a giant surprise party

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
43 (2/2013)
Briar headed off to a classroom that she knew was not used for classes. today was her sisters Birthday and she had been arranging a surprise party. hovering besides her were a few trays of food, pies, sandwiches, a couple of pizzas cut up, cakes, sweets, fruit slices, and most importantly a large birthday cake with a huge 17 on the top. she had been arranging this for a couple of weeks, and had managed to manipulate the patrol time table that she, Madlyn and all her sisters friends who were prefects were not on patrol that afternoon or evening, instead there were other students doing it. except for madlyn was written down on the list as patrolling the third floor. you see Briars plan was, once she had finished setting everything up and everyone had arrived lure her down to the classroom.
she set the food on a couple of tables and set the rest to stack in one corner. then she took come balloons out of her bag and some streamers and set them inflating and hanging themselves up. she had been talking to some of the other students as to what a proper birthday party should have and these had been the answers she had gotten. once things were set up she waited for people to arrive before going to get her sister.
Sara had recieved her invitation that morning. She didn't really know Madlyn very well, but she'd quickly sent Shad eout to get a present for her-the girl had really cheered her up after the whole Rumour Has It episode. She'd still been hurting over Michael's death, evn now, if she thought about him she felt like crying. Madlyn had really helped her, and she appreciated it. She smoothed her dress as she was approaching the Abandoned classroom. She remembered having Roze's birthdya here in First Year. Those were better times, in many ways, but after having years of wishing she could go back, Sara was completely content with where she was. She really liked her dress. Her style had changed a lot recently. She used to be more into crazy outfits, but at the moment, she was going for more of a tailored, girlish look.

She slowly opened the door, and saw Briar Rowan there. She was Madlyn's sister-and she'd organised the party. Thankfully, Briar had been able to juggle the roster, and Sara had been able to come to the party. "Hey Briar!" she smiled, the box holding her present in her hand. "Thanks for inviting me!" she grinned, placing her present on a table. "Anything I can do to help?" she asked, a small smile playing on her lips as she saw the balloons fill of their own accord. even now, after five years-magic still made her happy.
Kate made her way to the second floor corridor which was covered in abandoned classroom.She had received an invitation this morning to Madlyn surprise birthday party.She didn't know Madlyn that well,she had talked to her a few times but she seemed nice.Kate had never known Briar and she were sisters until the Halloween feast when she had joined the two for the celebration.She hadn't said anything at the time.She was glad none the less to be going to the party.She had never been to a surprise party before and she was rather excited.She didn't know anyone else who would be going,she may meet some new people at the event.Due to her not being completely comfortable with her weight yet,Kate had played it safe with jeans,a nice top and wedges.She thought it was quite a nice outfit and it wasn't too casual or dressy so what ever the dress code she would fit in.The only other party she had been at was Roze's in first year.That hadn't turned out very well because Roze had forgot to come.Kate had had many different friends then.Alexia had been her best friend but she had soon left and Kate hadn't seen her since.

