You think you can help me?!

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah was starting to feel like her life was hopeless. She had no family and only one friend. Everyone else was either scared of her or hated her guts. The one person she loved had moved on with a new girlfriend and preferred to hit her than laugh with her and a friend she'd had since they were kids now wanted her dead. Shaylah's only reason to look forward to life now was to make her dad proud of her when he finally got out of azkaban. She was going to finish school with good grades then become a death eater just like he had. Though, that was many years from now and Shay was going to be grown up when she next saw her father.

Shay sat by the lake with her feet in front of her as the sweet spring air blew through her hair. She liked being alone like this. It gave her time to think through things that confused her. People seemed to have learnt that it was a bad idea to disturb her when she was in this mood so she usually managed to think through everything before heading back to the common room. It suited her this way but there was the odd maniac who decided that Shay's thinking time was the time when they should start talking to her.

Not a lot was going on for Hamza these days since he was too busy with his studies, and so
were most of his friends. Casual encounters with his friends was normal for him, but spending
a whole lot of time with them was rare. Hamza was moving up in the school from year to year
and things were getting more and more tough for him. Tough in terms that his father and mother
were starting to put more responsibilities on him, expecting more out of him. The mistakes he
once use to make, he was not allowed to make anymore. His parents would not accept anything
less than perfection from him. He hated that his parents expected him to be a perfectionist.
Although there were some advantages to it. For one, his father and mother were both working
on purchasing and starting some businesses in both the muggle and the wizarding world, and so,
in the future, Hamza would take over the family empire if he proved himself worthy. He hated
the fact that his father told him he had to prove himself to even get his fingers on the family
fortune. Hamza was studying his hardest here, trying to get the best grades he possibly could,
and his father still expected more out of him. He was getting more and more tired as each day
went by. Life was not the same for him anymore, he could not really enjoy anything to the
fullest as he once use to. Not to mention he had to look out for his sister as well at the same
time to make sure she stayed out of trouble. The good side to that was he did not have to
take care of her from education point of view, to where his mother would help his sister with
the homework if she needed any help, so that let Hamza off the hook, which made him happy.

Hamza needed to take a breather today. After a very exhausting morning, he was just glad
that his classes were over for the day, so he could go to his favorite spot near the lakefront,
sit back, and enjoy the breeze and the scenery that he always sees whenever he is there.
He noticed that sometimes, there would be special type of scenery that would appear only
when he was there, it was as if nature was trying it's hardest to satisfy Hamza to keep going,
to keep his best up, and to never give up. He always enjoyed it to the fullest and always
thanked nature afterwords for the time it had given him to cheer him up. These days, the
only best friend he really had was nature. Most of his friends were so busy that they were
not able to give him any time, and Hamza was in the same situation as well. So, he made
nature his close friend, and he was satisfied by it. With his hands in his pockets, Hamza
slowly walked down the road to the lakefront, kicking a few rocks along the way to amuse
himself and to cheer himself up, but it was getting harder and harder for him to keep up
this type of life style as the days went on. Not long after walking, he looked up to see
someone that was sitting near his usual spot. 'Who might this be?' thought Hamza
to himself. He had never really seen anyone so close to his favorite spot. He walked more
closer to the individual only to notice that it was a girl, who seemed a year older, or just
about the same age as him. He walked more closer, trying his best not to alarm the person,
then said, "Beautiful scenery huh? You get that a lot when you're sitting at this very
spot, since this is my favorite spot."
Said Hamza with a smile. "Could I join you?"
Asked Hamza. The girl seemed to be disturbed, and Hamza could sense that easily.
Shaylah was starting to get fed up the way people seemed to expect her to be in a bad mood all the time. She had her good days but those days seemed to go downhill as well because everyone avoided her. In a way, she wished she didn't have such a bad reputation. She wanted to have friends but she couldn't get people to join her for anything. Even if she tried, they seemed to think that she was making some sort of plan to hurt them. In a way, that was kind of true. She always seemed to be hurting someone, about to hurt someone or thinking out a long term plan to hurt someone. It was her hobby. She didn't know how else to keep herself entertained when she'd done all her homework. Art could only keep her occupied for so long and she hadn't enjoyed music since her dad had gone to azkaban. It had always been a them thing and now she couldn't have them time so it was no fun with it being a her thing.

