Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
two yellow roses for @Mary Lou Prindeou
Cyzarine had a rather odd delivery next, she had two roses for one person, but it didn't seem like they were from the same person, or wouldn't they have been bunched together. It seemed odd to her, but who was she to judge. She were merely the delivery girl. She had also been told she might find the girl in the kitchens, and there was just one girl sat in the kitchens, "Hey there," Cyzarine headed towards her, "You wouldn't happen to be or to know Mary Lou Prindeou?" she couldn't be sure it was this girl, since she didn't know the name or the person at all, but if it wasn't perhaps it was still someone who could help her.
Since Mary Lou had discovered the Kitchens with Jai, she’d found it difficult to leave them. Baking was the thing she didn’t when she needed to think things through because it came very naturally to her. She looked over, hands in some batter as she was asked a question. She smiled happily in greeting to the older girl. “Oh, hello! I am Mary Lou Prindeou, do you need help?” She wasn’t sure what the girl might need help with, but perhaps she wanted some food?​
Cyzarine was pretty happy that. she'd found Mary Lou and giggled excitedly at being told who she was, "I don't, I needed to find you!" she said excitedly, she took out the two roses, both yellow and held them out to the girl, offering them to her, "These are for you, they have two separate notes, so they're from two different people, which do you want first?". the colours were the same, but she thought it would be fun to do it in this manner.
Mary Lou was surprised to be receiving roses, but that was very exciting too! "Oh! What a shock and surprise!" She said, almost pulling her hands out of the batter, "ah, the one on the left please!" She said, smiling at the girl. "Could you please read it to me, I don't want to get them all dirty!" She said, gesturing tot he batter she was now moving around to try and make it softer as it was still too tough.​
Cyzarine held out the one on the left to the girl, Well, the rose at least. She looked at Mary to see if there was any indication of a lie in what she had asked, that she did truly want that. But, she did, so she opened the note, "Oh, this says 'Dear Bestie, You are amazing!'" Cyzarine smiled easily. "Shall I read the other one too?"

Dear Bestie,

You are amazing!
Mary Lou giggled lightly at the note. That one would be from Elysia she was sure. It was weird to think that only a couple of months ago she had no idea who Elysia was and now all she could think about sometimes was Elysia. She really helped her through a lot of things. "Oh, that was so lovely, wasn't it, thank you!" The girl then asked if she wanted her to read the next one and Mary Lou took her hands out of the batter to shake them off with the towlette. "Yes please!" She called in answer, wondering who the second rose might be from.​
Cyzarine took the second note and unfolded it. She cleared her throat and then got started, "You are a great friend! Beau," Cyzarine said smiling at it, "Those are both so sweet!" She couldn't help but have enjoyed reading them too, it was a slightly different way of doing the roses.
Mary Lou grinned over her shoulder at the Other girl. “Yes! They are both very sweet to me,” she told her, moving to pour the batter onto the counter so she could knead it. “I am baking, would you like to help, or come back later for some cookies?” She asked the older girl curiously. She had greatly enjoyed her roses and now she was in an even better mood.​

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