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Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Hi there Everyone! Good day!

So here is my Character Mizelea though you can also call her with various nicknames if you like.
(Mizzy, Leah, Zel and a whole lot more!)

She very friendly and when I say very .... well you know what I mean. :)
Loves to play muggle sport. Enjoys sunny days. At times she's a klutz yet Mizelea is one smart academic student in Beauxbatons.

I need her to have LOTS of her friends PLEASE ^_^
I could also use some crushes? and how about a boyfriend to make her leave her childish ways perhaps?

Then I also want a big sister to look up to, at the moment her older sister is in Texas studying.....so there :)

Hope someone could atleast reply :x

- -Mintzy​
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Hey Mintzy!

I have a BB student who's name is Leonardo De La Cruz, he's suppose to be gay (and was in a relationship none role played character) and had a girlfriend name Mia, but I can offer him either way. If you want we can talk about it over pm! I have a few characters for friends too :)
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