Yule Ball Interviews

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Beth Titus

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
As you may, or may not know, the Hogwarts Monthly is starting up again, and Beth is one of the editors.
The first edition is scheduled to come out (IC) January, so I was thinking of doing a report on the Yule Ball.
Why am I bothering to post here?
Because for this story to work, I need attendees for Beth to interview. This includes anyone who is attending the Yule Ball, alone or otherwise (yes, professors, that means you stand a chance of being interviewed, too). Now, I don't want to intrude upon anyone, so I'll start a thread and post the link here, when the Yule Ball comes along.
In the meantime, anyone who is interested in being interviewed (I will interview a load of people, if poss, and randomly select some of the interviews for publishing) should post below in reply, or PM Beth Titus.

(Don't worry about what you're going to say for the interview- Beth will ask some fairly straightforward questions, and all you need to do is have your character answer as they would. However, it you're too nervous/something to do an RP interview, we can do one via PM, which will be set on the night, but after the ball has ended.)

Those interesting should post/PM a.s.a.p. I will post a 'closed' notice as soon as I have either got enough people, or the time for the Yule Ball is up. (Though I will still continue PM interviews of the Yule Ball for a day or two after the ball is closed)

Oh, and on a side note; is there any guy of any age (although I would prefer 3rd year +) and any house, who is up for attending the Yule Ball with Beth? She's never been and I do want her to have a chance to dance between interviews.
While Pat is part of Hogwarts Monthly I could have her to be someone who's inviewed as she's Head Girl after all :r
Also my Professor (Harry Thornton) could be interviewed a new Professor at his first Yule Ball or something like that. :p

And I could have Thomas Smith have a few dances with Beth. They are in the same house and year so maybe they are already friends and keep each other company?
Im up for Gabby being interviewed. Shes going to the Yule ball alone so yeah :p
Willow wouldn't mind being interviewed :)
For those interested: Click
Patricia Styx said:
And I could have Thomas Smith have a few dances with Beth. They are in the same house and year so maybe they are already friends and keep each other company?
^_^ I think Beth would have probably attempted to befriend him already, so, yes :D I look forward to it. *bows*
Awesome. Well if you could start it up I can do a post in a bit, kinda swamped in Uni for the night so you'll be waiting a long time for me :shy:
Tara could be interviewed. if you pm me the questions i can give you tara's reply, but i would rather it be pm not rp
RP closed to anymore people joining. (Don't have much time to continue it as I'm going to be busy for the remainder of the week and only posting to the odd RP) PM interviews are still open (until saturday) to everyone who wants one.

Thanks to those people whom have participated.
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