Zechariah Powell

Zechariah Powell

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Zechariah Boris Powell
[First name:] Zechariah: Jehovah has remembered
[Middle name:] Boris: Fighter
[Surname:] Powell: Eminent
[Character's Birthdate:] August 24th 2023
[Hometown:] Helsinki, Finland
[Current location:] Helsinki, Finland
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
[Hogwarts House:] Slytherin, HNZ
[Occupation:] N/A (Too Young)
[Martial Status:] Single (Too Young)

Dark brown
[Eyes:] Brown
[Height:] 5'
[Style:] Typical young boy fashion, jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket and knows how to dress properly when required for the occasion

[A Little Deeper
Strong willed, Active, Resourceful, Determined and Reserved

[History:] Zechariah grew up as an only child and never really had any friends or interacted with other children his age. The lack of social interactions made him a quiet and reserved child never wanting for fun or really knowing what it meant to have. Zechariah was brought up by his mothers house elf as she was at work most of the year, being the Headmistress it was required of her to be there for the entire school year. Although when he couldn't see his mother he did get to see his father who was the Dark Arts Professor at Drumstrang. Zechariah became used to this from a young age and he even got to visit his mother during the holidays when she had to stay at the school. Zechariah would often get into fights with he other children as they would make fun of him for being the headmistress and Dark Arts Professors illegitimate son. It was decided early on that Zechariah wouldn't attend Drumstrang, like he and his parents would of preferred to see happen, just so he could have the chance to have a regular school career like all children should. When the time came he received his acceptance letter for Hogwarts New Zealand and would attend in September 2034.

Upon starting his education at Hogwarts New Zealand he was sorted into Slytherin and to his mother's annoyance he made little to no attempt to make any friends and was only just passing his classes.

[Mother] Evie Powell
[DOB] June 21st 1980
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Headmistress of Durmstrang Institute
[Education] Durmstrang Institute

[Father] Hayden Kerberos
[DOB] June 9th 2005
[Blood Status] Mixed Blood
[Occupation] Dark Arts Professor at Durmstrang Institute
[Education] Durmstrang Institute

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