Open Yellow Rose For Clifton

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
When Alice had asked Ava for her help, the blond couldn't help but agree. She skipped down to the Hufflepuff hall, looking around. She caught her cousin quickly, asking about one of the two names on her list. Lily pointed out the boy she was looking for and Ava skipped over. "Clifton!" Ava singsonged as she approached. "I have a rose for you!"
Well, Clifton had managed to ruin the snacks that were going to help him hide today. Terrific. He had had to make a second trip to the kitchens, keeping his head down to avoid making eye contact with any rose deliverers, or worse entirely, Lily. If she was to find out he had sent her a pink rose, he didn't know what he would do with himself. It would be the end of his social life, no doubt. He had almost made it back to the safety of his dorm when he heard his name, freezing at the sound of it. Oh no. That was Lily's cousin. Had she come here to punish him for daring to send a rose to Lily? Every muscle in his body tense, Clifton forced a painfully unnatural smile onto his face, awaiting whatever fate was heading his way. "Hi..." He croaked out, looking like he had been caught in the middle of pulling off some dramatic crime.
Ava giggled and pulled the yellow rose from her basket, completely oblivious to the uncomfortable look on the boys face. "Here you go! This is for you!" She held it out to him with a bright smile. "You're a friend of Lily's, right?" She asked, smiling widely at him. "She's so sweet, I'm sure you must be nice!" She mused aloud. He certainly looked nice.

Thanks for being a part of Accio! It would not be the same without you!

All Clifton could manage to do was nod when Avaria asked if he was a friend of Lily's, hoping she hadn't come here to track him down and kill him. Which certainly didn't seem impossible. He relaxed a little when she handed him the rose, managing to take it without dropping all of his food this time. "Thank you..." Clifton croaked with a nervous smile, trying to be polite. "You, er... I'm sure you're... as you're related to... I mean you're... also a nice... like Lily..." He babbled out, face flushing as he entirely failed to get the words he had been hoping for out.

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