Since Kate didn't know Madlyn very well she hadn't been exactly sure what to get her as a birthday present so she had decided to make her awesome cup-cakes as a present.She hoped she liked cup-cakes though.It was her present to the girl and she hoped she enjoyed them.She had spent ages making the cupcakes it was literally all she had been doing since she decided on the present.It had taken a few times to get everything right but when the help of the elves and her perseverance,she had managed to get the perfect.She careful held the tray with one hand as she opened the door.She walked in slowly watching the cupcakes and when she had finally closed the door she looked up. "Hey Guys"She said smiling.Briar and Sara were already here,the place looked lovely and there was a wonderful cake on the table.Her poor cupcakes didn't stand a chance.Oh well it was the thought that counted. "Thanks for the invite"She said grinning before walking over and placing her cupcakes carefully on the table. "The place looks lovely,need any help?"She asked Briar
Briar heard the door open behind her and turned around quickly a mad thought telling her it was Madlyn. thankfully it was one of the fifth years she had invited, Sara. she looked pretty in her dress, it made her feel a little underdressed in her normal wolf singlet and shorts but she couldn't dress up as didn't really enjoy dressing up an even if she did she had to convince madlyn that there was a problem in the classroom that she needed help sorting out. "Hey Sara, I'm glad that you could come." she said sending a streamer up with a charm. once they were firmly in place she looked back around. "I am just glad you could come, the more people the better" she said picking up a sneaky party pie from a plate and winking at the girl in a 'I'm hungry, don't tell' sort of way. however just as she took a bite the door opened again. and in cake Kate, a girl she knew from both the quidditch pitch and the halloween feast. "hey Kate. Those cup cakes look delicious" she said as the girl placed them on the table. as both of the girls offered to help she shrugged, "to be honest I don't know much about parties so i don't know what needs doing." she said looking around and realised that there was something missing "I will be back in a second" she said as she left the room. she headed down the corridor into a room that she knew madlyn wouldn't be able to enter which is why she left the drinks in there ,it was close and unfindable other than by about five people, three of which were professors. she picked up a present inside it was a box their other sister aspen had made, and she had charmed to be able to hold a lot more things than it looked like it should be able too, there was also a smaller gift wrapped the same containing a necklace. briar then charmed a different box that contained several bottles of drink, pumpkin juice, soda, and butter beer to hover. she the headed back to the classroom, "the drinks would be useful don't you think" she said setting the gift down a table before unpacking the bottles.once she was done she looked around. "is there anything else that needs doing?" she asked, in all honesty she had not been to many parties so now she was organising one she didn't know what needed doing.
Minoas was surprised to see his little owl, Glauce, flying his way while he was enjoying his breakfast that morning.
There were specific days that he was receiving letters from family and it wasn't one of those days that day. As he was unwrapping the envelope from the owls leg, he tried to remember if he had subscribed to any magazine or newspapers, something that could explain that unexpected mail.

Maybe it's about the try-outs! h thought excitedly and tore the paper to take out the note. It proved to be an invitation to Madlyn's seventeenth birthday. Briar was up to something, preparing something special for her sister's birthday. He read through it, a little bit gloomily as it reminded him that his birthday were always during holidays and he hadn't yet the chance to celebrate them with friends. His smile returned back on his face when he thought of the gift he had chosen for her. It was resting in his trunk, in the dormitories and for the past few days it had caused nervousness to his roomates but he knew that Madlyn would really appreciate it. He grimaced once more when he left the table and headed to his classes. He had a rather long day but the party was going to make up for it.

When his last, afternoon class was over, he rushed back to the common room, dressed up appropriately for the event and took out of his trunk a titanium box at the size of his palm. The little box quavered a little bit but Minoas ignored the unusual reaction of the small box and left the common room for the abandoned classroom, where the surprise party was going to take place. It took him a little bit more time than he expected. He made sure that he wasn't going to run into any professor. He wasn't sure if the content of his box was actually legal but it was safe for sure.

He knocked softly the door before opening it, hoping that he wasn't too late and that Madlyn hadn't shown up.
Fortunately, only the host of the night was there along with two more girls. Minoas recognised the one of them. It was Kate the fragile Hufflepuff Chaser. He had seen the other girl as well but he hadn't really talked with her. He looked a lot with Kate. Maybe they were related in some way. "Good evening everyone!" he greeted them all, try to limit the box's wild movements in his palm. Everything looked set and ready. "Great job!" he praised Briar's preparation for the party. "I think the only thing needed is some music but let's not attract too much attention." he said and had the look at the birthday cake. "Let's hid in the dark when she comes and surprise her." he suggested.
Andy wasn't sure why he was doing this, it was very silly. Andy had never been invited to a surprise birthday, and he could tell wwhy, obviously it was because he had never been able to handle surprises, they were horrible.He walked towards the destination of tthe surprise party, because he didn't want to be late, just in case everyone jumped out at him instead. He looked at the door and sighed slightly, hopefully the spirits were with him today. He opened the door quietly and peered inside, there were four people that he could see, but he only really knew one, which was Kate. The other three he had never rreally met on a personal level before, not that Andy was anything similar to a social butterfly. He walked inside and allowed the door to close behind him and looked around. ''Hello...'' he said quietly. Now he felt like lleaving. Really, really badly. But unfortunately it was too late for that, he he'd have to get through the party, it didn't sound too hard, and everything didn't seem too scary. He'd just have to watch himself when the whole surprise part of surprise birthdays happened. Andy wasn't exactly sure why all the things, like the cake, in the room were to big, and thep balloons were worrying, but Andy had never rereally celebrated birthdays before, though he knew that presents werewere heavily involved, and so he got his cousin to pick something ouout, Hazel was good at that sort of stuff, and she was a girl. He held the gift, it wwas just a simple dolphin necklace, bbut dolphins were a sign of protection and good luck. "Is there anytanything I can do?"
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's bad, not feeling the best today.

