Zara Larkins

Zara Larkins

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OOC First Name
The Basics
Character's Name: Zara Larkins
Character's Birthdate: 5th September 2021
Birth Place: Richmond, UK
Hometown: Greymouth, New Zealand
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Holly 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Hair: Dark, chocolate brown. In the summer months, it tends to lighten up a bit with flecks of red
Eyes: Hazel
Height: Average

A Little Deeper
Personality: Zara is very confident and very happy. She is always very positive and always looks on the bright side of things. Zara always has a lot of energy and doesn't like being inside for too long - she would rather spend the majority of her time outside. She enjoys making friends and when she has made a good friend is fiercely loyal.

History: Zara was born in Richmond, South London in the UK. She lived right next to Richmond Park which was a regular outing for the family and is where she developed her love for the outdoors. She grew up in England until she was 8 when her family relocated to England. She struggled with the change for a while but grew to love Greymouth with its wild scenary and coast. She misses England but wouldn't change her current place of residence. Zara has grown up knowing of the existence of the magical world and did accidental magic when she was younger; a boy at school tried cheating off her in a spelling test that she had worked very hard for and set his paper on fire. Since then, her parents have always told her that she must try and keep a check on her emotions and not let them get too out of hand. When Zara found out that she too, like her parents, would be going to Hogwarts she was ecstatic and couldn't wait to start on her new magical education.

Family: Mother: Sara Larkins (muggle) born and raised in London. Father: Sam Larkins (wizard) born in England but then raised in New Zealand. Moved over to England when he graduated from Hogwarts and is one of the reasons why the family moved over to New Zealand. Sister: Rose Larkins (8 years old)

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