You gotta love these kids

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Brooklyn Howell

OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
So these kids were born in London (England), Brooklyn (America), and Sydney (Australia), Paris (France). Their parents collects muggles antique items. So they travels a lot and unlike most parents who leave their kids at home, they brought their kids with them...
But they live in London, their manor is beside the Howell's...

They're cousins with the Howards (yes those devils) but the Howells are angels.
So don't worry they wont bite you (Except if you smell like cookies)


London Howell (14, Beauxbaton)

Is a book worm and is a genius. She loves reading and she's a straight O's.
London has the biggest private library in her manor.
Unlike Sydney who talked too much, London doesn't talk much.
London loves the magical creatures and she knows how to take care of them.
She's also into muggle studies, potion, and herbology.
London doesn't care about fashion but she always looks good.
The little girl thinks that she's a grownup, and she acts
as if she's a mom. So she underestimate those who act
like a child but she too can be a child ((well she's a child
what d'ya expect? haha))


Sydney Howell (12, Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts)

Is very carefree and she doesn't care about what other people think of her,
she's very nice but she will be a pain in the @ss if you mess with her.
She talk too much and sometimes she annoys other people.
She's also very sporty, especially quidditch.
She's a beater in her school.
Sydney is the tomboy of the familiy, she's not afraid of getting
down to the mud or pull pranks on other people, being goofy
and get detentions. She's very fun and carefree.


Brooklyn Howell (11, Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts)

Is very sweet and kind, she's the only one who knows almost everything
about muggles because she had been associating with muggleborns since she was little.
Her nanny was a muggleborn so she was invited to her
nieces and nephews parties and she had a lot of muggle friends.
Brooklyn is into fashion as well, she loves new clothes, new shoes, everything new.
She's into music a lot as well and someday she is going to be a musician.
She can be a little quiet to new people but she wont be THAT quiet once you get to know her


Paris Howell(8)

Is a sweetheart, she's very cute and friendly.
She loves singing and her voice is a blast.
The girl isn't shy around new people, in fact if she meet someone new,
she will talk to them and hug them not caring if they are comfortable or not.
She can be clumsy sometimes. She never think twice (well she's only 8)
Paris loves dolls and of course her toys and of course presents.
She's the princess of the family and everyone loves her.

And more :p

I know I shouldn't, But, could I have/make London?
I'm an idiot. lol

I have Kiara Tine, a second Beauxbatons for London.
She's a b!tch and she wants complete control of the
school. So, she'd be falsely nice to the girl, and probably try
to get her to do her homework, and things of that sort.
What do you think?
Hey Sally,

Told you I'd post :)

I an offer Rachel Ryder, nice girl, explorer, funny, 11.

She will be attending HNZ, yeeeeaaaah, and likes to explore, read and have fun. More information will be in the sig.

@Emz: tee hee :p


I'm not sure if London would listen to Kira and stuff,
because she think that she's a grownup and stuff and
she'll act as if she's the mom of her siblings.
((aahh I should have mention it up there))
But they can be enemies and see what will happen?


Chyou Jin said:
@Emz: tee hee :p


I'm not sure if London would listen to Kira and stuff,
because she think that she's a grownup and stuff and
she'll act as if she's the mom of her siblings.
((aahh I should have mention it up there))
But they can be enemies and see what will happen?

Enemies would be fine, she'd have plenty of enemies.
Would you like to start something or would you like me to?
Michael here can bully London or something. He's the exact opposite of her it seemed cause he's not really interested in studying nor reading books at all. And , he's rather loud as well. He holds no respect for girls as he view them as much more inferior to the male population (The only girl that he respects is his mother I think).

He's not fully develop yet and I'm still finding his personality cause he had just been made as of a request from someone, so I'm sorry if I cannot give a lot of details about him.
He sounds scary :p lol jk..

Yeah okay sure, actually London here is suppose to be half Luna lovegood and half Hermione Granger hha...

I'll start and I'll PM you the link ^_^
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