🌹 Rose Giving Yellowy Yellow

Georgia Astor

Daddy's Girl | Pure | Smart
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
04/15/2057 (16)
Georgia asked someone to call Niamh out of the common room or somewhere so she could give her the yellow rose.
Yellow for @Niamh Eriksen
sky had been in the hufflepuff house switching books in her bag between classes. she was just heading back out to the castle and classes when someone sai that there was a first looking for her. she hurried back out to the corridor when she saw a few people around the entry there. "Hello I'm Sky, was someone looking for me?" she asked.
Georgia made a little grimace as she didn't quite understand. She was the only one searching for someone at the moment and that someone definitely wasn't Sky. "I- uhm.. I was searching for Niamh Eriksen," Georgia said, hoping that maybe it was just a mistake.
sky saw the confusion on the girls face. "sorry, that is me, I'm Harmony Niamh Eriksen. Sky is a nickname. she said introducing herself she hadn't thought of how confusing it would be if people knew her by different names. she doubted anyone would know her as harmony though that was the name she had in the yearbook. mostly now she went by sky though also used niamh fairly often
Georgia nodded as she understood what was going on. "Oh, well, then here's your rose!" She handed out the rose and the note.

Dear Sky,

I wasn’t sure if this would be appropriate or if another colour would be. But thank you, for being a friend. For helping and providing support to me. You have shown me so much kindness and I’m thankful and proud to call you my friend.

Please accept this rose of friendship and gratitude.

Yours sincerely,
Sky listened to the girl and took herrose. another beautiful yelllow one. "Thank you" she said before reading the message. "Awww" she said once she had read it, Leo was increadibly sweet. she read it again a smile on her face. she wasnt sure what he meant by not being sure what colour to send. the yellow rose was just perfect. and leo was such a good friend to her she wiped her eye as if prempting any tears before smiling at the girl. "thank you so much. how are your deliveries going?" she asked hoping that they were going okay as she knew that it would be hard to deliver as a first year not knowing many of the older students.

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