New profile posts

I wanted to be the one to tell you. Your son is in my house. Clearly he got some of the good Cade genes.
Ezra Cade
Ezra Cade
I know you're the head a**hole now but aren't you a little old for petty house rivalries?
Victoria de Lacey
Victoria de Lacey
It's okay Mr. Cade's I'll take care of him!!!
Welcome to the best house Nox!! 🦡 You’re going to have so much fun, and make sure Bailey looks after you! 💛 Proud of you
H-hey, Hugo you didn't add that gossip column when I wasn't looking did you??
Hugo Stark-West
Hugo Stark-West
It wasn’t me. But I thought you had given it the okay.
Violet Stark-West
Violet Stark-West
Omg. Hugie hnz’s secret gossip king. I knew you had it in you and there was something devious going on behind that absolutely nerdy face. And don’t think I didn’t miss that dig in your book review.
Margo Fox
Margo Fox
Oh....well, I guess it's too late to do anything about it now.
Free snacks and crafts at Madam Puddifoot's! Take a break from school shopping every Saturday from 11-1 until September 1st for free food and crafts - all are welcome!
see, i keep telling you quidditch is a dumb game for big dumb jocks - heard about that poor ilvermorny seeker. out of the game and almost taken out permanently!!!!

pls dont get hurt <3
Fayre Styx
Fayre Styx
i like how that's the part you react to.

:tut: boys
Rory Styx
Rory Styx
Yes I ignored the part where you called me dumb jock, would you have preferred I addressed it?

Also thank you for your concern I love you too.
Fayre Styx