Wyatt Theodore Finch

Wyatt Finch

that funny feeling
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core

they said if you don't let it out you're gonna let it eat you away well
be a cannibal, baby, animals like me don't talk anyway i feel like an

A name which paints a particularly mid-western image is Wyatt as the most famed name bearer is Wyatt Earp, a hero of the wild west. It is an anglophone name with roots from a surname which means "brave in war". Originally, Wyatt's mother wanted to name him after her father but had given up that right for a different sister. After going through many names they were in no way closer until Wyatt's cousin visited him and called him Wyatt. If Wyatt had been born female he would have been named Eliza.​
Similarly Theodore is a classic American name, often used in reference to Theodore Roosevelt who served as President of the United States. It evokes the image of a masculine, strong and intelligent man which was what Wyatt's parent's wished for him. The meaning: gift of God. Wyatt's parents later regretted giving him the initials W.T.F.​
This surname has Old English routes from the seventh century name "fink". The clarity is unsure as to whether it is an occupational surname for those who caught Finches for sale or those who bred them. It may also have been derived from a nickname for a relative with a beautiful singing voice as was common practice in the Middle Ages. The surname in the magical community evokes an image of strength, power and even evil as the family are a pureblood magical family with ties to Death Eaters and now Scitorari.​
Shortening Wyatt's name is fairly limited and leaves him with the nickname 'Wy' which was first donned on him by his Aunt Audrey. His parents would call him 'Wy-Wy' as a baby as would his grandmother - even Stella calls him this from time to time - but it is now only a source of embarrassment for him as he is struggling with becoming a man and not being infantalized in the way he thinks that nickname forces him to be.​
On January 3, 2029 Wyatt was born in a public hospital in Los Angeles, California at 2:57am. He was born one week late and healthy at 7 pounds, 2 ounces with no complications and left the hospital the day after his birth - still without a name. The date of his birth makes Wyatt a Capricorn and the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac - something he knows nothing about as he is suspicious of Divination.​
Wyatt's residence is split strangely as he officially lives in his parent's home in Los Angeles, California but spends a large majority of his time with his Aunt Leah and Uncle Fletcher in their Sydney, Australia home so that he doesn't need to fly back to California every holiday as he attends school in New Zealand. Wyatt has also decided to start looking for apartments in New Zealand so he can have more freedom from his family. He sleeps in his cousin's old bedroom primarily in Sydney but in Los Angeles has a large bedroom of his own which is nearly always messy.​
Avalyn Logan and Tristan Finch. Long term partners who met during high school they began their relationship as friends with benefits but slowly things changed into a relationship. Avalyn is a lawyer and Tristan is a surgeon, leaving them both very busy. They challenge each other to grow together and independently. Although they are busy with their respective careers they make time for each other and try to make time for their children. Avalyn is notably less enthused about parenthood than Tristan even if they both love their children. Wyatt used to be close to his father but since finding out about the magical world there has been a distance between them. Physically he looks most like his father in facial features but has many of his mother's mannerisms.​
Stella Finch. The youngest of the two is Stella. Wyatt tries to distance himself from her because she irritates him like any younger sister does. They fight from time to time but Wyatt would do anything for her. She resembles their mother more, their only shared feature being their striking blue eyes.​
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core: Wyatt's wand is average in size with little to be said about his character in the wand choosing him. The curled wood was crafted with great care and enabling it to be fairly pliable which means that although it takes little effort for Wyatt to cast a spell he may have to cast the spell a few times to get the job done. It can be difficult during examinations when showing off his ability. The pear tree makes wands with spectacular personalities - only those who are wise, generous and pure of heart are chosen by these wands which says a lot about who Wyatt is although he does not know this about his wand or himself. The core of boomslang venom is particularly good with transfiguration work, something Wyatt is alright with but has no great love of.​
Wyatt attended school in Los Angeles, at first at a public school but was later shifted to a private academy. He had always enjoyed his education and did well in science based subjects instead of humanities. He was on the school's lacrosse team but made few friends as he was singularly focused.​
Thus far, Wyatt is in his sixth year at Hogwarts New Zealand as a Gryffindor. His acceptance came as a great shock as his family kept magic a secret until this point due to the nature of his blood status. This created a lot of problems for Wyatt and to this day he still struggles with being a wizard.​
Half blood: Wyatt's blood status may allow people to presume he was raised with magic, however with a squib father and a muggle mother it was a huge shock to him that magic was anything more than a fantasy.​

ambulance, chaser of faith, pray I could replace her, forget the way
her tears taste, the way her tears taste put another x on the calendar

