Zazuka Bones[C]

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Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Character Name: Zazuka Bones
Image(s) you want on the banner (person, background, etc):

blackground or whatever you want to do with this one.

Name of the person you are using: Tori Amos
Text you want on the banner: Knowage lets you function in the world, imagetion let's you hold it in the palm of your hand.
Font(s) you want text in (you may pick any font you want from Jellyka Castle's Queen
Colors you want on your banner: any you want
Do you want a House Crest? If yes, which house: no
Size: midum
Other (Anything special you want to add such as eye color or anything really): Black hair and black eyes.
So, I havwe been attempting to work on your banner.

My best option for your hair is to change the picture to black and white. If her hair were not quite so wavy and the picture were of better quality it would be a lot easier to turn black.

Also, the butterfly is extremely time consuming to add in and have it look decent. I will most likely be charging you extra for it, nothing too hefty, just a few galleons or so.
Alright just let me know what the new price is
Zazuka Bones said:
Text you want on the banner: Knowage lets you function in the world, imagetion let's you hold it in the palm of your hand.
I don't mean any disrespect but I want to be sure I have your quote right. Is that supposed to be: "Knowledge lets you function in the world, imagination lets you hold it in the palm of your hand," ?
Yes unless you think it's too long...
Let me know what you think of this.


As always anything can be changed or altered.
I love it you will get you payment shortly. After i know how much I owe you :D
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