You can't be serious.

Arielle Lemaire

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust.
Arielle totted her way down to the dungeons after a less than satisfying breakfast. She had quickly grown bored of the food offered in the great hall, and desperately wanted something new to capture her attention in the morning. She had decided that after four years of wandering the castle alone everyday she needed a new perspective on things, to keep her faltering motivation up. And after pondering this thought, the fourth year had also decided a transfer might be on order, as a different magical school that had a less annoying student body, and a more motivating staff would be the perfect choice for the fourteen year old. Although it was a pity her father didn't think so, no matter how many owls she sent to him throughout the year explaining her day to day life alone and misguided, he wouldn't budge on letting her transfer out of the place. What was so great about the halls of Hogwarts New Zealand? The only reason Arielle thought he father didn't want to transfer her to another school was due to his laziness in not moving out of New Zealand, not his precious, and only daughter's wellbeing. Some father he turned out to be after fourteen years.

The Slytherin shook her head as she scoffed, crossing her arms and abruptly sitting herself down on a wooden bench within the dungeons. It always seemed she was in the dungeons, in one way or another and the thought of darkness comforted the fourth year from her problems. Frustrated, Arielle untied her wavy hair, and let it fall out on her shoulders while her mind searched for something to fill her time that didn't involve the dungeons and classes. She had no homework, and no assignments she could find herself bothered with in between classes, so Arielle was left to fill her free time with nothing, once again, this resulted in Arielle bored and alone in the dungeons. Especially since the French girl had given up on all her other hobbies like designing for the time being, as she needed to catch up on school work and start having a social life, something she wasn’t going to have anytime soon, obviously. Another unproductive day marked itself with a soft sigh from Arielle, annoyed and regretting another day of nothing but classes.
Ryan made his way out of the common room up to the Great Hall.He walked up the stairs to the hall slowly and people passed him by with out a glance.Ryan wasn't really noticeable.There was nothing special about him and he always kept his head down and didn't try to socialize with anyone.He was always restless he didn't know what he wanted to do with himself.He didn't want to be so sad and depressed all the time.He wanted things to be the way they were before he was sorted into this stupid house.If he had ben sorted into any other house he would probably have a load pf friends and he wouldn't be so depressed and be a loner.If those stupid people hadn't bullied him in first and second year he would probably be okay and e would have adjusted to being in the Slytherin house but instead he had to be bullied into not trusting a single person in this school except for his three sisters.Ryan didn't talk to anyone he didn't even go to class some days.he just couldn't be bothered.But he wanted that to change he wanted to be able to talk and trust people but he didn't think that was gonna happen any day soon.

Once he entered the Great Hall he was glad to see no more magazines.Even though he barely talked yo his family he was still annoyed that his sisters had been mentioned,especially Kate who had been mentioned quite a lot.He had only read it in passing and to be honest he thought it was a whole load of rubbish and he wondered how the writer even managed to make so many magazines with out getting caught.What also amazed him was what stories he/she came up with.What also amazed him was how thy got pictures,not like they could just go up and ask.It was really as mystery to Ryan but he just hoped his sisters wouldn't be mentioned again.Once he was finished his breakfast he made his way back to the common room.He really didn't want to face the green walls and couches of the room so he by passed the door and walked along he dungeons.They weren't that bad a place if you liked the quiet and the dark.He saw a free bench and he made his way over and sat down.Once he was seated he started down at his hands and waited for the day to be over.
The French girl was frustrated, angry, upset, and every other word that could be used to describe how annoyed she was at life. Arielle really had nothing to motivate her, the once ambitious Slytherin who used to carry around a sketch book all day, designing every kind of outfit imaginable had dissolved away during the winter break, and Arielle was craving some form of direction. She loved her mother, as much as she could without having any memory of her, and she did want to have a career in fashion, but it seemed she just couldn't be bothered working to reach her goal any more. She couldn't put it up to depression, because she hardly knew the symptoms, and Arielle wasn't idiotic enough to self-diagnose like a lot of the other students in the school. Her father hardly knew about what it was like for her to spend her days alone, yes she had told him numerous times, but she didn't let the hurt of being an outcast show. Arielle shrugged; at least she made an effort with that. If she started showing her father how it was truly affecting her, it might push him in the right direction to getting her transferred out. But she had a feeling that still wouldn't work. It seemed the fourteen year old was trapped in Hogwarts New Zealand until graduation in three years.