Wyatt went through a growth spurt not long ago and stands at 5'9" which is average for his age although he does wish he was a little taller considering he feels the shortest out of his friends and a big part of attraction towards men does stem from height, which he is more aware of than he'd like to be.​
Never one to pay attention to his weight is Wyatt. He doesn't know that what he weighs, only that he feels physically healthy at the current weight he is but he expects to gain more muscle as he gets older. To gain more bulk in his muscles for being a better Quidditch Beater, Wyatt does lift free weights when he feels well enough to get out of bed. He doesn't always eat a perfect diet even if he knows that it will cause trouble for him in getting a better shape when he is older but does it anyway because he okay at maintaining his caloric intake.​
Wyatt is what is typically called Caucasian but is instead a euphemism for white European, which he is through ancestry. He, like his father, has a olive skin tone which means that he doesn't often get sunburns after prolonged exposure to the sun. Wyatt does habitually spend time indoors more than he should which can make him appear pale and sickly, however.​
Perpetually messy is one way to describe Wyatt's hair style as he tends to rub his hair as a nervous tick but as it is fairly short there is never any need to worry about brushing it. His hair is dirty blonde but in his youth it was much fairer and often gets lighter in the sun.​
Possibly the most distinguishable feature Wyatt has are his eyes because they are the typical Finch azure blue. As a child his father would explain Punnett squares and genetics through his eye colour which gave him a bit of amusement and would often claim this to people he barely knew as a way to show off his intellect.​
Wyatt has a scare on his left forearm from a surgery after breaking his wrist while surfing as a child and one on his right shin thanks to a particularly aggressive bludger that he miscalculated during a solo Quidditch practice.​

the world may call it a second chance, when i came back it was more of a
relapse anticipation's on the other line obsession called while you were out

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INFJ-T. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator group that Wyatt falls under are the Diplomats and he is an Advocate. Although this makes him as a small part of the general population, it also indicates that he has a strong sense of idealism and morality but is not naive in the steps he must take to achieve an ideal situation. Advocates, such as Wyatt, are often egalitarians which is something he identifies with heavily even if the society often makes this impossible to achieve he will often work to support those he believe in reach their potential and help them see their full potential. He views the world as a place of inequity - even if it doesn't have to be and this is a view that most INFJ-T's share. On the flip side, falling under this type means that when backed into a corner Wyatt can lash out unexpectedly and this is something that he has done many times in the past for seemingly no reason to those outside of the situation. People who fall under the Advocate type make for strong healthcare workers because money is not where they place value - instead it must be in line with their morals. This is something that Wyatt identifies with strongly because the career he has been working towards for many years has been in the healthcare field and he has little care for money. This, however, can also be due to the fact that he was raised by two idealists themselves who always put care of morals before finances.
Extraversion: This trait reflects preference for, and behavior in, social situations. People high in extraversion are energetic and seek out the company of others. Low scorers (introverts) tend to be more quiet and reserved. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (23) is relatively low.
Agreeableness: This trait reflects how we tend to interact with others. People high in agreeableness tend to be trusting, friendly and cooperative. Low scorers tend to be more aggressive and less cooperative. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (24) is about average.
Conscientiousness: This trait reflects how organized and persistent we are in pursuing our goals. High scorers are methodical, well organized and dutiful. Low scorers are less careful, less focussed and more likely to be distracted from tasks. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (40) is relatively high.
Neuroticism: This trait reflects the tendency to experience negative thoughts and feelings. High scorers are prone to insecurity and emotional distress. Low scorers tend to be more relaxed, less emotional and less prone to distress. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (36) is relatively high.
Openness: This trait reflects 'open-mindedness' and interest in culture. High scorers tend to be imaginative, creative, and to seek out cultural and educational experiences. Low scorers are more down-to-earth, less interested in art and more practical in nature. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (24) is about average.​

there is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends and i meant
everything i said that night i will come back to life, but only for you

