Zeke Zimmerman

Zeke Zimmerman

Active Member
OOC First Name
12", Red Cedar, Dragon Heartstring
Zeke is a wanderer, looking for a little direction in his life.

-Full Name: Zeke Raul Zimmerman

- Birth Date: February 11

- Current Age: 18

- Basic Appearance: HE is about 6'1", shaggy brown hair, with tanned skin. His eyes are green with a hint of blue in them. He has a few scars on his left arm, when he fell trying to save the quaffle in a quidditch game when he went to The Aaron Burr School of Wizardry in Atlanta, GA, USA.

- Family:
His mother (Sandy) and father (Zackary) got divorced two years ago, when his mother finally gave up all hope that he would stay faithful. Custody lies with his father, technically, who took his mother to divorce court both in the Ministry and in the Muggle judicial system. Both courts saw his mother as 'unfit to care for him' due to her commitment to caring for her father, who is a squib (though in the Muggle court he was just considered old and senile). However, being of age, Zeke has set out on his own, looking for something to preoccupy his time. Since then, his father has flown through four wives in two years, and wife number five lives in New Zealand. His father is a pure blood wizard from a long line of Ministry workers and his mother is of mixed blood. He has one little brother, Zander, who is 10, and lives with his mother, a mistress of her father from many years ago. He also has a full-blood sister named Zoii.

- Pets: He has a pet chinchilla named Finnel that travels with him.

Muggle school:

- Best school subjects (And why): He didn't care enough to even try. So, naturally, detention was the best subject.

- Worst school subjects (And why): Any class involving an effort.


- What would their Patronus be? A bear. He is strong, stubborn, yet defends what and who he loves.

- What would their Bogart be? Becoming his father.

- What would their Animagus form be? A monkey. Firstly, he would think it was hilarious that he could fling poo at people and get away with it. Secondly, he would see the usefulness in the ability to reach great heights.

- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? A career that he loves and his sister and brother happy.

- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day he told his father that he didn't want to go into the Ministry.


- Zeke is never afraid to make a joke. He always has a sense of humor and rarely is in a bad mood, at least that anyone knows about.


- His humor is also his weakness. He tends to use it as a defense mechanism and distraction for his lack of direction.

Describe your character in three words:
- funny, wanderer, loyal

Favorite place to be:
- A bar or a party. Reason obvious.

- Not any worth noting

Best school subjects:
- Potions for sure. He's really good at mixing things, especially drinks. :)

Worst school subjects:
- Transfiguration, mainly because the teacher hated him for his lack of discipline and "waste of potential". He got a lot of detentions in that class.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Zeke loves to do anything that is fun. He especially loves to play quidditch, go backpacking, and broaden his fermented drink knowledge.

Plans for your future:
- Absolutely none but be happy.

Hog's Head Bartender

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