Shaylah's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone's voice. A boy. She turned her head and frowned slightly. She'd seen him walking around the school sometimes but she didn't know him. He looked younger than her though. Though, she looked young for her age. She guessed he thought she was about the same age as him. Shaylah heard his question and was about to tell him to forget it and get out of her personal space when she remembered what she had just been thinking about. Most people avoided her even in a good mood and yet this guy was talking to her when she was in a kind of bad mood. He'd obviously never heard of her reputation. She shrugged slightly and looked out over the lake. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever." She wondered what was making this guy talk to her. Even if he hadn't heard of her reputation, surely he should realise that she was in a bad mood. Why would anyone talk to someone they didn't know when they were in a bad mood?? It made no sense to her but she let him sit there all the same.

It was truly a beautiful day. Now seeing this girl sitting in front of him, Hamza was
looking forward to spending some time with someone else, and perhaps making a
new friend for himself as well. The stress that was on Hamza's mind right now he
needed to take off. He wondered if this girl would be able to help him with taking
some stress of his back, although when she responded to him in the manner that
showed she was not really even interesting in talking to him, he took it upon himself
to start taking the initiative to bring up a conversation. Well, boys were always the
ones that were expect to bring up a conversation anyways. When Hamza usually
talked to his friends, he would be the one to bring up a conversation, whether it
be about him, about the other person, or just life in general, he loved talking, and
trying to solve problems. Hamza was the type of person that if he saw problems
with the other person, he took it upon himself to help find a solution to the problem
in hand. He didn't like to see anyone else in depression, or any sort of problem. He
knew how it felt to have a lot of stress, so he did his best to help others out, and
in return, getting help from them was just optional for him. He never really asked
for anyone's help, he usually just gave help to people. Seeing this girl sitting in
front of him, he could sense that there were a lot of troubles going on for this girl.
He wanted to help her, but how would he approach her? He had to find a way to
sort of trick this girl into telling her problems to him, and then he would work on
helping her trying to solve them. He was really a good problem solver.

Hamza turned his head and looked at her. By the looks of the girl, she looked like she was
part of the slytherin house, which really made no difference for him. He just about
helped any type of person, no matter what house they were in. Xavier, his most
trusted and closest friend is in Slytherin as well. During the first year that the two
had met each other, Xavier really did have a lot of anger management issues. He
would get upset really quickly, and he would start to hit stuff, hurt himself, and
then hurt others. Most of the time, he would end up hurting himself so much that
he would end up in the hospital wing for days. There was a lot of stuff that Hamza
had seen Xavier go through, and because of Hamza, Xavier was in better condition
today. Now, Hamza wanted to concentrate on the task in hand. He sensed there
was a lot of trouble with this girl, it was just a matter of a problem as to how he
was going to get those problems out of her so that he could help her. Hamza took
a seat next to the girl not too close, but not too far away from her either. He put
himself in a comfortable position where he could enjoy the breeze, yet at the same
time, he could easily talk to her. If she tried to pull anything on him, such as trying
to punch him or kick him or anything, he would be able to escape and dodge the
assault easily. "That's not a nice way to greed someone." Said Hamza. He
wanted to spice things up a little bit, but he didn't want to create any sort of disaster
for her or himself either. "My name is Hamza. And who might you be?" Greeted
Hamza. He was pretty good with introductions, and pretty straight forward, though
at times, Hamza did sound like a little child doing the whole 'hi, my name is hamza,
that's your name' type of deal. That didn't matter much to him, nor did he care for it.
Shaylah looked away when the boy sat next to her but she kept watching him out the corner of her eye. She made a guess that he was probably in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Gryffindor because if he knew who she was then he wouldn't sit next to her unless he had a lot of courage. Hufflepuff because they were always out to get more friends and they could way too trusting. Shay noticed how he didn't sit right next to her. Perhaps he did have brains after all. That was a Ravenclaw job though. She knew he definitely wasn't in Slytherin or she would have seen him in the dungeon or the common room. He seemed a bit of a mystery to Shay and that intrigued her. There weren't many people that she couldn't work out. This was down to her dad training her though. He wanted her to be prepared all the time so he'd taught her how to hide her emotions and how to read other peoples'. She'd learnt how to read other people but she still had times when she struggled to hide her emotions.