Kate had missed parties.They never really had them at home anymore because all the Moon's birthdays were during the school year so they could never go home and have a party.She remembered having one or two parties here in Hogwarts,the best would have to be Tara.It was so much fun through paint at each other.It was definitely something she would incorporate in the next party she had,when ever that would be.She wasn't sure she would have a birthday party this year.Just too much had happened and all she would think about what that Stefan wasn't there.Everyone seemed to have disappeared though she had managed to make a few new friends.Sammy probably being the closest but his sister didn't like her.Blamed her for everything that had happened which was true in a way but Kate still thought it was unfair to lay the blame on her.How she wished RHI had never existed.She wished she had never been mentioned in that stupid magazine.But what was done was done and she was just going to have to get over it and continue living her life and move on from all that had happened.Now she must focus on the good things in life and her family and friends.She would really have to figure out the Ryan problem.When that was fixed everything in terms of family life should slot into place.School life would take a while longer though. Kate smiled "Thanks"She said looking around the room.It looked really nice and she had to hand it to Briar.When Briar left the room,Kate got some balloons and started blowing into one,but after only one balloon she felt light headed and she decided unless she wanted to faint she should probably out up streamers instead of blowing up balloons.She used the simple levitating charm to raise them up.By the time Briar was back,Kate had further sprinkled the place with streamers and the place did looks quite nice.Kate grinned "Kinda"She said putting up the last streamer. "I don't think anything else needs to be done except wait for everyone else and Madlyn"Kate said looking around.Soon they were joined by Minoas "Hey Minoas"She said giving him a small wave and smile.Kate agreed music would be nice but that would be giving their position away. "Good idea"She said smiling,soon they were joined by Andy. "Hey Andy"she said smiling and giving him a small wave.So far she knew everyone here. "I don't think so,I think every thing is finished,what do you think guys?"she asked
Sara smiled as she saw her sister enter. She didn't know that Kate had known Madlyn, but it was good that she'd know at least one person here. She laughed as Briar stol a pie, she hadn;t been sure what to get Madlyn, but sh ewas happy with the end result, however, she wasn't planning on giving any hints as to what it was; "Tut tut Briar." she joked; "Not a very good example to be giving to a young and impressionable student such as me." she winked to show she was joking, and began setting out napkins on plates, the cake looked delicious, but they had to eat it off something. She smiled as Briar fled the room. She was a lovely girl, really energetic. She remembered the day Briar's secret had come out, her and Georgiana Night had been there, and it had been terrible, then Rumour Has It had a go at her too. It was amazing how she just disregarded it all. Sara really looked up to her, and she was a Great Head Girl, and refreshingly mischeivous, compared to past Head students.

The next person to arrive was Minoas Stratis, sadly she only knew his name from RHI, but she'd seen him on the quidditch pitch. she couldn't be sure why, but he really reminded her of a friend she'd had in First year-Gilbert Williams. She nodded at his recomendation of music; "Yeah, that makes sense." she agreed; "I could go and get my guitar if you want..." she suggested, leaving it hanging open, since elctrical devices wouldn't work, they might have to opt for live music. The next boy who arrived, she ddin't know. she'd seen him around the school but didn't know his name; "Hi-i'm Sara." she greeted, waving from across the room, and beginning to blow up balloons, as Kate had moved onto streamers. "Yeah, it looks great!" she agreed, between puffs.
OOCOut of Character:
refreshingly mischievous, I love it :p

