Yerik Rhys Price

Yerik Rhys Price

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle

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basics. basics. basics. basics. basics
& name; Yerik Rhys Price
& nickname; n/a
& birth date; October 7th, 2015
& star sign; Libra
& current age; Fifteen Years Old (15)
& place of birth; Aberdeen, Scotland
& sexuality; Pansexual
& gender; Male
& martial status; Single
& blood; Pureblood
& wand; Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
& occupation; n/a
& hogwarts year and house; Fifth Year Ravenclaw</FONT>
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features. features. features. features.

& hair; A shade of dark brown which i almost looks like black. Straight and clean, short bangs covering his eyes sometimes.
& eyes; Bright Piercing Blue
& face; Pale white skin tone, well defined jaw line. Is sculpted is very firm or straight in an attractive way. Eye brows slants slightly downward.
& clothing style; Clean and Classy. Yerik Rhys likes to keep in comfortable with a sense of style. For a casual look he wears a lot of plaids and one colored shirt. Blue being his favorite color of shirt to wear, jeans and some sneakers to finish his look. As for formal, he loves wearing black suits and mixing it up with a gray or any dark color tie.
& build; Muscular, due to his postion in Quidditch as a beater. His upper body is well built, loves exercising a lot and has a balanced diet. A lean stomach and proportionate figure.
& height; Yerik is quite tall, about 5'6" and will grow taller.
& distinguished features; n/a
& play-by; Tom Sturridge
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personality.personality. personality.

& likes; Birds, History, Books, Studying, Power, Comfort, Pleasure, Learning, Knowledge, Tea, Riddles, Trivia.
& dislikes; The sound and feeling of nails on the wall, Being late, People talking in a loud voice, Rejection, Blondes, Betrayal, Ignorant People, Wasps.
& strengths; Language, History, Flying, Birds.
& weaknesses; Social Skills, Brunettes, Befriending people.
& fears; Rejection and Failure.
& bogart; Seeing himself old and jobless, alone and forgotten.
& mirror of erised; Being a prefect and then a Headboy, Quidditch Captain then Auror when he graduates. Winning the house points and cup.
& amortenia; Spearmint, Pine Needle, Parchment, Fresh Baked Cookies, Coconut, Coffee, and Paprika.
& turn ons;Brunette/Dark haired ladies, Elegant, Adventurous, Mean, Independent, Witty and Humorous.
& turn offs; Jealousy, Contentious, Prying, Brawling, Clingy and needy.
& five words to describe him; Athletic, Witty, Adventurous, Serious, Observant.
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history. history. history. history. history.

& nationality; Scottish
& interests; Yerik Rhys favorite past time is to watch and observe birds. For half of his life he started to fancy birds and study them. He would always bring a book that contains all sort of information of birds with him. Other than bird watching, he loves to play sports. Muggle Sports and Quidditch, he plays football and baseball back in the muggle world and play as a Beater for the Ravenclaw team as well. He too is fond of reading novels, mostly he goes to the library to have some peace and quiet time. Making his home works there and although studying isn't a hobby, it is one of his favorite thing to do.
& personality; Clever, sincere and sometimes visionary. Education is his main priority, other than family. Loves to read book, more on history. Seek the next challenge and the next big adrenaline rush, is also athletic and loves sports by all means. Like to meet people in foreign lands and learn foreign languages.Will not follow the rules if they don't believe that the rules are right and just. Is very much open-minded and trust-worthy though he prefer to spend some time alone. Fiercely opinionated, Keen and observant. Can be honest to the point of cruelty, and will upset more sensitive individuals with their often accurate but not very diplomatic statements. Can also take the truth about himself, at least more of the truth than others can, and so he seek to impose truths on others even when sensitivity is called for. Yerik is socially inept and has a lot of troubles with engaging a conversation with someone. He would do anything to help someone in need. As for his blood status, he think that the only one who deserves him as a husband is a pureblood, though he isn't against muggle-borns, half-bloods, mixed bloods to be his friends.

