Yerik Rhys Price

Yerik Rhys Price

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OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle

Yerik Rhys Price
Appointed by God ; Enthusiastic ; Urgent one

Full Name:Yerik Rhys Price
Date of Birth:October 7
Current Age:Eleven (11)
Special Abillities:Multilingualism
Blood Status:Pureblood
Birth Place: Aberdeen, Scotland
Current Residence:Auckland, New Zeland and Aberdeen, Scotland
Heritage:Russian, Scottish and English
School Enrolled in:Hogwarts New Zealand
House and Year:Ravenclaw, Sixth Year

Play-by:Nicholas Hoult
Eye Color:Blue
Weight:135 lbs
Hair Color:Dark Brown</SIZE>

Clever, sincere and sometimes visionary. Education is his main priority, other than family. Loves to read book, more on history. Seek the next challenge and the next big adrenaline rush, is also athletic and loves sports by all means. Like to meet people in foreign lands and learn foreign languages.Will not follow the rules if they don't believe that the rules are right and just. Is very much open-minded and trust-worthy though he prefer to spend some time alone. Fiercely opinionated, Keen and observant. Can be honest to the point of cruelty, and will upset more sensitive individuals with their often accurate but not very diplomatic statements. Can also take the truth about himslef, at least more of the truth than others can, and so he seek to impose truths on others even when sensitivity is called for.
Pets:Yerik Rhys own an Snow Old names Cameron
and a Black Raven at Home named Shadow. They also have some Family Pets,
like A male Blue English Bulldog "Big Mac" and male a Carin Terrier "Tirso"

Strengths:Flying, aside from that Yerik is a fast-learner.
Weakness:As much as possible he tries to stay strong,
though he's pretty much afraid of getting low grades and failing.

Describe your character in three words:Motivated, Trust-worthy and Smart
Favorite Place to be:The Library
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:To Graduate with Flying Honors.
Be a Prefect Hopefully and also be a Member of the Quidditch Team.

Best School Subject:Flying
Worst School Subject:Herbology
Extracurricular Activities:Will try out for Quidditch
and Hopefull be in the Brotherhood of Magic.

Graduation:Some more year of hard work.
Plans for the Future:Yerik would like to be an Auror.
Patronus Memory:Seeing my grandfather.Hawk
Mirror of Errised:Winning at Everything, being at the top.Hawk

Father:Feodor Rhett Price
Age: 42
Play-by: Norman Reedus
Feo graduated at Hogwarts Scotland (Slytherin),
he then decided to work at the Ministry of Magic.
After a few years Feo decided to pursue his true
dream of becoming a Pilot. After saving enough money,
he soon started a business of his own.
The Price Airport, he loved flying and was also a part of
his Quidditch team as a Beater,when he was younger.
Although he was sorted in Slytherin, Feo remained
kin-hearted to some of his colleagues.


Mother: Halina Markovitz Price
Age: 40
Play-by: Milla Jovovich
Halina aka Ina was younger than her husband by two year, although she didn't
attended same school like Yerik Rhys Father. Halina took up her studies in Hogwarts
New Zealand (Ravenclaw) she then moved to Salem afterwards. She was a bit of
a nerd, though she was truly beautiful indeed. Ina was even at the top of her
class, just like Yerik she cherished school and her friends the most.
She never met true parents as she was adopted by another family in Bulgaria.
Ina was orphaned by her real parents that seemingly dies in an unknown accident.
She is now a Obstetrician/gynecologist, after finishing Med school for a couple of year.
Feo was the one who made all this happen.

Yerik Rhys has 4 Sibling, he is the middle child.​
</i><COLOR color="mediumblue">

Oldest Sister: Geni Arialee Price
Age: 18
Geni just graduated just this year, she studied at Salem.
Currently, she works at their airlines. Until she decided on what to do
afterwards with her life. Yerik is close with her oldest sister, as Geni is quite
a tomboy, though her sexuality is absolutely straight. The two likes to
goof around and play jokes.


Older Brother: Orion Luka Price
Age: 15
Play-by Thomas Decker
Luka is actually gay, his family accepts the fact that he's gay. Though Luka isn't allowed
to date guys unless he turns 18 or nineteen. Luka isn't like the other gays, he is quite strong
and still enjoys being a man. Although he Yerik aren't that close like Geni and him. They still
shared a bond, as Luka loves Music and is an aspiring musician.


Little Sister: Nadine Iara Price
Age: 6
Play-by: Ariel Waller
Naddy is Yerik Rhys youngest sister, just like any children.
She's very sweet and bubbly, loves to play mind games at a young age.
She is also indeed close to his brother's, at the moment she's
Home-schooled by her mother.


Little Brother:Edan Ben Price
Ben is the newest member of the family, as Yerik's Parent's wanted to to
build a huge family. At the moment Ben is just a toddler, though he is
indeed a fast learner. Yerik Rhys loved Ben and the same goes to Ben.
<COLOR color="mediumblue">Love Story of Parents
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Feo was just starting out with his career in the Ministry of Magic, while Ina wasn't that lucky after graduating so far. She became a part-time model at night and a shop-assistant by day. She met Feo when at this certain Christmas Eve gathering with her friends, and it wasn't instantly love at first sight. Feo was indeed nice but, at the same time he had a relationship with Ina's sister at that time. A year after, Ina's sister (not biological) died due to Leukemia, Feo was heart-broken and decided to leave and stay in Greece for a while. Upon returning, he was back in the game. Ina was still single as well as Feo and well the too, decided to give love a try. They been married for nineteen years now and lives happy than ever.

A Page from My Diary

Ive finally got accepted! In Hogwarts NZ could you even believe it,
I'm really excited as I'm the first one in my Family to attend the known school.
I can't wait to get sorted, hopefully I'll be in Ravenclaw. I do not intend to find
any friends at the moment, as I promise to concentrate on my studeis first.
I will surely miss Mom and Dad, Geni, Luka, Naddy and especially Ben! Good Prayers to me!
<COLOR color="gray"> Yerik Rhys

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