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Full Name: Zachlyn Hannah Camille Nelson / Hannah Nelson Date of Birth: June 20 2014 Current Age: 10 years old Basic Appearance: Zach has to appearance; One, being a normal young lady and Two, for being a Stardom Singer
Personality: Zachlyn has kinds of personality because of her having two appearances she handles two different personality. The personality Zachlyn has is being cold, self-centered, selfish and clever while being Hannah, her stardom singer appearance, her personality is always kind, brave, witty and helpful. But as she's going at Hogwarts as a normal young lady, she will not insert any of her being a star at all. Family:
[ul] [/li][/ul] |
Pets: Zach has a cat named Mimi and a parrot named MooMoo Area of Residence: Houston, Texas Blood Status: Half Blood [ Father is a muggle while Mother is a pure blood] Heritage: Half-British and Half-American Interests or Hobbies: That's very simple ... Sing, isn't obvious that she became a singer at the age of 10 but except from singing she also does play some sports like volleyball and tennis. Additional Skills: She can change appearance with a simple wig Zach can be Hannah and she can be Zach. (That's not a skill, I'm just messing around) Strengths: Of course her family, her being close to god and courage Weaknesses: People hating her because she knows they are just jealous because she's more success than everyone else. Describe your character in three words: Self-centered, Pretty, Talented Favourite place to be: The stage because all of her life she wanted to sing from many people Friends: I think Zach doesn't have that many friends because of her personality when her wig is off or off the camera herself. But she has some and they are famous because of their parents. Hogwarts House: To be precise she will be better off at Slytherin, it just suets her much. Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: To have fun as much as she could and have friends that can understand her. Best school subjects: Her Mom had taught her some magic and her favorite of learning is Arithmancy, she loves Math so much. (Even tho the rper doesn't like Math) Worst school subjects: Hmm, that will be Charms as she can't memorized spells easily Extracurricular Activities: Zach is a singer and sometimes goes to a karate class whenever her concert of tour is over. Plans for your future: Pursue her career as a Singer and maybe work as part time in the Ministry. Your Patronus: If she would have one it would be a wolf, as she loves them. Zach has a collection of wolfs (stuff toys, ceramics, etc...) Your Patronus memory: When her family is with her on her first tour concert. Your Boggart: Clowns and Blood Your Animagus: An ant because they are so little they can be a spy to everyone and ant's are strong even they are little. Mirror of Erised: Seeing herself graduating, singing with her favorite singer and her death. |