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& parents;</SIZE>
Feodor Brett Price is Yerik's biological father and is a pureblood. It is believed that his ancestors came from Romania and moved to Scotland to have a new life. Feodor or mostly called Feo, grew up in the outskirts of Scotland with his parents and two other siblings. Feo being the middle child, one older brother and one younger sister. At the age of eleven he got accepted in Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted in Slytherin. He wasn't the typical mean Slytherin but he did had a group of friend, a group of elite people in the said school. Feo's father owned a lot of lands and was a broker while his mother was a baker that owns her own bakeshop. Business was in his blood, his parents business expanded making them have a lot of money to spend. His older brother apparently disappeared as soon as he graduated from Durmstrang, and his younger sister was still in Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted in Slytherin as well. After graduating he applied to be an auror but got declined due to his insufficient grades. Since he didn't got all the marks he needed, so instead he worked for the Ministry, married Yerik's mother Halina and started a family. As years passed by he decided to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a pilot he studied for four years and have mastered his skills in a total of six years. With his money, he started his own airport that became an airline. The Price Airline, that expanded so forth. Now it is a family business that he and his family run.
Halina Markovitz Price Yerik Rhys's mother was adopted by a well known and rich family, she grew up knowing she's adopted. At the age of eleven she entered Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted in Ravenclaw. During her stay in Hogwarts, she became a prefect and met a few love interest along the way. With extraordinary beauty, a lot of men fell in love with him. She once got engaged to a rich Ravenclaw like her but it ended shortly. After graduation a lot of model agents was haggling for her, she did a lot of modelling here and there and when her sister died, she grew distracted of her career. Feo who was her sister's then fiance fell in love with her and the two decided to get married after two years. She then decided to pursue medicine and became a Obstetrician/gynecologist by profession. Now, she own a clinic in New Zealand and travels the world curing the sick for free. She own a charity that volunteers and helps for cancer patients, during her spare time she tries help with their family airline. Now a mother of five, Ina loves being a mother and having time to spend with them.

& sibling/s;
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Geni Arialee Price Is Yerik Rhys' older sister, Geni being the eldest sibling of five. A graduate of Salem , works at their own airlines. Yerik is close with her oldest sister, as Geni is quite a tomboy, though her sexuality is absolutely straight. The two likes to goof around and play jokes. She isn't afraid to tell her thoughts allowed which leads to arguments with her parents. Geni doesn't dream on being a manager at their airlines for lone, she dreams of being a painter someday. With her artistic skills, she dreams of having her own art exhibit. At age twenty two, she still dreams to leave her family and pursue her painting skills to the test someday.
Orion Luka Price is Yerik's older brother, aged nineteen. Luka is actually gay, his family accepts the fact that he's gay. Though Luka isn't allowed to date guys unless he turns 18 or nineteen. Just this year he's allowed to date guys and from time to time he likes to change his boyfriends. Luka isn't like the other gays, he is quite strong and still enjoys being a man. Although he Yerik aren't that close like Geni and him. They still shared a bond, as Luka loves Music and is an aspiring musician. He graduated from Durmstrang in hopes to mostly find hot guys there. Also, dreams to start his own album by theses coming years. Geni and Luka doesn't get along at all and would have arguments that leads to harsh words.
Nadine Iara Price Naddy is Yerik Rhys youngest sister, she's eight years old and just like any children. She's very sweet and bubbly, loves to play mind games at a young age. She is also indeed close to his brother's, at the moment she's Home-schooled by her mother. She adored the muggle life and would like to be a muggle teacher someday, she's too young to worry about magic and other stuff at the moment.
Edan Benedict Price Three years old and is learning to speak. Ben is the youngest member of the family, as Yerik's Parent's wanted to to build a huge family. At the moment Ben is just a toddler, though he is indeed a fast learner. Yerik Rhys loved Ben and the same goes to Ben. He adored animals, and collects a lot of stuffed animals as well. Maybe someday he'll be a veterinarian someday.

