Your dance is my fight

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ DADA 1-4 [ilvermorny] • former auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (32)
Geo stood, her eyes fixed on a small globe on the shelf in the abandoned classroom, her feet firmly planted on the ground and her arms up in the air, before she suddenly jumped to rearrange her position. She honestly didn't know what she was doing, but she'd watched Martial Arts films in the past and she was doing her best to do her own impressions of the movements. Still focused, she jumped once again, stretching out her arm in a fighting motion. She hoped she'd always be able to fend of danger with magic, but should she ever come up against a situation that would need to keep that aspect concealed, the third year wanted to be prepared.

Although this wasn't a priority, and her electives homework and Anicent Runes presentation was a much more pressing issue to be dealing with, Geo was taking some time to practise this because it gave her a break from reading and having to focus so much on the words. She loved to run and play Quidditch too, but today it was way too warm to be outside, and besides she loved trying out something new. Perhaps during Christmas she would ask around to see if she could be taught professionally, but for the time being, the Hufflepuff was flailing around in the classroom by herself, just enjoying letting go.
In her third year, April had decided to explore a bit more of the castle. Even after two and a half years here, she still ended up finding new things and places. Like the gross bathroom she had found a few weeks ago. It wasn't the most thrilling discovery in the world, but she was sure there were more to be made. As she passed an abandoned classroom on the second floor she heard some noises as if something or someone was moving inside. April froze, thinking about what could be making those noises. Perhaps it was a ghost? She hadn't seen many at Hogwarts yet, and would love to meet one. Without waiting to think, April rushed into the room. Ducking immediately as she was nearly hit in the face by a flailing arm belonging to her roommate. "Whoa!" She exclaimed, nearly losing her balance. "Geo! Are you fighting an invisible ghost?"
As the thought of whether any of the Professors would be able to teach her what she needed to know, Geo jumped again, her arm punching the air, but just as the door in front of her opened made the third year jump out of her skin. She'd been focusing so hard on what she was doing that she hadn't noticed anyone approaching the room, "Woah, I'm sorry!" she apologised quickly, retracting her arm and taking a few steps back as April emerged into her area. "I wish I fighting someone. No, I'm just practising" she explained, trying to calm down the adrenaline that pumped through her veins after almost punching one of her closest friends. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't know you were out there" she added honestly. After resuming her position a safe distance away from her roommate, Geo once again got back into her movement. "If I was fighting someone though, their butt would be toast" she added, turning to kick out at the thin air in front of her. She hadn't really wanted anyone to find her practising something that had nothing to do with magic, but if anyone was to find her she was glad it was April. Geo sighed, relaxing once again from her stance. "I wish I could this properly though," she admitted, looking up at one of her closest friends. "It's not exactly Quidditch". Geo was still proud of how well April had done during their last game, and Geo could only hope to be as successful at something one day.
Gwen was very glad that school was almost over. The girl wandered through the castle with a smile on her face which she hadn't been able to do for a while. She was thankful for the revolution not being talked about anymore and hoped that she had already seen the end of it. As she walked along the second floor she heard some voices in the abandoned classroom and poked her head in there to see who it was. When she saw her target standing in clear view she raised her wand and pointed it to one of the older Hufflepuff's asking about an invisible ghost. "Lumos." she said, watching the tip of her wand light up.
April giggled when Geo said she was just practicing. She tilted her head. "Practicing what? Is this some kind of new dance form?" She scoffed, brushing it off. "You didn't scare me. No way." April said quickly, puffing up her chest a little in fake offence. She watched Geo's movements for a moment. "You do look dangerous." She said eventually, though she wasn't sure how true that was. It mostly looked a little silly, but April kept that to herself. He grin widened when Geo made the comment about Quidditch. "I wish you would get to play sometime! Maybe at the same time as me! That would be the best." She said, nodding eagerly.

A voice behind her made her turn, and she gasped. Unable to dodge the redheaded girl. April watched in dismay as the lit wand touched her. "Nooooo!" She cried dramatically. "I was distracted, that's not fair!" She groaned, knowing that wasn't a good excuse. She crossed her arms and glanced at Geo. "Did I just lose?" She asked, just to make sure.
Geo glanced at April nervously when she thought it was a new dance form. Of course it wasn't. "It's called Krav Maga, it's martial arts. You know, in case you can't do magic or something," she tried to explain, wondering whether anyone would understand the angle she was coming from. She smiled though when April said she looked dangerous. She hoped that if anyone came across her in the street she'd be ready to defend herself, and if she could look the part that would be a benefit too. Noticing another student entering the student behind April, Geo grinned softly to herself, looking away from her room mate in case she twigged that something was up. When April was poked by Gwen's wand, Geo tried to stifle a laugh, one hand flying up to cover her mouth as she witnessed the elimination of her friend. Geo nodded, "Wow April, you're only the second person to have been caught out. Too bad." she replied light heartedly, giving the younger Gryffindor a thumbs up and a toothy grin.
As the tip of Gwen's wand poked her target she beamed when she realised her assassination attempt worked. The Gryffindor laughed as she used Finite to turn off the light. "Yes, I did it!" she exclaimed jumping up and down on the spot. She was glad that the girl seemed okay about it though and gave her a friendly smile after her burst of excitement, not wanting the girl to feel discouraged. Gwen was proud of her first eliminated target and had confidence that she would assassinate another next week too. "What are you guys doing? What's with the fighting stuff?" She turned to the other girl, wondering what sort of fun they were up to and if she could join. After all, Gwen liked fun stuff and was happy to be included if they let her.
April felt a surge of annoyance. She had wanted to win this game! Not get beaten by some first year. Geo's teasing didn't help, especially as she pointed out she was only the second person to actually be caught. "Well, you're probably doing this Krav Maga thing all wrong." She snapped at the pink haired girl. She knew she was being childish because she lost, but couldn't help it. When the first-year asked her what they were doing, she snapped at her to. "Nothing." She said, sticking out her tongue before pushing past her and leaving the classroom. She was angry she had lost, but would apologize to Geo later. Once she cooled off a bit.
Geo was glad to see that the game she put into play was causing students to meet some they may have never otherwise would have. Her feelings however were quickly diminished when April told her she was probably doing it all wrong. It wasn't that it wasn't true, she'd only seen a few things here and there and no expectation that she was doing it correctly, but it still felt like a slap in the face to the Hufflepuff when she knew she was trying to learn something new. Geo tried not to show any of the effect April's word had had on her to Gwen, "Oh I was just, practising martial arts. When I graduate I want to be an Auror and I guess I want to be prepared in case I can't use magic." she said, glancing her blue eyes down to the Gryffindor. "I don't know if I'll ever use it, but what if there's muggles around and you can't just, whip out your wand?!" She said, forcing a small smile on her face.

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