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Full Name: Zenth Maxwell
- Birth Date:
- Current Age: 25
- Basic Appearance: Sandy Brown hair, blue eyes, 5'6"
- Parents: Jessica Kirk and Alexander Maxwell
- Siblings, if any: none
- Pets, if any: an owl
- Area of Residence: Staying in NZ with Enzeru's parents
- Blood status: half
- What would their Patronus be? Bluebird
- What would their Boggart be? a rabid werewolf
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) an eagle
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? A husband, children, and a house
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When her little cousin was born and she held her for the first time
- Write an example roleplay by your character: "Enzeru, hurry up and get ready." Zenth called. Her little cousin had a long day of shopping ahead of her. Zenth poured a cup of juice and downed it. "Yo, are you coming?" She yelled right before a young girl ran down the stairs.
"Sorry, Zenth, had to pick an outfit." Enzeru replied as she modeled her clothes.
"You are some piece of work," Zenth laughed, "I'm going to drop you off in Diagon Ally on my way to apply for the ministry. Any luck and I'll get on there so I can get my own place. Auntie is driving me crazy with all her cleaning."
Enzeru laughed, "Well, you'll get used to it. Just give it time and it will catch on."
Zenth shook her head and laughed, "We better get going. We'll take my broom and ride twosies. I'd rather us not risk flu powder yet."
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:So here I am waiting for little Enzi to wake up so I can take her to Diagon ally on my way to the ministry. If I get this job I'll be able to move into my own place. Auntie drives me crazy with the way she kisses her husband's butt. I would never ever do that... maybe that's why I can't find a husband. Well, I might stop in at the pub when Enzeru gets done shopping. I heard there are tons of guys there. Oh, I hear her now, off we go!
- Birth Date:
- Current Age: 25
- Basic Appearance: Sandy Brown hair, blue eyes, 5'6"
- Parents: Jessica Kirk and Alexander Maxwell
- Siblings, if any: none
- Pets, if any: an owl
- Area of Residence: Staying in NZ with Enzeru's parents
- Blood status: half
- What would their Patronus be? Bluebird
- What would their Boggart be? a rabid werewolf
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) an eagle
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? A husband, children, and a house
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When her little cousin was born and she held her for the first time
- Write an example roleplay by your character: "Enzeru, hurry up and get ready." Zenth called. Her little cousin had a long day of shopping ahead of her. Zenth poured a cup of juice and downed it. "Yo, are you coming?" She yelled right before a young girl ran down the stairs.
"Sorry, Zenth, had to pick an outfit." Enzeru replied as she modeled her clothes.
"You are some piece of work," Zenth laughed, "I'm going to drop you off in Diagon Ally on my way to apply for the ministry. Any luck and I'll get on there so I can get my own place. Auntie is driving me crazy with all her cleaning."
Enzeru laughed, "Well, you'll get used to it. Just give it time and it will catch on."
Zenth shook her head and laughed, "We better get going. We'll take my broom and ride twosies. I'd rather us not risk flu powder yet."
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:So here I am waiting for little Enzi to wake up so I can take her to Diagon ally on my way to the ministry. If I get this job I'll be able to move into my own place. Auntie drives me crazy with the way she kisses her husband's butt. I would never ever do that... maybe that's why I can't find a husband. Well, I might stop in at the pub when Enzeru gets done shopping. I heard there are tons of guys there. Oh, I hear her now, off we go!