& history; In Aberdeen, Scotland, Yerik Rhys Price was born in a wealthy family. His parents coming from a blood line of purebloods, Feodor Brett Price studies in Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted in Slytherin while Halina Markovitz was sorted in Ravenclaw then later transferred to Salem. The two feel in love and bore five children, Yerik Rhys being the third of five. They soon moved to Auckland, New Zealand in order to start a new life and for their children as well. Feo was just starting out with his career in the Ministry of Magic, while Ina wasn't that lucky after graduating so far. She became a part-time model at night and a shop-assistant by day. She met Feo when at this certain Christmas Eve gathering with her friends, and it wasn't instantly love at first sight. Feo was indeed nice but, at the same time he had a relationship with Ina's sister at that time. A year after, Ina's sister (not biological) died due to Leukemia. Feo was heart-broken and decided to leave and stay in Greece for a while. Upon returning, he was back in the game. Ina was still single as well as Feo, the two decided to give love a try. They've been married for nineteen years now and lives happy than ever. Yerik Rhys and siblings are their heir and happiness. As years passed Feo left the Ministry to continue his childhood dream, to be a pilot with six years of training he started his own Airport. The Price Airport, which are meant for international and domestic flights. As it expanded, it became a family business. Ina on the other hand studies medicine and is now a Obstetrician/gynecologist. She has her own clinic and travels the world to cure sick people for free sometimes. With their five children, it was easy for them since the two came from wealthy families, they just gave some efforts for their own.

They own a mansion in Auckland, New Zealand an hour away from the city. It was only Yerik Rhys who went to Hogwarts New Zealand to study as of the moment. The Price's loved travelling the world in which Yerik Rhys learned a lot of language along their trip, they have almost travelled half of the globe. Countries such as India, China, Japan, Greece, Russia, Germany, Bulgaria and a lot more. Yerik Rhys' father being the pilot, since he's one of the pilots in their airline. At the age of five Yerik grew interest in birds and became one of the youngest bird watchers in New Zealand or in the whole history. During his past time he would hunt and just observe the birds closely or from a far. And at the age of eleven he got a letter from Hogwarts New Zealand stating he got accepted from the said magical school. Yerik Rhys was thrilled and with the approval of his parents he left their mansion and started his journey to Hogwarts New Zealand. Soon he got sorted in Ravenclaw, just like his mother, his first year in Hogwarts went well though he lacks friends. He got all the good marks he needed throught out his fourth year and this made his parents proud of him. They even grew prouder when Yerik Rhys was made a prefect, he himself couldn't believe it. But with his hard work and dedication, he knew he deserved it. The Ravenclaw joined several clubs, including Quidditch. These clubs were muggle sports club, club academia, The Brotherhood and in his fifth year he joined Hogwarts Monthly as a writer and reporter. He couldn't be more thrilled to belong in these clubs, though up to his current year he still lacks a social life. This year, his goal is to meet and befriend new students in Hogwarts. Maybe have a close friend, though he isn't romantically linked to anyone. Yerik Rhys is still open for anything, as of now he is enjoying his studies and school life, he favors their Head of House Professor Spenser and as well as History of Magic that he teaches. Someday he dreams of being Headboy and after graduation be an Auror.
<FONT font="Tahoma"><SIZE size="50">~Code made by Goosey of Caution 2.0 She worked her butt off and she just so happens
to know a pack of ravenous penguins that she will unleash on you if she finds out you
stole it. And Song Lyrics is Wallflower by Priscilla Ahn, images from photobucket and tumblr.

& role-plays;

First Year
Brainstorming; Yerik Rhys went to the Library to find a book that will interest him, but ends up meeting a girl who seems to irritate her when the fact that she only wants to have the book Yerik Rhys was reading.

Second Year
I Badly Need a Wand; Yerik Rhys decided to buy his wand, by himself. He was left waiting for like a couple of hours but managed to catch the attention of the shopkeeper of Ollivander's.
Brotherhood Sign-ups; The Brotherhood sign-ups, where Yerik Rhys is currently a member for approximately two years. He wasn't fond of mingling with other people, still he was present for that.
After Lessons;Walking pass by the Fourth Corridor Yerik Rhys
found himself meeting up with Kate, the girl in his class
Cathexis; Upon adoring the different trophies especially the Quidditch Cups, he stumbled to meet a girl who seems older than him by a year. Will their conversation last long?
The Lazy Day
Celebrating my birthday in the Hospital Wing; Yerik Rhys grew interest of the Hospital Wing, and decided to enter the place without any permission. Then he meet this lovely girl, though he wasn't able to get her name. He wonders why a normal looking girl like her is confined in place.

