys, shaking her head and shrugging. "I could throw a glitterbomb, I guess, but that could damage library books then I'll be the one in big trouble. No, thank you! Annnnnd we'll probably get busted if we stun them. Maybe this is something boys just do?" She could kind of see Dion getting into silly fights like this, or maybe Oz kicking someone's shins, but didn't have much other frame of reference.
Lucy nodded at Audrey's reasoning. Maybe they should try and separate them, maybe that was what was right, but practically it in all likelihood meant getting hurt as well. Lucy wasn't keen on getting hurt - she'd just come to the library to catch up on some study. She hadn't expected anything like this. Lucy wondered if they should call for a teacher - but didn't that make her a snitch? She didn't want to be a snitch. "I guess you're right," she said, watching the pair fight on the floor. "I don't want to get hurt or get in trouble." She still had an inkling that they should do something - but she couldn't think of what. "Maybe it is just a boy thing. Maybe they just need to get it out of their system." Lucy said the words but didn't quite believe them. But surely the two boys would stop soon. Surely it wouldn't escalate. Surely.
Professor Misha Haden enjoyed early morning patrols, the kids tended to be asleep and therefore unlikely to be causing too much trouble. There were fewer people out and about early in the day looking for trouble. But it seemed that wouldn't be the case in the library. He'd detoured to pick up a book and heard the commotion in the aisle next to him. He walked there and spotted two boys fighting and two girls stood at the side. "Boys!" he raised his voice enough to get the attention and hopefully stop this before someone got badly hurt.
Enoch was trying to hold his own in this scuffle with Dante. But hearing the professor caused Enoch to immediately let go and step back. His face was bruised from where the book had hit, and his quiet, early morning study session had been completely ruined. Completely and utterly ruined. He looked to the professor who had stopped them, and then at the ground underneath him.
Dante hated it when he wasn't the clear winner in a fight that was not against his siblings. A voice that did not sound like a student made Enoch stop, as well as Dante. Dante did not come out without marks himself, but he got up and glared at the other first year. He remained quiet since he didn't trust that his own mouth would cause him more trouble. After all, he did throw the first punch - though technically, it was a book. At least Enoch had that little reminder.

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