briar smiled impishly was Sara laughed. before fnishing the small pie in one more mouthful. "I am sure you ahve many more people to give you a good impression not just me, and you need to break the rules a little right, though as headgirl I guess i am not meant to say that either" she said the joking tone still playing through. just then kate accepted the compliment she had paid her. "they really do look delicious" she said before she got the drinks.
as soon as she was back she noticd that there were more streamers and balloons up "that looks great, I think that the room is more or less done, we just need to wait for people." she said. the moment the last word left her mouth the door opened again and her younger brother waked in. "Hey Minoas, I'm glad you came. you need a bit of fun sometimes" she said glad that he had taken the night off from his constant study and making of spells to have some fun. when he mentioned music she put her hand to her face. "I knew I would forget something" she said the thought of music hadn't crossed her mind. was music really necessary for the party? when Sara offered to get the guitar she shrugged. you can if you want, Its up to you. If you do go though Madlyn is on a patrol upstairs so watch out" she said giving her a little warning. Just then the door opened again and someone else came in. It was Andy. to be honest Briar hadn't expected him to come as it was after she sent the letter that she remembered what the boy was known for. "Hello andy. I'm glad that you came, I'm Briar, this is Sara, Kate and Minoas" she said softly so as not to surprise him into fainting. "I think we are just about done, though we will jut wait a few minutes to see if anyone else comes before I go and fetch Madlyn" she said.
OOCOut of Character:
If you can think of anyone else to invite please do. the more the merrier. next post I will probably go and fetch madlyn"
Minoas grimaced slightly when Briar suggested that he should have fun more often. "What do you mean by that?" he raised an eyebrow in his attempt to act offended but then his face split into a wide smile. "No offence wolfsbane but if you were doing a good job patrolling the corridors, you would have bumped into me thousand of times." he teased the head girl, suggesting that he was still having some of his midnight excursions. They weren't that many like the previous years but they still existed.

He nodded a couple of times to show his approval for the idea about the guitar. "A guitar would be quite a good idea. Not that loud and it could accompany our out of tune voices so that Madlyn's ears won't bleed while we will be braying to her 'happy birthday'." he joked, not really knowing if the people inside the room were able to sing well or not. He could have brought his own guitar but he had forgot it back home before returning back from holidays. Music had dropped to a second place while he had classes and other things to do.

Apart from the older Ravenclaw girl that he had just got acquainted with her, there was another guy, another Ravenclaw. He looked like he was ready to collapse and pass out by any moment. That made him wonder how an earth a guy like him would know such a dynamic person like Madlyn. "Hi! I'm Minoas." he introduced himself after Briar did so. The little box in his grip vibrated violently as the bound sound of flames came out of it.
"Madlyn's present wants to meet her!" he pointed out at the titanium box that was hardly staying in his palm.
Call him selfish, or a sourpuss, but Andy didn't like parties already. It wasn't that the people were horrible, though he did get the feeling that they questioned whether he would be able to stay conscious throughout this whole thing, even he wasn't entirely confident in himself and his ability to not get scared by this whole ordeal. Andy looked at the balloons cautiously and decided to take a well thought out and educated step away from them, before one popped next to him and sent him into an attack or something. Andy nodded again to Kate, she was probably the first person he had ever met, that did not make him feel like dying inside, though in the first five minutes, Andy felt like fainting, but that slowly went away. Very, very slowly. He then smiled very slightly at the Ravenclaw Prefect he only knew as Sara. Andy wasn't a very sociable person, but he did try to keep up with the school prefects and head students. When Briar, and Minoas introduced themselves, Andy nodded at them too. Atleast he wasn't in a room of huggers, that was nice, since Andy and huggers didn't really go too well, since the last hug Andy received made him faint, and earnt him a part of RHI, not something the timid Ravenclaw wanted to re-visit. EVER. "Everything looks... nice." He commented. Though Andy wasn't one for balloons, food, people, parties or streamers, he was sure everyone else liked all of this... very dangerous and faint inducing stuff. But since Andy seemed to have a totally different sense of anything, compared to Madlyn, he was sure she would love all of this stuff. "I'm sure Madlyn will like all of this." He added, taking a seat carefully since he was feeling a little over-whelmed.
Kate wasn't really in the party mood.Certain events lately and over a long period of time had just drained her.She found that she was quite tired all the time and sometimes she was just fed up with the world.It didn't happen often,usually she forced all the bitterness that sometimes came through the surface and forced it all back down by being with friends and forgetting everything that had happened but sometimes when she was by herself or lying in bad everything would just come flooding back.It was like when she was down in the dungeons,that had released all the emotions caught up in her system and had relieved a lot of the pressure but there was always something still there,dampening her mood.She just wanted it to go away,sometimes she just wished everything was back to normal.She wished she had never become a witch and that she had never gone to Hogwarts.It was rare when she thought these kinda things but for some reason they were all coming back to her now which she didn't want to ruin Madlyn's party with her own problems. "I can do some singing too"She suggested.Singing a few songs might help her get into the mood.Singing usually made her feel better anyways.The place did look lovely and even though she wasn't feeling the best she was looking forward to seeing the surprise on Madlyn's face.She was lucky to have a sister like Briar and she was sure it was the same the other way around.Kate looked curiously at the little box Minoas was holding "Certainly jumpy"She said grinning.Whatever the present was,it was gonna be interesting.Kate looked at poor Andy.She felt so sorry for him.It must be horrible to be scared of everything.You could never live life to the full that way,she hoped one day he would get over at least one or two of them.She walked over and sat beside him "How you feeling?"She whispered to him,smiling
Humming the happy birthday song already, the Gryffindor came with an idea.
"I'll be right back!" he said and left the room, taking as well the little box with him. He used a series of secret passageways to reach the seventh floor and avoid Madlyn's patrol. Thankfully the Gryffindor common room wasn't really crowded and he wasn't going to draw unwanted attention. A few minutes later the fat lady was watching him leaving the common room with a firework kit in his hands. He used the same route to return back to the second floor and checked twice over his shoulder for anyone watching him before entering again inside the abandoned room.