Third Year
Strange Place for Inspiration; A trip to the Antiquated Lavatory leads to meeting a Gryffindor and a new adventure. Yerik Rhys meets Minoas Stratis and tries to socialize with him, when the lavatory is flooded by water. They found themselves in a secret passage leading to a new place.
No one knows, but they'll try to figure it out.
Just forget the world; Yerik Rhys once again crosses path with Georgiana Night, a gryffindor. The first meeting they had was back in the trophy room where in the claw was a annoyed to her. Just like before they didn't connect as expected, Georgiana made Yerik Rhys irritated by her. Still he remained calm and honest to her.
At The Rosebush; He meets Laura Bridge, a fellow Raveclaw and shared a tree for shade. After a few minutes they started to get to know each other by exchanging questions. Which leads to a conversation.
A new acquaintece; As Yerik Rhys decided to roam around the dungeons he meet an odd girl by the name of Morrigan Graves. She introduces her self and is indeed confident about herself, which Yerik found amusing. He even sees her as a b!tch, one aspect that the claw likes for no reason at all. Morrigan shows her jar of eyeballs to him and asks what he thinks of it, as expected Yerik Rhys said one words and smirked. Still his eyes were fixed on her the whole time.

Fourth Year
Exploration, Frustration and Inspiration; A trip to the Courtyard, Yerik Rhys met a fellow athlete like him. Hitting him with a soccer ball, that ended up not so painful. He met Philippa Laurent, followed by a few exchange of polite words.
Rumor Has It V.2; Being a loner doesn't seem bad until he got noticed by a gossip magazine, saying he's sex addict when everyone knows he isn't or do they? Furious and hurt, Yerik Rhys decided to avoid more arguments.
Taking Chances; On that very day, Yerik decided to send a letter to his sister. Geni on the other hand didn't received his letter, a stranger got his stranger. It started with an argument that ended in nice conversation.
A Trip to London; Yerik with his family went to Europe to meet Mr. Nelson, once they were freed. He decided to ride the big Ferris wheel, meeting a snobby girl.
Wallflower; It was untypical of the claw to be a klutz, and when he did Yerik Rhys almost injured himself. Luckily it was a flower pot, he then met a fellow Fifth year. The same girl he met during their partner up back in Charms, a spider climbed his arm and he didn't got startled by it. A few chit chat until the girl left without stating her name.</SIZE>

First Year
Yerik Rhys remained put of the radar as he was pretty much a loner. Joined many clubs such as the Brotherhood, Muggle Sports Club and The Club Academia. He accomplished all of his subject with a "O and E" as grades.

<SIZE size="50">Second Year
Finally he got accepted at their Quidditch team as a Beater, he wants to stay on the team until his last year in Hogwarts. Yerik Rhys started to mingle with other people. Well, all of them are girls as he tries to find any inspiration. Still joined the clubs he was a part of during his first year. Learns that he enjoys Potions and other lessons, though he misses Flying as a part of their curriculum. Now, he dreams
of becoming full-pledged auror. Grades were indeed consistent, he got only one O's better get more next year.

Third Year
He's third year in HogwartsNZ was rather pleasant, he met some new acquaintances but he didn't gathered friends. Yerik Rhys tried to get all O's he wanted but failed due to Divination, devastated that he got an A.
He wasn't present most of the time, maybe because he wasn't interested in the subject matter and thought it to be boring. Reading tea leaves wasn't his thing, in which he decided to skip the subject in his fourth year. He'll try to get some O's and E's but not A's as it's a bit lower for his expectation.

Fourth Year
Yerik Rhys still sees himself as a loner, he didn't much gained a lot of friend but he met a few interesting people. Still enjoying History of Magic and didn't got straight O's in his first semester. Apparently on his second semester he did get straight O's and got the highest house points for Ravenclaw at the end of the school year. Four hundred Fifty seven to be exact, he grew proud of himself and promised to get high grades some more.

Fifht Year
In awe and shock, Yerik Rhys made it to be a prefect after all. He couldn't be more thrilled about that, also he promised to gain a lot of new friends soon.
~more to come soon!​

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