A Few Quick Flings!

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Cynthia Vandervoort

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
17 inches hawthorne Unicorn Horn
Well obviously the title explains what I want! I'm kinda looking for a few flings for Cynthia possibly even a few quickly marriages and divorces, it's part of her development that she should be married several times and divorced several times... I'm not particular on Age or blood type since these relationships are going to fail anyways so anyone looking for a good time!
Hi Brian =))

I wasn't gonna post but since I have two older Gentleman that I don't rp much with, here goes!

I have first Rafael De La Cruz= A former Drumstrang student, and now Superior at the small ministry firm in Spain and also a muggels soccer player. (He still in the works but eh wasn't going to use as much anways) He's 36, and is known as the "Sperm donor" because he had two daughters who are of the same age but two different baby mama :o -major gasp- anyways he could be a marriage of something I don't care.
Zion Deveraux a wizard rockstar, he used to be Link Woods ex keeper but he's now a lead singer to Deveraux Despair, 30 years old, and former Slytherin but I don't have a face claim. It used to be Mark McGuire I think? Anyways if you have any clue for a pb, give me a shouty? These two both are kind of celebs sort of and because I won't be using them as much its cool with me. Just let me know =))
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