"Ta-da!" he chimed as he showed to everybody the kit. He found an empty space on one of the tables and placed their the kit and the titanium box of his present. "Don't worry. We are only going to use confetti shooters for this event!" he said and took out of the replete kit half a dozen of confetti shooters. He took one of them, the rest placed them on the table for anyone to grab one. "Let's make it as memorable as possible." he said and pushed the kit under the table, taking back in his palm the mysterious gift. "I would say burning." he grinned back to Kate, giving a hint. "When our half-giant friend is going to crush the party?" he asked in a jolly mood. It was a long time since the last he had fun. It was the moment to enjoy it.
Sara laughed quietly at Briar's response-she really did like the older girl, and thankfully, there were three other quidditch players here-so they couldn't run out of things to talk about. She nodded, looking around the room-it looked great; "How are you goin to lure Madlyn into our trap?" she asked, rasing an eyebrow jokingly, as Minoas entered the room. She'd never spoken to him before, but he was great on the pitch. She nodded as Briar warned her about Madlyn; "How about this?" she asked, walking over to the window, if she went to Ravenclaw's Common Room, she probably wouldn't be back when Madlyn arrived, so she opened the window and leaned out. It had been in this room that she'd first met Stefan-a boy who was now one of her best friends....No, she refused to let herself think of that-thinking of Stefan only upset her, and made her worried. "Accio Sara's guitar." she intoned quietly, leaning out of the window, her wand held aloft, she quickly looked upwards to see it flying in her direction. She had only to put out her arms and catch it, which she did, but forgetting that she was balancing on a windosill, she fell backwards into the room. Her back twinged slightly, but she was fine and imagining how she must look, she burst out laughing. "Oh God-don't tell Jeremy-I might get in trouble for risking my quidditch playing ability!" she laughed, still lying on the ground. She took a moment to compose herself before rising, then she placed her guitar in the corner. "There we go-that's sorted." she smiled, clapping her hands together.