Shay rolled her eyes when she heard him say how it wasn't a nice way to greet someone. For Shaylah it was. She preferred greeting people by punching them. They're the ones that had dared talk to her after all. Why shouldn't she. She didn't say anything though. Just kept her eyes on the lake and let the wind blow around her. It was soothing and seemed to help calm her down. She guessed that was why her two favourite places in the school were the two windiest ones. Shay heard the boy introduce himself as Hamza. She turned to face and saw no reason to tell him her name. It wasn't like he was never going to find out anyway. "I'm Shaylah." Was the name familiar to him?? Shay didn't know but it could be. She was no where near the most talked about person in the school but there'd been times when she'd walked past groups who weren't bothering to hide the fact that the topic of their conversation was her.

Hamza was starting to debate himself as to why this girl was out here all alone, by
herself. It wasn't because seeing a girl all alone was freaking him out or anything,
but the mere fact that the non-verbal attitude of this girl was starting to interest
him. He wondered what kind of life style she was living through right now. Was
she one of those violent types of girls that do nothing but cause harm to other
people, or was she just one of the bookworms that wanted to study all the time
and do nothing but it. Whatever the case was, Hamza took it upon himself to find
out what this girl's deal was. He had not met anyone so interesting to him for quite
some time. Last person he had helped out went through a lot of therapy from
Hamza in order to get back to normal because of all the depression she had inside
her. Hamza had a very high tolerance level, which he prided himself of because he
could absorb a lot without getting angry. He knew that this girl was from Slytherin,
so he had an idea of what kind of attitude to expect from her. It would be interesting
to see if she showed anything else other than a typical Slytherin attidude. He wanted
to see what kind of girl she was. Not wanting to be nosy or anything, he decided
that he was going to take things slow and steady, and not just jumping the gun. He
wanted to try and blend in a way so that she would open herself to him without
Hamza having to do any of the work. Hamza was a good manipulator, he did well
with other people, being a manipulator in a good way, not in a bad way such as
making people do your work all the time or something. Not to mention Hamza needed
someone to talk to, so he thought why not just talk to this girl sitting next to him. He
kept his distance so that he would watch out for any funny 'stunts' she might pull.
Hamza had gone through a lot of self-defense classes in the muggle world when he
was a young child, so he knows how to handle himself pretty well. He doesn't always
need magic to take care of himself. His senses were really sharp so he always kept
an eye out for everything that was moving around him. It was rare for someone or
something to get past his senses. He prided himself of this and fully enjoyed it.

Enjoying the cool breeze hitting his face, he closed his eyes, and started to imagine
what the outcome might be of the meeting between him and this girl. He started to
imagine that the two were talking, talking, and more talking, and then eventually,
they were shaking hands. This was all that he was thinking, or rather, this is what
he wanted to accomplish, but he knew that this was not going to be possible any
time soon. While thinking about all of this, he listened to the girl say that her name
was Shalyah. 'Interesting name. Thought Hamza to himself. He had never
heard of this name before. This interested him the fact that he had been at this
school for 3 years, and not once did he ever hear about this name. Maybe she was
after all a girl who was a bookworm and she kept everything to herself? Whatever
the case may be, Hamza was going to find out more about her. Even amongst the
guys of the school, he had not heard of her name. Maybe she had just transferred
to this school? Hamza took a few moments to absorb her name. moving his arms
a few inches in and out, trying to adjust himself to a position to where he can be
most comfortable. Adjusting his legs, he crossed his legs in a bind, he opened his
eyes slowly, looking towards the sky. The sky was blue, filled with hopeful dreams
for Hamza. He slowly turned his head over to Shaylah, and said in a very smooth
tone, "Pleasure to meet you Shaylah. I have not heard of you before. Did you
just transfer here?"
Hamza wanted to take things off slowly with her, not
wanting to jump the gun and ruin things immediately. He knew that things might
get rough, but he was mentally prepared for it. Hamza moved in a few inches
towards her, and then said, "So, how're things going for you? Since we have
not met before, let's get to know each other a little bit."
Hamza knew to take
things off slowly, and steadly move towards the main purpose to help her.
Shaylah was getting confused by this boy and it only interested her more. He seemed to be keeping away from her at the same time as digging. She'd never seen it done like this before. She'd only seen her dad try and get information out of aurors while their guard was down. She had always been used to watching and taking in his techniques but she was still rubbish at it. Shay always felt like she was disappointing her father. He had done so much work getting her ready and prepared so she could leave school and go straight into being a death eater and she was letting him down. She needed to train. She needed practice. She just didn't know who she would practice on or how. She didn't want any information and she definitely didn't want to know about people so she couldn't do that. She needed some actual information that would need to be extracted from someone. Again, this brought about the when and how. It wasn't like she couldn't do her school work because that was one of her best things. She was going to have to figure that out some other time. For now, she had to keep her attention on this boy. She knew he was up to something but she didn't know what.

