New profile posts

And I thought my heart was detached
From all the sunlight of our past
But she's so sweet, she's so pretty

Does she mean you forgot about me?
About 20 hours left to sign up for the cac showcase. Members and non members, groups and solo acts welcome (and it doesn’t have to be music)
Okay, sis. Lin and Cas. They both seem to be plotting something big. Who do you think will propose? when do you think they will ask? open for taking bets.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
@Willow Cullen, why do you insist on taking bets about our personal lives?
We do have news. We got engaged last night.
Tara Hawthorne
Tara Hawthorne
Because you make it so easy, Linny-bear. Now- tell us everything.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
Oh no HT. I can’t kiss and tell all our secrets. Some things are best kept between me and Cas (and I suppose your imagination). But I can say that Casper was the one to propose.👬👱‍♂️💍🥹👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
You know you're supposed to set them on fire before they blast you off the platform. Just a thought.
Don't forget to order your holiday treats from Madam Puddifoot's to take the strain off your family gatherings this season! We still have plenty of specials available, including our Carolling Cakes that are charmed to sing your favorite tune!

Hi, what present bring you when we end shcool :)?
What you wanted :)? I not sure what work, mayby go work with my new dad?