A last little chat before the new Term

Taylor Blare-Edogawa

mama; mrs conan edogawa; ...9?
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Mahogany Wand 14 inches Essence of Unicorn Hair
Taylor Blare yawned as she trudged into the Library. She had finally finished all her exams, her classes were over and she now had alittle time to herself before the end of the school year. She hadn't really slept much during her time between exams and classes and she could only be thankful that she would now have alittle more then three months to recuperate for the next year. She had enjoyed herself throughout this year, being on the Gryffindor Quidditchm team and in classes, the muggle sports club had also been fun. She smiled as she thought about playing soccer on the grounds with some of the others. She was quite good at Soccer, she played it all the time at her mugle school and she was even in a club near her home. Of course she never got to play in any of the league games anymore on account of being away all the time, but she didn't mind all that much, Quidditch was ten times as fun as Soccer. She liked the feel of the air as it whipped through her hair as she sped around the pitch. Infact, Taylor had given serious thought to going professional after school. She rather liked playing the game and she wouldn't mind the fame that came with it. Professional Quidditch players were the cream of the crop. Even though she had originally thought about following in either her mother's or father's footsteps and becoming either an Auror or a Healer, she had finally decided that Professional Quidditch player was more for her personality.

Sitting in one of the many armchairs across for the desks, Taylor pulled out a Quidditch book and started to flick through it. The particular book she was reading had the entire history of Quidditch. She really rather did like to study. It surprised her to think about it but she had awakened to the beauty of a book not too long ago. She shook her head and turned to the next page. If she concentrated hard enough she would be able to read the book in its entirety in a few hours. That would be fun.
Conan Edogawa was not a good student at all. He missed classes just because he didn't want to attend class. One year he was one of the student's with complete attendance in class, the next year, he was a student who didn't attend even a single class. Not only that, he never talked to any of his friends yet. Maybe except for one. But aside from that, he hasn't seen anyone else. Yesterday, it was a pretty good thing that he decided to fix up his one whole year of a mess room, and there, he found the books he borrowed from the library the past year and he never had the energy to return them. Well, since he just cleaned his room up, he decided to just return the books so they will not add up to the mess, after all, it is already near the end of the school year.

Conan sure was glad that not many students now looked his way because of his change of fashion. During the past, he would just wear simple clothing or plain clothes, but now, he heard whispers from the common room that he looked like a gangster from an alley or just a bad boy from some other school. Well, maybe they got used to it already. He entered the library bringing about seven books with him, and since they were of different genres, he was too lazy to bring them back to their shelves. He approached a table with a girl reading a book, he didn't recognize her since her face was partly covered. He dropped the books on the table and wasn't about to care about the girl's reaction. "Who cares? I don't know her anyway," he said on his mind as he turned around and planned to leave the library almost immediately.

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