Arielle's thoughts were interrupted by footsteps slowly making their way closer; a sound that would have frightened Arielle didn't, because there wasn't really anything that could hurt her in the dungeons besides not seeing something and falling over. That's what spending your spare time in the dungeons did. Arielle watched, and quickly noticed the person sit at another empty bench, across from her. They were a distance away but not too far. The Slytherin recognised the boy's face, and since she had a photographic memory, Arielle realised it was Ryan Moon, somebody she had talked to once before being sorted, and since then had only met in passing. She thought now was the time to break the silence, and say something to him again. "You could always walk quieter you know, those loud footsteps have given me a headache." She said, a sarcastic undertone grasping her words. Arielle didn't have a headache, but she could always make a sarcastic comment about things to lighten the mood if the two were going to sit in the dungeons all day. Might as well make the most of it.
Ryan used to be a pretty happy fella.His music had been happy and cheerful,almost catchy before turning the age of eleven.He had been bashing the drums with such force as he did these days.He was surprised that the drums in the arts room hadn't broken yet.He couldn't remember the amount of times he had to change the strings on his guitar before of the force of his strumming and picking.He did feel sort of bad for the instruments but it helped him release his anger that was usually bottled up inside him.If he didn'tt have his music he would probably explode one day and do a lot of harm,he hoped nothing like that ever happened because e would get in a whole pile of trouble and he would end up explaining everything to his parents which he didn't want to do.He never wanted anyone to know about the bullying,it made him feel embarrassed and weak.Never once in his life before Hogwarts had he ever thought he would get bullied.He had always been surrounded by family and friends.Now it was just family and he found them annoying at times.

Ryan's thoughts were interrupted by someone who used a sarcastic tone.He looked up,she looked very familiar.He knew he had passed her a few times but they had been fleeting times not he actually got a good look at her and he knew he had talked an met her before Hogwarts.It must have been when he was in New Zealand because he didn't recognize her from England and he had no magical friends at home.Since he kind of knew her he was a little bit more leaniant to talking to her.A few years ago he would have retorted with a sarcastic comment himself but he was out of practice and he still couldn't remember who she was.He couldn't place her name and he didn't really want to ask her as that might be a bit embarrassing so he tried a different approach "We have met before,haven't we?"He asked her curiously.
Arielle was silently glad another student had chosen to lurk in the dungeons with her that day, even if it was by coincidence and she knew her day wouldn't be as boring and pointless as long as she had company that was interesting enough to keep her warding off boredom, if even for a few minutes. It surprised the fourth year how much interesting her day had been in the few moments Ryan had been sitting at the bench across the corridor from her. The French girl's earlier words would have been lost if it weren't for the echo caused by the dungeons, another thing she was silently glad for. Arielle had no reason to voice this, nor did she desire to, instead choosing to answer Ryan's question. He obviously recognised her, probably more in passing than when they had met years ago, and Arielle was more than happy to introduce herself to the other Slytherin again, but not instantly. "Of course we've met before; otherwise I wouldn't waste my time talking to you." She said, lips curving into a hardly noticeable smirk as she trailed off the end of her sentence, leaning her attention towards the empty corridor.

They could be interrupted any minute by a professor, a prefect or an older student, and be told to go to their common room rather than sit together in a dark corridor, and that thought intrigued Arielle, to the point she already knew she would refuse if Ryan suggested moving their conversation to the common room, especially since their conversation was hardly a conversation at all, and merely the beginning of a conversation. Arielle's waning attention could be seen as boredom, but it was of course the opposite, she felt the need to talk to Ryan, and kill some proper time before she had to leave for class. "Oh, well I should introduce myself again, because you obviously don't remember who I am." She chuckled, an attempt at sounding more casual than she felt. Arielle absent mindedly chewed the inside of her cheek, waiting a few moments before saying her name to add non-existent dramatic effect. "My name's Arielle." The blonde added, a fake smile spreading on her features while she held out a hand for Ryan to shake. She was being formal, and didn't see that as a problem.
The dungeons weren't that cold once you got used to spending you're time there most days.It didn't seem as dreary either though that was how Ryan felt at the moment.He never felt much happier then what he did right now.He was kind of just bored and fed up,he wanted something to happen in his life.Sure there had been all the cuffel with Kate and Sara over the past few years but Ryan and Star had uneventful life's at least he didn't think Star's did.He hadn't talked to her in a while and he knew it bothered her but he was too busy being selfish and feeling sorry for himself.He knew he was being selfish and pityful but he just couldn't help it or maybe he was just too lazy to make himself,either way he was stuck drowning in his own sorrows.Ryan shook his head and smiled.Slytherin's really had a way of answering questions "Fair point"he said shrugging his shoulders.He sat back on the bench his shoulders stiff.Now as he looked at her closer,he could almost feel her name at the outskirts of his brain.This was what happened when you didn't socialize for three or four years,you tend to forget people and places.

