Xavier Grimm

Xavier Grimm

Well-Known Member

<FONT font="Times New Roman">Xavier Grimm
Name: Xavier Radman Grimm
First Name Meaning: Bright, Brilliant
First Name Origin: Latin
Middle Name Meaning: Happy, Joy
Middle Name Origin: Slavic
Last Name Meaning: The fierce, savage person
Last Name Origin: Old High German
Nickname?: Grimmy
Nickname Origin: This name originated from friends Xavier made at his old school. Since his name is the total opposite of his actual personality, they thought it funny to call him 'Grimmy'.

Date-Of-Birth: January 5, 2017
Place Of Birth: Leipzig, German Democratic Republic
Current Area Of Residence: Melnik, Blagoevgrad Province, Bulgaria
Birth Parents: Armin Grimm (father) Michaela Nikolova (mother)
Heritage: 3/8 German, 2/8 Bulgarian, 2/8 Swedish, 1/8 Finnish

Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135 lbs
Dress Code: Simple, but warm clothes.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single (Not Looking)
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Skin Type: Soft
Hair Colour: Golden brown
Dyed?: Negative
Natural Colour: Golden brown
Hair Type: Straight
Hair Length and Thickness: Short and thick
Eye Colour: Brown
Eye Description: Xavier's eyes are a window to what he's feeling. They are usually happy and bright.
Playby: Louis Tomlinson
Health Status: Healthy. Xavier exercises and eats healthy foods, sometimes. He's a little on the thin side, but nothing too serious.
Blood Status: Pure blood
Blood Type: A +

Educated At: Durmstrang
Current Job: Student
Boggart: A giant spider
Patronus Memory: Moving back to Bulgaria
Dementor: Any memories with his parents arguing
Languages: Swedish, Russian, Bulgarian, English (In that order)
Accent: Swedish
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None

History(Before School):
History(During School):
History(After School):
List Of Rps:

Armin Grimm * Mixed blood * 48
Armin Grimm was originally born in Berlin, Germany. His family moved to Bulgaria where he attended schooling at the magical school there, Durmstrang. Armin was an only child and was the pride and joy of his two parents. His family was not rich, nor were they a very powerful family, which led him to marry the spiteful, serious Miss Nikolova. He is in an unhappy marriage, and mostly goes along with his wife's decisions and doesn't like to rock the boat.

Michaela Grimm * Pure blood * 47
Michaela was born in Marstrand, Sweden. Her family are in the upper class and are predominately fishermen. Being one of eight, Michaela likes to surround herself with big families and she loves children, even if her cold personality says otherwise. Being the only girl, Michaela was not really appreciated by her parents and was often forgotten. This makes her rather sexist and very strict when it comes to her sons. She doesn't take anything from men and likes to be in charge of everything in her life. She is a pure-blood supremacist and often has arguments with her husbands side of the family as to how their children should be raised.

Felicity Kira Grimm * Pure blood * 23
Felicity, being the first girl, is spoiled and treated like a goddess by her mother. She knows what she wants and knows how to exploit people. She takes after her mother in nearly every way and she is rather sexist herself. Felicity likes to be in charge at all times, but bows down to her mother. She looks after herself, but knows when to keep her mouth shut.

Thaddeus Vladimir Grimm * pure blood * 21

Zephyr Kendrix Grimm * Pure blood * 19
Zephyr is a stubborn, intelligent and cheeky boy, always willing to have a joke and rough-house with family. When Zephyr was nine, he, his younger sister Francesca, and younger brothers , Aristide and Thaddeus were moved to their father's parents, where they have been living. Zephyr, having little magical ability, was happily thrown to his grandparents, who raise him with love. He is well read, well spoken and very kind. Hecan perform magic, however, he came into his magic late, and has decided to be home-schooled because of this. He is hard working, but tends to sell himself short.

Dominique Chrysanthemum Grimm * Pure blood * 17
Dominique is a loud and proud girl, who is witty, cheeky, and sarcastic, but caring and sweet to all until agitated. She takes criticism and insult very well, choosing to ignore harsh words and live in her own bubble. She is proud to be a woman, and loves girly things. She recently went to live with her grandparents after not being able to handle the treatment with her parents. She loves to smile and always has a cheery, shipper outlook on life.

Francesca Mercelline Grimm * Pure blood * 14
Francesca prefers to be called 'Francis' and she is currently living with Xavier's father's parents. Francesca went to live with their grandparents when she was seven after a fight within the family occurred, causing some of the Grimm children to be separated. Francis was one of these children, and was raised in a muggle-accepting household. She is stubborn, and a little rough around the edges, but overall rather kind. Xavier, however, knows little of her, as he rarely ever spoke to her. Francis is energetic and a very friendly girl, she's always happy to help others.

Valentin Jerk Grimm * Pure blood * 11

Amberlyn Gwenavere Grimm * Pure blood * 9

Adessia Zenevieva Grimm * Pure blood * 7

Aristide Sorin Grimm * Pure blood * 5

Vendella Xada Grimm * Pure blood * 2
Vendella is a product of her mother giving her everything she wanted. She often picks on her younger brother, Zephyr, until he was sent to school. She is vindictive, manipulative, and cruel, just like her sisters.​

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