Shay shook her head at Hamza's question. "No. Been here since my first year. Not intending on leaving either." Shay lived with her two cats, ageing dog, owl and house elf in the halfway house. She had no family except her dad. Shay was glad that her mother was dead but she was not glad with the fact that she had no idea what Markov could do. He was different to what he used to be. He was unpredictable. There was no telling what he was going to do next and for all Shay knew it could be that he wanted to send her dad a letter telling him exactly how Shay reacted to her mother's death. Jay loved Tracy and Shay wanted him to be happy. Knowing that Shay hated Tracy would mean he would want to leave the Shay. Her death had probably ripped apart what remained of him and he would be furious with Shay. "It's none of your business what my life is like so butt out!!" Shay's reaction had been sharp and automatic. She didn't mean to try and bite his head off as she wanted to know about him as well but she was so used to yelling at the people she hated that it just came to her without even having to think about it any more. She sighed and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Her body relaxed slightly and she opened her eyes. "Sorry. My life isn't exactly an easy one to live." The word 'sorry' surprised Shay slightly when it left er lips. She hadn't expected to ever say sorry to anyone, especially some random boy she's only just met. "It makes me block people out so I react automatically with violence." She was also surprised that she was telling him so much. It was weird. It was kind of like she felt like she could trust him and open up to him. Like he was a friend she'd known for ages. But he wasn't.

Hamza didn't know that he was a good manipulator. He could see the confused look
on Shaylah's face that she was puzzled as to what Hamza really wanted. This made
him a bit happier that he would be able to reach his goal that he had set out to help
this girl more easily, and without much resistance from her. He could tell that she was
trying to figure him out as to what he wanted from her, or what his intentions were,
but Hamza was not about to let his work go down the drain. When he puts his mind
to something, he intends on completely it, no matter what. Hearing her say that she
had been here at Hogwarts since her first year really surprised him because he should
have seen her somewhere over the years, yet, he never even saw a glimpse of her
until now. Either Hamza had gone blind at the time, or he just didn't pay attention
and doesn't remember. Although, during his first two years, he was under a lot more
pressure from his parents than he is now. His parents were always on his back to
geto him ot study all day and all night. He knew that feeling of pressure. At times,
he wished that he could just run away from all his problems, but that wasn't always
the best solution, and he knew that. "Since first year huh? I have not seen you
around. Do you have any siblings that go to this school?"
Said Hamza with a
smile. Hamza's main purpose for time being was that he had to make Shaylah more
comfortable around him. If he would be able to achieve that goal, then everything else
would follow smoothly towards his side. He knew it was not going to be easy.

Her next response really did not surprised Hamza. He took in no offense from the yelling
that she had just towards him, rather, he was glad that she had just yelled at him. For
one, it was going to help her get her anger out and all of things that are bottled up inside
her that want to come out, but she's forcing them to stay in. Eventually, if someone keeps
everything bottled up inside, it is bound to come outside at a certain point. "That's it,
keep yelling at me. I want you to hit me if you want to, I don't mind."
Said Hamza with
a smile. Kindness was something that always overtook anger, from all angles, and that
is what Hamza was intending on doing right now. He knew that fighting with her would
just make things far more worse and he would never be able to get to his goal, so he
stayed calm, and stay in his tolerant state for which he was well famous for. Hearing
Shaylah say that she was sorry didn't bother him, rather, was making him more happy that
he was having some sort of influence on her. His hard work was starting to show on her
attitude. He knew that her attitude change would only be towards him, so that was his
goal for time being. Eventually, he would help her change her attitude towards everyone
else as well, but that was a future goal, and there was something else to focus on for
the time being. "Don't worry about it Shaylah, I took no offense to it. You can be
open to me, I'm not here to hurt you or anyone, I just like helping people in any
manner possible. You'd be surprised as to what I have gone through."
Said Hamza
looking over to Shaylah. Hamza wanted to see who the true person behind her image is.
Shaylah had about to shake her head and answer no to his question. Then she remembered who'd been sorted into Slytherin this year. Her little half brother. The spoilt little mummy's boy had turned psycho since their mum had died and now he was even more unbearable than he had been before. At least before he could just be dumped on Tracy and then he'd be happy. Now it was impossible to keep the little br@t happy. "Unfortunately. My little half brother started this year. Now I have to put up with him and his group of twerps." Shay had always hated Marcus. Even when she liked her family he had always been a pain in the @rse. Now she hated them so he hated her and it made things ten times worse. "I also have a half sister who's older than me but she's at durmstrang and my other half brother and sister are only toddlers. At least I don't have to see them all the time." Shay loathed Sydney because of the fact she was now one of Markov's best friends. In a way, she wished that she was still friends with Markov as they had spent so many years together but at the same time she didn't because he had caused her so much pain and heartache.