She'd barely noticed that Minoas was gone, but she looked around and realised that he wasn't there. Kate was talking to the blonde boy, who looked a bit faint-she'd read about him in RHI-who could blame him for not liking crowds, when some people in the school had been so mean to him. She stood around aimlessly for a few seconds before moving over to Briar; "So-any idea about what you're going to do after Hogwarts?" she asked curiously, she couldn't imagine not being in school anymore. Suddenly, Minoas arrived once more; "Cool!" she exclaimed, looking at the kit, and taking a confetti shooter. she smiled misheivously-she'd always liked confetti shooters, her and Ryan used to shoot them at each other when they were younger.
Briar looked around at the part. she was pretty sure no one else was going to arrive. but she gave it a couple of minutes as Minoas ran out to get something. when minoas sad that she wasn't doing a good job patrolling the corridors she smiled secretly. she knew that her brother was still heading out on adventures but she was trying to avoid him when on patrol as she knew if she found him she would have to turn him in. and she wanted to stand by her brother so she just stayed out of the way. but she didn't tell anyone that. "you must keep missing me" she said not going into any more depth than that. then Andys scared little voice murmur. "thank you andy. I hope she will." she said as the others started talking about music. and minoas disappeared "be careful if i am right she should be patrolling the floor above us, but you could take the passage behind the tapestry in order to miss her." she called after her brother, though she was pretty sure he would know about the tapestry. "great Idea, Kate. singing would be great" she said to Kate's suggestion. though she would leave the music to the girls and Minoas as she didnt know much about it.
She watched Sara try and summon her guitar, she was surprised how well it worked to be honest. she knew she summoned her broom from the grounds, but something felt different between a guitar and a broom. so her the broom was alive almost like a bird where as a guitar was just an instrument. "Are you okay? she asked before complimenting her. "Nice work, don't worry I won't tell jeremy." she said she hadn't even thought about it. the ravenclaw quidditch team wasn't any of her business until they were facing each other on the pitch, then it was all her business. once Sara was comfortably back on her feet she answered her question from earlier. "I made sure she is on patrol and am going to tell her that there is trouble in here and ask if she can help." she said. It was a simple plan but hopefully she would be able to pull it off convincingly. the next question caused her to smile. "I am going to play quidditch" she said simply as Minoas returned with some confetti shooters. "awesome Idea bro" she said as he set them up. she made her way to the door. "I think I shall get her now. everyone ready? she said before slipping out.
she made her way up the stairs to where Madlyn was on patrol. she paused half way up the stairs trying to get into the right mind frame and not the party mood. frantically she ran up the stairs and along the corridor until she found madlyn. "Madlyn thank goodness I found you here. I need your hand. theres some trouble downstairs and I need help to sort it out." she said stopping next to her sister. "quick" she said making her way back along the corridor towards the classroom.
Madlyn moved around the corridors, doing what was needed to be done when one was on patrol. Lately these past few days she's stopped several fights before they got worst and caught a few younger students from sneaking out of their classroom, she's been pretty much busy but she didn't mind it at all. She like keeping on task and assisting those who needed her help sometimes. Madlyn walked around aimlessly however bored out of her mind, the corridors have been quite emptied the past hours. Madlyn sauntered around, looking for something to do, it so happen that Briar was around, or good someone she can talk until her shift here was over. Her sister saved her out of boredom, not only that she gave her something to do. "Hey Briar, what is it?!" she went with the girl, following behind. She was expecting to find some students getting into trouble or something. Instead she walked into the classroom, where she was lead inside to a surprised party? Madlyn looked around confused, oh right my birthday?! My birthday party, Madlyn looked down at Briar arching her brow, giving her that explained yourself look. "Oh wow you guys!" she drop her suspicious and clapped her mouth closed, it was such an awesome surprise, she thought it was nice of all of them, even Andy to come here and throw a wonderful get together.
As soon as the door opened and Briar returned with Madlyn, Minoas pulled the spring and with a popping sound, the shooter ejected shiny confetti into the air. The same did the rest of the attendees that had taken as well a confetti shooter. "Happy Birthday!" he sang along with the rest of the group as the rain of confetti started settling down on the floor. It was obvious that their friend wasn't expecting the surprise party, it was all over her astonished face. The titanium box in his grip reminded him of its existed with a violent shake and he decided that it was time to give to Madlyn her birthday present.