To Wyatt's knowledge he is heterosexual and hetero-romantic but he has thought of kissing boys to be sure but there is only one other guy he would have ever considered it and refuses to do so in case it would risk their friendship. Wyatt is cis-gendered male and has very few thoughts about his gender orientation.​
As of yet Wyatt has only experienced attraction to two individuals and both are vastly different people, in looks and in personality. However it can be gathered that he is attracted to long-haired girls who are kind to him.​
People who are too into magic give Wyatt an unparalleled level of discomfort but for the most part Wyatt is still discovering who he is as a person with his attractions and thus far he has few things that he does not find appealing in a person.​
Wyatt is single because he is trying to focus on his mental health instead of focusing on getting the affection from another person.​
Marisol Woods. In a turn of events for Wyatt, his first kiss was with his best friend after he explored his fear of the possibilities of getting sicknesses like mono or even coldsores - even worse was the fear of where that affection might lead. They shared his first kiss as a way of helping him get over his fear. He did, very much, enjoy the experience even if he was probably not very good at it as he was referencing movies from what he should do when kissing a girl and kissed Marisol again despite having no intent of developing a romantic relationship with her. He has been able to compartmentalize this from their friendship with a surprising amount of ease.​
Amber Chou Wilson. Wyatt and Amber first dated in his fourth year at Hogwarts, during which time he saw very little of her due to punishments he received from the school's administration but they had a nice, sweet relationship all things considered. Wyatt didn't tell her very personal things, instead sharing what was primarily a facade with her because while he was happy with her he was not happy. However their friends were against their relationship for reasons they both struggled to grasp and ultimately it ended on good terms due to this and their lack in commonalities and because Wyatt has a penchant for self-isolation.​
This is currently unknown to Wyatt as he hasn't attempted to brew this potion yet but he would smell the sea, lilac, burning candles and freshly cut grass all for individual reasons. The scent of the sea reminds him of comfort, of home, and of his favourite pastime while lilac has been an unexpected favourite flower of his although he could not identify which flower it is even if he tried. Burning candles remind him of Hogwarts and although his relationship with the school and all that it entails it has been home for him for the past five years. Freshly cut grass is a lively smell that not only makes Wyatt think of the Quidditch pitch but also walking through certain neighbourhoods that have nice lawns, he used to imagine a well-manicured lawn and garden meant there was a happy family living in that home.​
Capricorn. While not the most common sign for Gryffindors to be born under, the combination of Gryffindor aims with Capricorn traits results in wizards who are exceptionally well balanced. For once, here are Gryffindors who will not go charging off on quests without first making thorough preparations and arranging for backup. They are resourceful, well grounded, and self confident, hard workers, and extremely reliable. You can always trust a Gryffindor Capricorn's word; they will not only mean it when they say they will do something, they will follow through successfully. House Prefects often come from this sign, because they are responsible, good students, and natural leaders. What many people forget about the Capricorn is that although they are part goat, they are also part mermaid. That mermaid half represents all the fanciful dreams and lofty ambitions that the quiet Capricorn often hides beneath an unassuming surface. Perhaps Capricorns are sorted into this House because the House needs balance, but those hidden dreams and whimsies probably have a lot to do with it, too.​
As of late Wyatt's interests and hobbies have all collapsed onto themselves because of the nature of his mental health however he is working hard slowly every day to get back to the things he enjoyed previously even if he struggles to realize who he was before being depressed as it has been throughout so much of his formative years. He still loves surfing, flying and drumming which does express his anger in a way he feels safe to do so.​
Wyatt's biggest fear would be seeing his younger sister, Stella, with the same despair and sorrow he feels because he worries that she will feel the same way he does, that she will feel just as alone even if he also pushes her away. Wyatt is scared that he would not be able to help her just as he feels no one can help him - even if medication is helping.​
Prior to his diagnosis, Wyatt's major fear would have been of snakes which he is still very afraid of. There is no logical reason nor experience in his past to lead to this fear it is just an irrational phobia of the cold blooded animal. It even lead to an early bias against Slytherin house.​
Wyatt is unable to produce a Patronus Charm due to his depression. It is unlikely that he will be able to in the foreseeable future. However, were Wyatt able to produce a Patronus it would take the shape of an English Bulldog.​
Wyatt's worst memory is complicated, as most people's are, because it surrounds an emotion more than an event. It would be of the look in his father's eyes when Wyatt returned to his family home after the first year of school. The distance between them was palpable and it has only grown over the years.​
If Wyatt were to stand before the Mirror of Erised he would see himself in an alternate universe where he lived without magic because on some core level he views magic as the start of the end of his life.​
Wyatt's native language is English and he has tried to pick up Spanish, primarily because of where he is from, but also to relate to his friend.​
Being from California, Wyatt's accent is very obviously Californian as are his colloquialisms although he has only recently gotten used to many things which are particular to New Zealand.​

smoking cigarettes, chasing girls who didn't know love yet as the bonfire
moon came down, I won't forget the good times I never want to leave


<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#C15362">NAME: Avalyn Logan.

NAME: Tristan Finch.
BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood Squib.

NAME: Stella Finch.
RELATIONSHIP: Younger Sister.
BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood.

