- Messages
- 75
- Wand
- Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Yvonne Ram?rez
<IMG src="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRA1tvy-JIGhxwTLMtoT7am2RvfBERoxHqVHxfv5f89wfxUx-yutA"><s>
<FONT font="Monaco"><s></s>Play-by: Chanel Iman<br/>
Full Name: Yvonne María Ramírez <br/>
Age: 14<br/>
Birthday: July 16, 2015<br/>
Occupation: 4th Student at Durmstrang<br/>
Family: Jocelyn Arceneau (mother), Enrique Ramírez (17, older brother), Rafael Ramírez (father), Jacey Ramírez (7, younger sister), and Bobbi Ramírez (5 months, baby brother)<br/>
Appearance: Light brown skin, long black hair, hazel eyes, petite figure, and 5 foot 3 inches tall.<br/>
Personality: Yvonne doesn't get a lot of attention from her family because she has other siblings that her'd parents rather pay attention to. She is very picky when choosing her friends because she constantly fears that she is going to get hurt or that they will let her down. So she closes her true self off and puts up this facade. To others she is mean, difficult, constantly belittles people and is hard to get along with. On the inside she is very sensitive, kind and is joyful. <br/>
Past: In Yvonne past she was bullied a lot by the Muggles at the Muggle school she attended until she was 11. People would make fun of her because she was always chipper and she even got beat up for it sometimes. She didn't want to be bullied anymore so she decided to get picky about who she let close to her, be mean and make everybody she met feel lower that her. She really doesn't want to be this way but she doesn't want to get hurt again.<br/>
<e></e></FONT><QUOTE author="A Page From Her Diary"><s>
<FONT font="Monaco"><s></s>Favorite Food: Food you eat on Christmas and Thanksgiving<br/>
Favorite Color: Purple and Orange<br/>
Patronus: Dolphin<e></e></FONT><br/>
<IMG src="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRA1tvy-JIGhxwTLMtoT7am2RvfBERoxHqVHxfv5f89wfxUx-yutA"><s>
<FONT font="Monaco"><s></s>Play-by: Chanel Iman<br/>
Full Name: Yvonne María Ramírez <br/>
Age: 14<br/>
Birthday: July 16, 2015<br/>
Occupation: 4th Student at Durmstrang<br/>
Family: Jocelyn Arceneau (mother), Enrique Ramírez (17, older brother), Rafael Ramírez (father), Jacey Ramírez (7, younger sister), and Bobbi Ramírez (5 months, baby brother)<br/>
Appearance: Light brown skin, long black hair, hazel eyes, petite figure, and 5 foot 3 inches tall.<br/>
Personality: Yvonne doesn't get a lot of attention from her family because she has other siblings that her'd parents rather pay attention to. She is very picky when choosing her friends because she constantly fears that she is going to get hurt or that they will let her down. So she closes her true self off and puts up this facade. To others she is mean, difficult, constantly belittles people and is hard to get along with. On the inside she is very sensitive, kind and is joyful. <br/>
Past: In Yvonne past she was bullied a lot by the Muggles at the Muggle school she attended until she was 11. People would make fun of her because she was always chipper and she even got beat up for it sometimes. She didn't want to be bullied anymore so she decided to get picky about who she let close to her, be mean and make everybody she met feel lower that her. She really doesn't want to be this way but she doesn't want to get hurt again.<br/>
<e></e></FONT><QUOTE author="A Page From Her Diary"><s>
</e></QUOTE>A Page From Her Diary said:</s> <br/>
Dear Diary,<br/>
I am heading off to Durmstrang tomorrow. I can't wait until I can finally<br/>
show my family what I can do. Ever since Enrique got accepted into Durmstrang<br/>
he has done nothing but brag about how popular he is and how many spells he<br/>
supposedly 'knows'. But not anymore. Once I start learning magic I will surpass<br/>
my dear brother. I love Enrique, but, I need some room to shine too!<br/>
Wish me luck,<br/>
Yvonne Ramìrez<e>
<FONT font="Monaco"><s></s>Favorite Food: Food you eat on Christmas and Thanksgiving<br/>
Favorite Color: Purple and Orange<br/>
Patronus: Dolphin<e></e></FONT><br/>