Shaylah frowned at Hamza's reaction to her yelling at him. She had seen many reactions but this was a new one. She'd heard people say those words to her sarcastically and jokily but Hamza seemed completely serious about every word he was saying. "What do you mean??" She realised it sounded like a really weird question to ask as it had such an obvious answer but she had to work out what he was talking about and this was the only way she could think of. Shay shook her head at what he said next. "I can't open up. I don't know how." Opening up had always been the hardest thing to do. Her dad was the only person she could open up to but she couldn't do it over a letter when he had no idea what was happening and had no way of helping. Shay pulled her mind away from her dad. She needed to keep her mind off of him before she broke down in front of this boy. She hated people seeing her weak and vulnerable. "Why would you do that?? It's not like you'll get anything back. Give people everything and all you get back from the world is sh!t." Shay had never been a perfect child but she'd got good grades, always been an animal lover, kept the house clean and tidy while her dad was away and she'd always been very family orientated. How did the world repay her?? It threw it all back in her face. Her dad got sent to azkaban, she lost all her friends and she started flunking her grades. That's what Shay got for being a decent person. She saw no point in trying any more so she spread the sh!t she lived and felt joy in seeing people feel the same pain as her.

Sadly for Hamza, he had one of his siblings that was now attending Hogwarts, his sister Iman. He
loved her, cared for her, and everything, but the thought of his freedom being limited just made
him shrug. Not to mention Hamza's mother being the charm's professor here at Hogwarts was not
the greatest thing for Hamza. It really angered him at times when he could not express the same
freedom as some of the other students were able to expose. He forced himself to live in the shadow
of fear from his mother. Having the fear extend from his father, who was a Ministry Official did not
help the situation at all. At times, he just wished that he was not part of the family, or he just
wished that he was never born into this world. Thoughts of suicide came through his mind at times,
but his love for his family over all was too great, and that was what kept holding him back from doing
anything too outrageous that would bring about something horrific on his family. Hamza always
remembered one main thing that his father always use to tell him. A family's respect is the most
important thing you could have in your life. If your family doesn't have respect from others, there
is nothing you could ever gain in your life. Because of this, Hamza always forced himself to keep
doing better in his life, keep pushing himself above the limit to prove that he is indeed worthy of
being part of the Khalid family. Freeing himself from his own thoughts, he listened to Shaylah say
that she had a half brother who had started this year. Perhaps Hamza already knew this half brother
of Shaylah's? Continuing on listening to Shaylah say specific things about her family and siblings,
there was a pattern that Hamza picked up, which pointed out many things to him. Why was Shaylah
not wanting to see her siblings? Facing Shaylah, Hamza said, in a smooth questionable tone, "Tell
me this Shaylah, you feel complaining about your siblings, what's wrong with having them in your
life? I mean, I have a sibling that goes here, and my mother is the charm's professor here, I don't
complain a lot, so, what's the deal here?"
Asked Hamza, being very specific. Now, to Hamza,
this was now more than about just getting Shaylah to open herself to Hamza, now, he noticed a
certain pattern in Shaylah's thoughts, her words, her sentences, so he was wanting to find out more.

