You Saw Nothing

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Sapphire had thought today would be boring. She had just finished her lunch and was walking into the courtyard when she saw it- some upperclassmen was bullying a first year. The kid was laying on their back on the ground, the bully with their back to her.

Sapphire rolled her eyes and silently got the kids attention. She pulled a glitter bomb from her bag and shooed the other kid away with her hand. They nodded and scrambled away quickly. The bully started to turn to her, but before he could turn all the way around she hurled her weapon with startling accuracy and hit the ground in front of him.

He was instantly covered in a cloud of dark green and silver glitter. Sapphire bolted away before he could see who did it. She didn't stop running until she reached the lake.

Sapphire doubled over laughing. She always found it a bit satisfying to see that smug look dissappear off a jerks face. She didn't notice she'd been followed, because her pursuer wasn't covered in glitter.
Hogwarts was nothing like Benjamin had first thought. He had so much freedom at the school, despite his older siblings attending the school too, and he loved it. He no longer felt like the baby and he could be whoever he wanted to be. Of course, he loved his siblings but he also loved his independence and the fact that he could do whatever he wanted.

Benjamin was looking for a distraction from his studies, he found reading a little boring and his homework was taking so long so he decided to take a break and to stretch his legs. He walked from the Gryffindor Common Room all the way down to the Entrance Hall before deciding to pay a visit to the grounds. It wasn't long after he had stepped outside before he had walked into something that would entertain him.

One of his fellow first years appeared to be in the middle of a situation with a couple of students from the upper years. Before Benjamin even registered who the students were, they were suddenly engulfed by a cloud of what seemed to be glitter? Benji laughed and searched for the source of the glitter bomb and he saw a girl who looked around his own age running away from the scene. He was deeply impressed and decided to run after the girl to she if she had any more and if she didn't, he wanted to know where she got them from. Benji needed to get his hands on a couple, they were incredible.

"Hey!" the Gryffindor said, shouting after the girl as they both came to a stop by the Lake. "Hey! Wait! That was amazing, where did you get it from?" he questioned the girl, hoping she would share her knowledge with him.
Sapphire jumped, spinning to see a boy in her year Her eyes narrowed suspiciously and she crossed her arms across her chest. She had gotten better at making friends, sure, but that didn’t mean she’d trust anyone that came along. She studied the boy thoughtfully, glad she wasn’t wearing any house colours right now.

“...I make them.” She finally said, her sapphire eyes guarded. “Who wants to know?” The kid was too young to be a prefect, but she figured it never hurts to be careful.
Benji stood back a little as he saw the girl cross her arms over her chest. He brought up his hands in front of him as a surrender gesture "I'm not here to have a go at you. I thought they were really impressive actually! You need to show me how you make them. That was hilarious back there" he grinned.
Sapph let a small smile across her face. "Maybe someday, if you earn em." She said slowly, relaxing her stance a bit. "My name's Sapphire." She put her hands in her pockets, figuring he might be a bit of fun later. He had a bit of promise, chasing her down like he had.
Benji grinned at the girl's answer "okay, deal! What have I go to do to earn it?" he said, his eyes widening at the mischief that the two of them could cause. "Nice to meet you Sapphire. I'm Benjamin. But you can call me Benji if you like. What house are you in?" he asked the girl. It couldn't be Gryffindor because he was sure that he would have recognised her if she was.
Sapph almost laughed at the boys energy. He was too excited about the whole thing to be a squealer. She liked the abbreviation on his name, too. It made it simpler for her. "Well, Benji, I dunno yet." She started thinking about it.

"Uh, Slytherin," she responded absentmindedly. "You?" She would probably do well to get to know him before she taught him how to make them. Still... She spotted a nearby tree. Might as well see how he handled himself. She pulled one of the bombs out of her bag and tossed it to the Gryffindor. "Let's see if you can aim."
Benji grinned at her "well let me know when you find out. I want to earn your trust. I bet you've got loads of other cool stuff you can show me too!" he said to her. "Oh Slytherin? That's cool. My cousin is in your house. I'm in Gryffindor" he said proudly, he loved being in the same house as his siblings. Benji took the dungbomb from the girl and threw it at the tree immediately but it sadly missed. "Oh no!" he exclaimed "Can I have another go? I'm a bit rusty" he said, wiggling his shoulders.
Sapphire laughed. "We'll see about that, Benji-boy. Don't think you can sweet talk your way into my secrets." She winked playfully, before contemplating his next comment. He had a cousin in her house? Whoever it was they hadn't left much of an impression. She moved past it, then wondered idly what house Onyx would be in if he went to school here.

She raised her brow as the boy missed the tree, and noted that the glitter bomb didn't go off either. That was alright, if you didn't throw it right it was pointless. Part of the design, really. She looked to him and shook her head. "Easy there, tiger," She pulled out a few pebbles instead. "Let's start with something a bit simpler." She held out three rocks in her hand, offering them to him.
Benji winked at Sapphire "we'll see about that" he chuckled. He frowned when she wouldn't let him have another go though, he was about to retort but then stopped himself. He was not at home now and he had to make a good impression and some friends. He remembered his sister's advice and remained calm in front of Sapphire. He smiled instead, and took the rocks from her hand. Benji picked up the first one and threw it at the tree which landed on the ground near it. The second rock hit one of the branches and he kicked the grass in frustration. He took a breath and threw the third rock which actually hit the tree this time "yes!" he shouted "third time lucky?" he laughed.
Sapph watched Benji as he threw the pebbles. He was adjusting quickly. She pulled out one of her smaller bombs and offered it to him, silently. She was busy thinking about what they could do together. It was almost like training a partner in crime, and the thought made her smile.

"So, Benji," She offered conversationally. "Where are you from?"

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