Yevheniy Kharchenko

Yevheniy Kharchenko

Anarcho-Magic Leader | out of control
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
It's Complicated
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Wood Rose
10/2019 (42)
Yevheniy Kharchenko!
Taking the easy route

<FONT font="Tahoma"><SIZE size="50">Full Name:
Yevheniy Luca Kharchenko
Yevheniy is a long running name in my father's family, but because I grew up in both Ukraine and America, I acquired a sort of substitue name to make up for the difficulty people had in saying my name.
Luca was then my mother's input, couldn't have my father naming me like all the others in his family. Luca has no origin, I think my mother just opened a book and picked the name she liked.
Kharchenko is the name of my family. There was no way I was getting out of that. It's a pretty good name. Slightly different, and interest, well I find it interesting.

Date of Birth:
February 2nd 2019

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Short for his age, standing at under 5 foot. Short golden blonde hair, sitting poker straight, with a few strands covering his the top of his forehead. He has bright blue eyes, and lightly tanned skin. He is of slim build, and again slightly smaller for his age. He has a small scar underneath his left eye. Very small but very clear. His mother picked out his clothes, but he has very clear style. Low hanging trousers, jeans and chino's. Knee length shorts, with many styles. He wears loose t-shirt made for comfort as well as to appear slightly stylish. He has many jumpers and jackets and hats from many of the different states he goes to in America.

Wes has a very relaxed personality. He takes things easily no matter what they are. He has a desire to fit in, but also doesn't mind if he isn't the popular guy. He's not very school orientated and much rather's slacking off. Despite this, Wes has a knack of achieving good grades, against the odds of the teacher's. Wes can appear completely disinterested in what a person has to say, but that's his detachment to people, and general sarcasm that he lives by. However, this doesn't meant that while talking to him, he would actually be disinterested. In fact, nine times out of ten, Wes just appears it. His sarcastic comments only used when necessary, though a sarcastic tone of voice creating at times confusion. Despite this, Wes can be relatively charming when he wants to be, he keeps his cards close to him, which gives him a mysterious air, and his relaxed personality creates a sense of calm while around him and curiosity as to what his life is like.

Father - Yevheniy Kharchenko - Pureblood wizard, born and raised in Kiev in Ukraine. Currently works as a healer in Ukraine
Mother - Jane Strathe - Mixed blood witch - Has a small clothing brand in Los Angeles. Uses magic to create most of the clothes.
No siblings


Area of Residence:
Currently, New Zealand.

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood

American on one side, Ukrainian on the other(With distant roots in Russia).

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Hanging out with his friends, quidditch, also interested in horror movies, card games. Likes music and has more than once attempted to learn the guitar. Surfing, swimming.

Additional Skills:
Fluent in latin, as well as English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Ability to remove himself from any situation. Level headedness, pushes himself in anything.

How removed he is. Sense of not caring, not being able to sound as interested as he could in things. Doesn't take things seriously enough.

Describe your character in three words:
Level headed, Calm, Fun

Favourite place to be:
In L.A., the beach.

None so far

Hogwarts House:
Was sorted into Slytherin, before transferring to Durmstrang

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Unsure yet. Has yet to decide it.

Best school subjects:
Figures it will be the dark arts

Worst school subjects:
Thinks it'll be Potions

Extracurricular Activities:
He's hoping for quidditch player, chaser.

Doesn't know yet.

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Doesn't know yet.

Your Patronus:
A dog.

Your Patronus memory:
The first time he went to school in Los Angeles. Filled with amazing people. He'd never been so happy to be at school. It was a half day, and then all of the people in his class ended up going to the beach was literally two minutes from the school. It had been the first time Wes had spent time with friends relaxing at the beach. He'd learned to surf that day. He had up until then spent most of his early life in Northern Ukraine.

Your Boggart:
Being buried alive.

Your Animagus:
A dog

Mirror of Erised:
Winning a pro surfing tournament.

A page from your diary:
Hey Diary,

Not much happened today. I'm in New Zealand at long last. God, it was so long. Almost missed my flight in Singapore because of these huge lines in the airport. It was so annoying, but thankfully I got on the flight and now I'm hear in New Zealand. I'll be honest, I started my journey during the night, and it was so much warmer in L.A. I dunno, I don't know anyone. it's a huge move, and I really just want to go to durmstrang. I just I'll just have to wait till morning before I decide anything about this place. Night, or day. I'll be honest, I have no idea what day it is.

Hi Emzies. I have a few questions about Wes. Hope you don't mind :)

1. What does Wes think about magic?
2. How does he get along with his parents? Is he closer to one parent?
3. What is his favorite color?
4. Has he ever broken any bones?
1. What does Wes think about magic?
He likes it. It interests him. He's grown up with it being a side thing but he's always believed that it more important than anything. He is looking forward to learning about magic and doing something he's never done before. The entire idea of magic excites him.
2. How does he get along with his parents? Is he closer to one parent?
Wes struggles to get along with his parents. He doesn't like their attitude to life and then each other. He thinks it's silly, but if he had to pick one parent he was closer to his father. Out of the two he finds it so much easier to talk to him than his mother.
3. What is his favorite color?
Wes would have to say green. It's a good solid color. It was the color of the tie at his old school. And it's going to be his school colors for the next seven years. He isn't likes it.
4. Has he ever broken any bones?
No, Wes has never broken any bones. He sprained his wrist in a surf accident and bruised a few ribs once but apart from them he's never had to deal with any broken bones.

Thanks for the questions!!

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