The dungeons were quite big and their voices echoed off the wall.Definitely not a lace for a private conversation,but their's was hardly even a conversation,he couldn't remember her name after all.He didn't mind talking here not like they were going to say anything that important that other people couldn't hear but the chances of someone coming down here were slim.The dungeons weren't exactly a hot spot for people.Ryan waited as she held her dramatic pause.How he missed talking to people. "Ah now I remember,we met outside a shopping center"He said,the memories slowly coming back,he had had ice-cream or something like that.It was all a haze. "In case you don't remember my name though I doubt you did ,I'm Ryan"He said shaking her hand a small smile on his lips.
Of course the French girl had lied about having a headache, but the idea of having a headache, or at least the possibility gave Arielle the reason to start a conversation, or at least say something to the other Slytherin. Otherwise the two would be sitting the purgatory of an awkward silence, with nothing to talk about but the dank dungeon atmosphere they had both chosen to dwell in. But what came as a surprise to the fourth year was that she was managing to hold a conversation at all, even though barely. Through spending her previous years at Hogwarts New Zealand hardly saying a word to another, she saw this as an accomplishment. Somehow, her social skills must have been put on hold the past four years, and instead of dissolving away into nothing like what would happen to other human beings, they were frozen in time, but made a little more sarcastic. As Ryan finally remembered where they had met once before, Arielle nodded, confirming he was right while shaking his hand in return. She laughed quietly, of course she remembered his name but was not going to let that fact known, because it seemed unbelievable that Arielle's good memory was possible to other students, and more often than not the French girl was given a dirty look for recalling a small detail that would otherwise go along unknown.

She ran her hand through her wavy locks of hair, a fake smile still taking over her features. She honestly had no idea of what to say next to her fellow fourth year, besides her name, which she had already done. It seemed no matter how much the Slytherin wanted to keep talking to someone, her mind faltered in searching for interesting topics of conversation. She remembered sketching when her and Ryan first met, a hobby she wouldn't dare to return to until she felt any sense of motivation. This thought caused the Slytherin to perk up, wondering what Ryan's hobbies were, if he were the sporty type, or if he was more of a secluded bookworm type of person, among many other possibilities. "So what have you been doing to fill the time these past few years?" She queried, raising an eyebrow at her housemate. Thankfully Arielle was able to think of something to ask Ryan, to ward of any awkward silence for just a little longer.
Ryan wondered why Areille was lurking in the Dungeons like him.It wasn't a place a person with a whole lot of friends went to.It wasn't exactly the best place to meet up with your friends.Unless you liked dark,dank places that is.Ryan preferred the quietness and the peacefulness of the dungeons.He was a loner anyways.He didn't like talking to people so the dungeons was a perfect place because no one came her.Slytherins weren't too bad,well some of the at least.Ryan knew all Slytherins weren't bad sure he wasn't all sly and cunning and and all that jazz.He didn't really think the house suited him but he was stuck in the house for another three years,well four including this year.He was contemplating going to the Yule Ball.He hadn't gone since first year.He wasn't sure whether he should go.He would probably be a loner going and all he would do is lurk and watch everyone else had a great time while he would think what a sad life he had.Unless he made things up with Danielle,things could be better then but he wasn't sure if she would forgive him.He had been a complete @ss and he wasn't sure what her reaction to him talking to him would be."Nothing,I'm basically a loner and I've drifted through the past four years"He said sighing,he wondered what the situation with Areille was.He wasn't exactly what to say.He hadn't talked to her in around four years and he had changed a lot since then "Are you going to the Yule Ball?"He asked curiously
Arielle liked the dungeons, it was where she could go to be alone, and spend some time away from the annoying people in her house. She knew Slytherin was considered the best house, and that many other Slytherins thought that, however she still did not care much for it. She preferred to be alone with her own thoughts, rather than spend time with anybody else in her house, so the dungeons seemed like an ingenious place to avoid those people. Why Ryan was there, she wasn't sure of exactly, because she hadn't asked, but she assumed it was for similar reasons to her own. Arielle smiled slightly when Ryan answered her question, but didn't react any further than that. She couldn't conjure any other reasoning for Ryan to be lurking in such a dark place. The fourth year laughed when Ryan asked if she was going to the yule ball, she thought the idea ridiculous. She had gone once before, and managed to enjoy it with an annoying Hufflepuff boy while they made fun of everybody else's attire. She wouldn't have minded going again if it weren't for the obvious fact she had nobody to spend her time with. She might have gone with Annalie if she was going, then she would have lots of fun for sure, but she had no idea if her older friend felt like being in such a situation. She reminded herself to ask Annalie about it later. "Pfft, the Yule ball? That thing's only for suckers." Arielle answered, she thought she was so much better than going to such a mainstream function, the only thing that would convince the young Slytherin to go was if Annalie was going also, so they could insult everybody else there, and make the other students jealous of their superiority.

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