"This is for you! Let me help you open it." he said and opened carefully the heatproof box before handing it to her.
As soon as it was freed, a miniature dragon flapped its small wings, escaping from its imprisonment and flew right into Madlyn's palm.
"It's not a real dragon." he rushed to explain before anyone was going to run out of the room, shouting rampaging dragon in castle. "It's a mimicry. My parents bought a couple of them during their trip to China. I kept the chinese fireball if you don't mind. It is my favourite breed. This one is for you." he said, hoping that she didn't mind that he chose this one for her. The miniature dragon started hicupping embers from its mouth in an attempt to impress its new master. "It just spits embers and sparks but they can ignite a real fire if you try so. You can say that it works like a muggle lighter." he explained although he wasn't sue if Madlyn knew what was a lighter.
"It just needs to be fed with a little bit of coal now and then, if you want of course to keep on spitting embers. Here take this as well. I had taken it out of the box for obvious reasons." he said and handed her a paper manual about the care of the fake dragon. "I don't know if it is a male or female. We haven't cover dragons in care of magical creature class yet." he shrugged slightly, still searching for a name for his own nameless miniature.
Maybe coming to this birthday party was not the brightest idea the Ravenclaw had ever had, but he was trying to make the best of it, which included sitting very still, and quietly, just waiting for it to be over. He decided that he'd sit at a nice distance away so he didn't destroy the mood of the party. When Kate came over to him, Andy watched her, they met ages ago and it seemed that she was still very nice. "I'm fine, thankyou." When Sara Moon began leaning out of the window, Andy rubbed his temple, this was maddness, how could she just lean out of the window like that? What if she fell out and went falling to her death? With a small sigh, Andy gathered himself and took a deep breath. Looking up with slight suprise, Andy looked at the other boy as he seemed very excited about some confetti shooters. Andy had never dealt with them before, because he had never really had or attended a party because of his background and personality, but he was smart enough to put two and two together and realise that those confetti shooters were probably going to be very bad news for him. Andy watched Briar leave the room to get Madlyn, so when the door opened and everyone got ready to suprise Madlyn with cheers, streamers and pulling the srings of the confetti poppers, Andy sat quietly, with his hands over his earsnd curled up a little, and thought about anything other than this party. Once it was safe, he stood up and forced a smile. "Happy birthday, Madlyn." He said, though it came ages later after everyone else had done their cheering and showing of presents. Andy then gave Madlyn his gift, and then folding his arms across his chest and returning to his natural, quiet state.
Minoas was the first one to give her a presents, she was excited to see what he got her. Her eyes kept going from everyone else to the box he carried. When he finally gave her the present, she was shocked out of her mind, a dragon flew out of it's gift wrapping she suppose and landed right on her palm. "Oh god, Minoas, this is incredible!" she said expressing so much interested in the little dragon gift. It was so real life like, he said it wasn't real but it felt real. She adored it to bits. Madlyn stroke it's scale form, the dragon snapped it's jaw at her fingers. "Oh feisty! I'll have to get use to that when I start my training as a dragon keeper" she said grinning from ear to ear. She have decided eventually that would be career for the rest of her life. Dragons were dangerous creatures, but she had the confident and determination she would do great with them in the long run. "Thank you for the gift" she said taking up the scripted manual and everything else that came with it. She'd really have to make his birthday extra special, she thought maybe a broom would make a good gift. Madlyn kept her dragon by her palm, it kept biting her thumb.

Andy was next one, she smiled down at him. He was brave to be here for this small gathering. "Hey Andy thanks for coming" she nodded, even though he was so nervous around her and he kept fidgiting, Madlyn decided not to argue with him. It's just the way he is, he can't help it. She like the gift he gave her, dolphin creature was it? Madlyn thank him as well, "Love the gift Andy" she smirked and set it down besides her. "Now I want some of that cake, if you please"
Kate missed hanging out with a group of friends.She had been so busy lately she had forgotten to hang out with her friends and now she remembered how good it felt and she was smiling a lot more.She wasn't the closest of friends to everybody in the room but she was still enjoying their company and it was nice to hang out with people who didn't know everything about you.It was like a breath of fresh air for Kate who had been feeling quite down for a while.This party would let her forget her worries for a while at least.She thought it was really sweet of Briar to be holding a surprise party for her sister.Not many people would do that,she herself had never thrown a surprise party though she might in the future.Kate was glad to sing,she loved to do it and singing to yourself can get kinda boring so it would be great to sing in front of people now.When Minoas returned she looked at what he had brought "That's a brilliant idea"She said smiling,probably scare Madlyn even more but it would be cool using them.She picked one up and had it in her hand ready to use. Kate eyed Minaos "Can't wait to see it"She grinned,his present was sounding like a very interesting one indeed. "That's good"She said before following his gaze and seeing Sara lean out the window to get her guitar,she flinched when she saw her land on her back but luckily she seemed okay.

