New profile posts

Happy Valentine's Day Basil, from me and the orange.
Do you hate me? Just so I know
Demi Zephyr
Demi Zephyr
Right. Well. I liked you William. I liked you liked you. Then you kissed Eurydice
William Potter-Cade
William Potter-Cade
I wanted to kiss you, but that wasn't how the game went.
Demi Zephyr
Demi Zephyr
If you liked me the way I liked you, you would have come to find me afterward, not leave me for a year. Have fun with Eury Will, I’m not your back up option.
My answer is yes. 🌹
Santiago Torres
Santiago Torres
Perfect! I'll pick you up, limo and everything :cool:
Friday Weeks
Friday Weeks
Thank you for your rose Sybil! It was very thoughtful and made my day, we should hang out sometime if you'd like? :wub:
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Reactions: Sybil St. James
Sybil St. James
Sybil St. James
Oh! I'm glad you liked it! And I would love that! Maybe we could study together? Or not! We could do something more, you can decide!
Lilith Ilves
Lilith Ilves
Studying sounds lovely, meet me in the student lounge next week? :D

(Ooc bc i'm scared to pm tehehee, I can start a topic for the two soon if you'd like c:<)