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Zeph Alexander Miles !

Full Name:
Zeph Alexander Miles
Zeph - chosen by his brother. It isn't short fTor anything, his name is really Zeph. He likes his name as it really is different from everyone else.
Alexander - his grandfather on his mothers side. He was a man of great honor. A surgeon and a loving father who died shortly before Zeph was born. Zeph never uses hs middle name. He hates it.
Miles - his fathers name, he hates using it but can't be bothered to change it and since he is living with his father so it's more in use.
Date of Birth:
19th January 2010
Born at 3.00pm, in Bristol General Hospital. After only 2 hours of labour. Zeph was two days late.
Current Age:
Just turned it. He went out to Wellington and partyed hard until 2am. When his step mother picked him up after work, he was lying outside the club he'd snuck into, completely out of it.
Basic Appearance:
Average height, going to get a little taller in the next few years. He has short brown hair, which is usually very messy. He has soft pale skin, and a round face. He has cold grey eyes, which in some lights have a blue tint.
He has no style and will literally put on anything. He doesn't even bother trying. His clothes are mis match and almost all his socks have holes in them somewhere. He doesn't go out shopping often so he often wears the same clothes or outfits.
Zeph is a loyal person, he can be quite funny and caring, but this has to be brought out of him. (the caring part). He's loves to drink and go out with his friends to a party. He rebels a lot and hates professors and school. He is very immature and will always deny that he has done anything wrong. He is a party animal.</COLOR></SIZE>

Mum, Christen "Faulks" Verrtos, 40. Brunette, bluish grey eyes. A very big smile. A good heart. Works at a school in Bristol which help children with special needs. Is at a loss about what to do with her son. She also just recently fell pregnant.
Step Father, Sebastian Verrtos, stay at home dad, who babysits for his sister while she is at work. He married Zeph's mum During his 3rd year. He is a very tall man, with golden blonde hair and blue eyes.
Father, David Miles, average height man, with grey eyes and short brown hair. He currently lives in New Zealand, he moved after the divorce. He is a professional photographer. He favoured Zeph's brother over him. And very clearly shunned Zeph. He is also a wizard. The only trace of magical blood within the family.
Step mother, Celia Miles, a slim blonde women, with grey eyes and pale skin. Works as in a massage parlour. Recently had a baby boy. Also has a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship, she met David, at her friends wedding when she was seven months pregnant. a very caring and honest women. Who enjoys the company of her children and her husband. She is a quiet person. And has always wanted to adopt Zeph, but zeph has always said no. Since he doesn't get on well with his father and has barely met Celia. She is also a witch but Zeph is not aware of this.
Half sister, Evie Miles, shoulder length blonde hair. Large Grey eyes which are always filled with wonder. Small and very giggly. A very beautiful little girl. Zeph hasn't really met her. But is excited to. Although he hates his dad he has a soft spot for young children. His mum however doesn't trust him with them. So is afraid for her own baby. Born on the 13th February, 2022. Is currently 3 coming up for 4.
Felix Miles, blue eyes, small head of hair. Brunette. Cries a lot. Was born on the 19th December 2024. Is currently 1.
Half brother and sister (twins), Charlie and Chris Verrtos. Yet to be born. Currently growing inside his mother.
Brother, Micah Miles, died when he was 18. Born June 30th 2004. He was a grade A student and favoured by his parents but he hated school and found it hard to make friends. The night before the results of his NEWTS. He killed himself. He said he was taking Zeph to a theme park but instead, as they neared a bridge, Micah stopped the car at the side of the road, and pulled Zeph out. He then punched and kicked Zeph until he was unconcious on the ground, then drove the car over the bridge and into the water below. Zeph hasn't talked about this day since it happened. His brother looked veryblike him and was a very kind and honest person. Zeph believes it was his parents pressure which killed him.
The people left to come:
His grandparents on his mum and dad's side.
His mum's twin brothers.
His step dad's sister and baby.
His dad's little brother.
His dad's little brothers wife and three children.
He had a rat, but forgot to feed him, so he died. He wasn't too bothered about it, since while good at heart when it comes to animals can be completely heartless.
Area of Residence:
Bristol, England, Europe (usually)
Auckland, New Zealand (now banished to)
Blood Status:
Half blood,
mum a muggle, dad a muggleborn wizard
English, though his great grandfather on his dad's side was Scottish.
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Drinking, partying, girls
Additional Skills:
Being Rebellious, loyal to his friends, having fun, and making it possible for others to have fun. Can be quite charming and funny when he wants to be.
Saying too much, drinks too much (though trying to cut down), quite stupid and does a lot of things he's not meant to. A little too excitable.
Describe your character in three words:
Rebellious, Careless, Loyal
Favourite place to be:
Bristol, with his group of friends. Who were all like him.
A group of about 6 friends. Who liked to go out and party. But currently since moving to New Zealand has none. This is very annoying for him, and would like more friends.

Hogwarts House:
He was a Gryffindor.
But since he is currently between schools, he doesn't have one
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
He doesn't have any. He hates school. And just wants to get out of there so he can have fun.
Best school subjects:
History of Magic, because he can easily sleep through it.
Worst school subjects:
All the others. He is an under performer. And tries very little.
Extracurricular Activities:
As soon as possible.
Current Job:
He had a summer job, but he is yet to get one in New Zealand.
Plans for your future:
Partying until dawn.
Your Patronus:
Sloth, because he is lazy and while not slow doesn't try very hard. But he has never been able to preform one. And hasn't tried
Your Patronus memory:
He doesn't have a memory strong enough. Nothing has happened to him that makes him able to conjure one. He has had a lot of fun with his friends, but those aren't the strongest memories.
Your Boggart:
Flying. Zeph is petrified of flying. Either on a broom or in a plane. He gets really nervous and sweaty. He can't look out the windows or even think about it. He isn't so afraid of heights. It's just flying he hates.
Your Animagus:
Zeph doesn't and wouldn't have one. He doesn't have the patience or willingness to do it. So he would never bother. His mind doesn't even think about it.
Mirror of Erised:
All his friends around him, with his older brother and a party in the background.
A page from your diary:
He wouldn't keep one, and even if he did he would often forget to write in it.
I've just been sick. Sickie sick sick.
It's like putried. Stinks, but I think sweet
dear daddy will mop it up. I should get up.
Too tired. Phffft. Oh sh!t I woke the baby.
Oh cr@p. Must run.
zzzzzeeeepppphhhh OUT!
[Credit to Jack @Caution2.0 for the banner & credit to Megan @Caution2.0 for the Text banners]