When Briar went to leave the room,Kate thought about what she would sing for her.She wasn't exactly sure what she liked and she didn't know if she knew any muggle music but she decided she would sing some catchy songs.She took out her confetti shooter,ready for when Madlyn would return with Briar.Once she did Kate began singing Happy Birthday and pulled the string of the confetti shooter and it ejected confetti everywhere.Kate laughed at Madlyn's surprised face.The place was covered in confetti now but the atmosphere was great.When Minaos showed his present to Madlyn,Kate couldn't help but gasp.It was so cool,a dragon?That was unreal.She decided she should bring her present forward,she felt kinda bad that it was only cupcakes but she had nearly thrown them at the kitchen wall because the icing had been such a pain to get right.She went over and got the tray and brought them over to Madlyn "Happy Birthday Madlyn,it's not much but I hope you like them"She said smiling

Briar went back to the classroom and heard Madlyn behind her. she didn't have time to grab a confetti shooter before her sister entered. if she had thought she would have put one in her pocket. before she went. however she manage to turn around in time to see her sisters face. "Happy Birthday Sis!" she called at the same time as everyone else made their explanation. she was almost surprised to See Andy still there though she felt a little bad for putting him onto a situation where he was hands on ears and rocking forwards and backwards. She was curious as to what Minoas had gotten as a gift as he seemed pretty exited and handed it to her sister rather quickly. It didn't take long for her sister to unwrap it. Briar starred at the gift in amazement. "Minoas that is amazing" she said wondering where he had got them from. she heard him explain what it was and was awed. the small creature was so cute. and she knew it was perfect for madlyn as that is what she knew her sister wanted to do after school. work with dragons. upon hearing it came form china she thought it sounded a long way off, it was certainly a lot better than her own gift. Briar was surprised that Andy was the next up to give Madlyn a present though she didn't see much as she was heading over to the table to pick up hers. she smiled at Kate as they both made their way over. Briar stayed behind kate as she cave her the cup cakes. they were a good idea and Kate had done them so well they looked so cute. next briar handed over the two parcels. wrapped in brown paper and string and decorated with a few leaves. "The big one is from Aspen, she made it and wanted me to give it to you today and the small one is from me." she said hoping that her sister liked them neither of them were particularly big or posh presents. but she had tried to make something nice for her sister and the enlargement charm on the box making the insides larger than they should be had been her own.
Madlyn turned her gaze when Kate Moon step forwards, she had to give her dragon a rest and put inside it's small cage. She went back to Kate and picked up the dish containing the cupcakes. "Oh Kate these are nice, I love them" it's no wonder she was a Hufflepuff, she was creative and they looked divine. Madlyn set the tray down picked up a cupcake and bit into it's moist layer. "And they taste great too! Wow I never tried anything like this" tis was true, Madlyn stayed away from treats unless there was a feast or some sort, she never fancied them that much. She finished the cupcake one more bite, she would have to eat the rest later. "Thanks for coming too! It's always cool to see everyone all at once sometimes" they weren't as close as friends, but she appreciated either way. She moved her eyes to Briar next, the head girl gave her two parcels.

Madlyn open Aspen, it was a box, carved she would say and it was nice, beautiful even. Madlyn looked inside, magically enchanted. "Tell Aspen thank you! I'll use this on my way to Romania next year when I start my training" she grinned, she could use for her clothes, but she would probably use it for more of her personal item. Briar's present went in sync with Aspen, except it was a necklace, Madlyn picked it up, the sun and the moon. Lovely combination, she twirled in hand, she unlocked the hooked and bestowed it upon her neck, it fit and it hang loosely so she wouldn't feel the need to readjusted. "Thank you sis! I love it, I'll never take it off" she withdrew a breath, the silver shined, she smiled quite content with her gifts. "Thanks so much, you made this day epic!" she felt a bit bad, with the whole perfect meeting and how things been going lately for a while, she wished she had been there more for Briar, but she guessed it was apart of life and change happens even when you didn't want too. There was someone else in the room, Sara Moon, Madlyn waved at the girl, she had her guitar in hand, "Come to sing me a soon Miss. Moon" she arched her brow, she like messing with Sara sometimes, but she also like her as a person, so there was no real beef between the girls. It felt like it, but there really wasn't, just as long as she stayed out of the forest.

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