+ You always start off with 'Hello'

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Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Oh, Miss Willow Autumn!

You'd probably know her as that annoying first-poster in lessons,
The girl who smacked into the wall in Potions class and the girl who
didn't cast 'protego' in time, only to be hit by a 'stupefy' spell.
--It's not easy to be a...well, an accident prone, clumsy witch.

However, being a witch who knows nothing about the Wizarding world or magic she needs a few...


Enemies should find her as an easy target to tease and all that.
Not knowing any magic or about the wizarding world would just confuse the bejeebuz out of her.
However, she isn't the best at Comebacks and self defense. So, expect some really
lame comebacks. And some fleeing for good measure.
A rival for Willow would be pretty awesome too.


Willow doesn't even have a hate bone in her body, but she's very competitive
and will enjoy some challenges against someone.
-All of course, in the act of Fun.
Hopefully, your character will morph into another Best Friend for Willow, and
the two would hopefully have some down moments and just have some good old
non-competitive fun and hanging out times.


Feeling more than a little intimidated about learning magic and had a traumatic experience
of firing a spell at a professor.
Willow needs someone who she can go to to build her confidence up, answers her many (non-existent)
questions and help her learn tricky spells and the such.

If you think you can help sweet clumsy Willow (i'm nice to her aren't I?)
then flick a message here or PM me if you want your character to be someone other than
a Mentor or a Rival to Willow :)

Eden can be a mentor for Willow. She's a bit weird seeing as she is a Seer and on a quest for power and just all around plain evil but she hides it very well so that no one suspects her of any wrong doing. Aside from being a plain bad person Eden does remember what it was like to feel different and do things at the wrong time or be unable to do them at all. So somewhere deep down in that frozen heart of her's Eden could be of help to Willow.
That'll be awesome :D

Would you like to start a topic or would you like me to?
I have Georgiana Night who could be her friendly rival. Both girls seem similar so I could see them trying to out-do each other. Plus it'll be nice for Georgiana to have some competition at school instead of being a leader all the time she'll have to learn to be a follower at some points in her life.
I have started the topic and here is the link.http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7347497/1/#new
So um yea I shall be waiting.
@Alexa/Georgiana Oh that would be awesome!
Would you like to start a rp or would you like me to?
If you can that would be nice, I'm in a little bit of a writer's block right now :((
I can offer up Bella White for an enemy for Willow ^_^ Have a look and send me a PM, otherwise I'd probably forget about this :r
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