Hamza could easily tell that his reaction of being 'cool' and 'calm' in this situation really surprised
Shaylah. This was really a normal thing for Hamza, especially since he had years of practice with
his patience when he would be around his older sister. His older sister attends Durmstrang, and she
was one of those individuals far worse than he had ever seen. Such a spoiled attitude, a 'goody
good' type of girl. He hated the fact that his parents had really spoiled his older sister, as well as
his younger sister, though, they never gave a chance to him to be spoiled. He was always the one
to get things with in limits, and was expected to get out a lot, in return, he would get next to nothing.
He never really understood why his parents were doing this, but his grandmother told him a few years
ago that all of this pain would soon stop for him, and light of joy would shine on his face like boundless
gigarays. Facing Shaylah, he could see the puzzled look on her face, he said, "I can see through
your eyes that you have a lot of anger, and pain built up in your eyes Shaylah, so I don't mind it
that you are showing me a cold shoulder, and a cold attitude. In fact, I would prefer for you to get
all of it, so that you feel more free inside."
Hamza continued to show a smile on his face, in hopes
that it would open a new door for Shaylah. Something about Shaylah intrigued Hamza, he just couldn't
point his finger, but he could tell that there was something special about her. Listening to Shaylah
say that she didn't really know how to open up didn't really surprise Hamza, although, it gave him
another chance to help her. He could tell that she was struggling with opening herself to just about
anyone, so, he wanted to help her. "Take a deep breath Shaylah, maybe one, maybe two, as many
as you like, open your mind, close your eyes if you want, and free yourself. Let it all out. It may
feel strange at first, but when you start with it, you will be inspired to say more. You will start
to feel good."
Said Hamza was he closed his eyes. He wanted Shaylah to experience this, he wanted
her to feel what it was like to be free. He hated seeing anyone in pain, he had been in the place of
pain already, and is still here, but he can control himself. Hamza smiled when Shaylah said that there
would be nothing that he would get in return, but there was a lot more that Shaylah would never even
begin to imagine that Hamza would obtain from this. "I don't do things or help others for my own
benefit, I do it out of pure joy. My happiness is with in others, when I see other's happy, I'm
happy, and when I see other's sad, well, take a guess."
Said Hamza as he looked at his reflection in water.
Shaylah could see why Hamza didn't understand her but it wasn't a difficult thing for her to explain so she didn't care about it. "The deal is that they are not worthy to be anywhere near the name Rouge. My mother left my father when I was three weeks old and then she came back five years ago with some rubbish story about how it was my gran's fault. My dad was foolish enough to fall for it and ended up marrying her, regardless of the fact that she already had two children and was pregnant with her dead husbands children." Shaylah had to take a few breaths before she carried on. Her anger for her mother was building up inside her and she didn't want to let it out. "Dad got sent to azkaban as soon as they got back from their honeymoon and I was forced to live with my mother and half siblings who then decided they were going to sell mine and dad's house and move back to Scotland. I refused so I live in the halfway house with my pets and house elf, Nim." Some people may have called it cruel that Shay had left her dog at the halfway house and brought her cats to Hogwarts with her but she made sure Nim took care of Sasha and made sure she got enough exercise each day. She didn't need much now that she was getting old so it made things easier.

Shay listened to Hamza as he explained his reason for asking her to hurt him. It seemed to make more sense now that he explained it but it still didn't make complete sense. "Okay, I can see why you'd be wanting me to get my anger out but why would you let me get my anger out on you. I've sent people to the hospital wing in the past because they made me angry. Why would you want to risk your own health like that??" Then what he said sunk in properly. "Wait, you can read my eyes??" Shay wasn't perfect at hiding her emotions but there weren't many people who could see what she was feeling because of her eyes. It shocked he a bit and made her think that she needed to practice hiding her emotions more. A boy younger than her who she'd never met before could read her and that could be a bad sign.

Then Shay laughed slightly. "That sounds crazy. How can other peoples' pleasure please you?? I'm opposite. I get pleasure from other peoples' pain." Shay wished she knew the cruciatus curse. It sounded like the kind of spell she would enjoy using. Of course, for that spell she was going to have to wait until she left the school. It took practice and she couldn't go around casting illegal spells while she still had the trace on her. She'd have people watching her every step, especially as her dad was in azkaban. She didn't need people watching her like that when she wanted to be a death eater.

Hamza could understand the stance at which Shay was coming from. Even though they
may have been different in many ways, but Hamza very well understood the feelings that
were coursing around her right now. Listening to her say that her father was sent to
Azkaban made him think about his own family. Hamza thought of his family as being
really perfect right now. Even though there were a ton of underlying problems that
Hamza had with his family, but looking at the overall picture, he knew that his family was
everything he could ever ask for. As much as he didn't like his older sister, he still loved
her as his sister, and that was the same for Iman, his younger sister. Both may get really
irritating to him at times, but the love was still there between the family. Hamza felt bad
that Shay had to go through all of this. He could not imagine his father going to Azkaban;
his father has done nothing wrong in his life to deserve to go to Azkaban, or at least that
is what Hamza though. He just hoped that his father would not do anything wrong to be
able to get himself sent to Azkaban. His family seemed too perfect to be able to have it
all broken up. Positioning his face towards the sky, he just started to remember all of the
inner good feelings, and that was a good idea that he thought he should share with Shay
right now. Even though it may take sometime for Shay to absorb this idea, but he knew
that if this idea actually worked for her, almost all of her problems can be solved. Licking
his lips from going too dry, he started to smile. "Shay, I understand everything you
are saying, and so, here is what I want you to try."
Hamza took a small pause by
facing Shay right into her eyes, and then continued, "I want you to close your eyes,
dig deep inside yourself, and think good thoughts. Tell me what you're feeling."
kept looking at Shay, seeing as he had to make sure she was going to do everything the
right way, and wanted to make sure that she would do everything properly for this to work.

There was one thing that made Hamza wonder that might be a really good option for Shay
to really clean up her life once and for all, although it was something that required somewhat
of a big sacrifice on Shay's part. Hamza kept debating himself as to if he should share the
option with her right now, or not. Hamza started to laugh a little when he heard Shay say
as to why she should hit only 'him'. "Because I'm willing to tolerate the violence, without
you getting yourself in trouble. I'm not going to go and report you or anything."
Hamza with a smile on his face. "And yes, I can read your eyes, and your heart. It's
really not hard for me at all.'
Said Hamza with a smile as he faced Shay, looking straight
into her eyes. If there was one thing that Hamza really enjoyed was pleasing other people.
It gave him joy, one of the most things that Hamza really loved about himself. "You
would have to have a lot of positive aspects inside you to feel what I feel."
Hamza smiled
as he faced back at the sky. He really wanted to help Shay get out of her shell. He knew
that it wasn't impossible, and that there was still a lot of chance there for him to her her.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for really late reply. And kinda lame reply, I know. I'm trying to get back into the groove of Rping.
Shaylah rolled her eyes at what he said. Hamza really didn't understand how she worked. "I never get reported anyway. I beat people up and then tell them that if they say a word I will beat them up worse and then make them watch while I beat up their friends." The heart was always the best place to target when torturing someone. The toughest people could be put through the worst torture possible and still not crack but the minute one of their friends or family were brought into it they spilled everything. It was full proof. "Is your dad some sort of death eater or something?? If not then how the hell can you read me??" Shay was harder to read than most people so having someone read her so easily always got her annoyed and frustrated. The only way she could think that he could read her would be if he had been taught by someone who did it all the time like death eaters. Shay laughed slightly at what he said. "There's nothing positive about me. I'm all negative. Always have been, always will be. It's how I've been born and raised and it's the way I like things." Jay was a negative person and Shay looked up to him so she didn't want to change. She didn't care that the next time she saw him she would be in her thirties, she still wanted to be the same as him. It was the reason why she'd been trying to get back into playing her guitar and writing music.

Shaylah raised her eyebrow at what his words. She didn't understand how he could understand anything she was going through. "How can you?? You don't have a father in azkaban or a dead mother who treated you like sh!t or siblings who hate you or even an ex boyfriend who beats you. Plus, I'm pretty sure you actually have friends. So how can you say you understand what I'm going through??" Shay knew her voice was starting to raise. She looked away from him and tried to calm herself down before she hit him. She was strangely interested in what was hiding behind those dark eyes and she wanted to get to know him better and find out exactly what he wanted out of helping her. Only then was she going to push him away. Shay looked back at Hamza when he gave her instructions. She frowned at what he said but closed her eyes all the same. She started trying to think of all the good things in her life but they always had something bad attached to them. The memories she had with her dad were clouded by the fact she wasn't going to see him for many years to come. Her childhood with Markov and Ivana was clouded with the pain she'd felt when he hit her. The group of friends she'd had when she was in her first year was clouded with how they had all moved on and she was left alone. She couldn't think of anything good that didn't make her feel worse. Shay opened her eyes and looked at him. "This isn't going to work. I have none. My life has too much cr@p in it for me to focus on anything good." She sighed and looked away from Hamza, keeping her eyes on the area around her. Looking at someone for too long always made her feel uncomfortable. It didn't help that she was already feeling uncomfortable by the fact he seemed to know her.

OOCOut of Character:
That's fine. I was busy anyway. :)

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