Original template and coding is by Teigan and Anna.
smoking cigarettes, chasing girls who didn't know love yet as the bonfire
moon came down, I won't forget the good times I never want to leave

After being nearly one week overdue, Wyatt Theodore Finch was born on 1/3/2029 at 2:57am to new parents Avalyn Logan and Tristan Finch. They were both young with budding careers and had their educations still to finish at the time of his birth so after Ava was given some time to bond and recover over the Christmas holidays Wyatt was handed off to his grandmother, Anna, during the days. She was there to capture much of his early development much to the heartbreak of both his parents. Wyatt spent many nights curled into her bed even as he became a toddler due to the nature of both his parent's careers and the fact that Anna, a widow, was lonely. As the years went on Anna taught Wyatt his ABCs and 123s until he started to go to school.

Not long after Wyatt began his early education did his parents have more regularity with their lives and were home more to be with him, leaving his visits with Grandma Anna less frequent but no less pleasant. He was also able to spend more time with his father at the hospital so long as he had colouring books because there were always nurses around watching over him and he was enthralled by hospitals. He loved the colourful scrubs, the plastic gloves that were blown up into hand-shaped balloons for him and the business of his surroundings. It hadn't been long before he was telling anyone who asked what he wanted to be when he grew up that he wanted to be a surgeon just like his father. The older Wyatt got the more serious he took this and even when he left kindergarten and entered elementary school did he still love it and had more friends with adult doctors and nurses than with his peers. The days when Wyatt was too sick to visit his dad at work made him cry so Ava had Tristan to teach him to sew - assuring him that this was a skill that all surgeons needed. He was very quickly deft in this skill - as much as a three year old can be with a child's sewing kit and took to learning all he could to become the best future-surgeon he could be.

However Wyatt's limited attention he received from his parents was to be split when his mother became pregnant and gave birth to Stella. The four year old would petulantly hide her blanket in the closet when it came close to nap time or would pull off some of the few hairs from her head to get the attention focused back on him. It was at this point that the family got a nanny, Leticia Franco, who would care for Wyatt and assist in caring for Stella during his mother's maternity leave and when he returned to work would take full time care of both children. Wyatt quickly came to love Nanny Leti and would not be so heartbroken to spend time away from the hospital as long as she was there but curious things began to happen the older he got. Unbeknownst to Leti or Wyatt this was his magical blood and ability manifesting as he had yet to learn to control it or even know about it as Wyatt's parents decided to keep it a secret from both their children as they suspected they would lack magical abilities as their father did.

As Wyatt got older these occurrences started to happen in odd ways. He would surf and a wave that would have been too strong for a muggle would drift him safely back to shore or a neighbourhood cat would guide him if he was ever lost or any other variety. This was noticed by his aunts and uncles on visits but because of their limited experience with Squibs they could not be certain if this had been what happened with his father during his childhood and did not say anything of the experience. So the boy continued to dream and hope for his future, his dreaming even become more serious when he was transferred to a private school which would lead to better options for high school and beyond. It was during this time that he developed an affection for lacrosse and would play it with his school friends as he became friends more with his peers instead of sticking with just his father's colleagues.

The short period of normalcy was ended when Wyatt received a letter promising him an education at Hogwarts New Zealand and Ilvermorny. It was at this point that Wyatt's aunts and uncles all came to visit, within a few minutes despite the day of flying it should have been. They all explained, with the help of his father, that Wyatt was a wizard and would be attending a private school both similar and unlike his current school. They told him of their complicated family history, of his father's inabilities, and what he could expect from a wizarding education but all Wyatt cared to hear was that he would be unlikely to become a surgeon and his future broke into pieces but he wanted to seem fine so he soldiered on. It was decided that he would attend Hogwarts New Zealand because his cousins were previous, current and very likely to be future students there and during the holidays he would stay with Aunt Leah and Uncle Fletcher. All of this information left Wyatt scared, uncertain and suddenly unable to relate to his dad in a way they had never had before.
"Finch, Wyatt."

The eleven year old's name was called once. Then twice. Nearly thrice before he moved through the crowd. Normally the confident - borderline cocky - American never hesitated about anything but in terms of sorting he always felt that it would make possibly being a wizard that much more hole or finite. As much as he loved his life back home, he hated the idea of having to do everything in such a normal way. For instance... Why cook food rather than electrifying it with a wand? The boy wasn't sure if that was a prospect but electrifying things sounded like a good use of a gift to the muggle-raised child. The boy finally took his place sitting down and quickly the talking hat he'd been watching intently was put atop his perfectly messy hair. Now with it on all he could really think of was "Put me in the house that has the most fun." His original thought would be Gryffindor simply because being a lion sounded amazing instead of a bird or snake and especially instead of a badger. The others sounded pretty dull so that was all he cared to avoid. All else was semantics to him although he had a feeling his parents would disagree. Still the boy just cared about this so he sat excitedly watching the tables before him, wondering which one might be just that.

""The most fun, you say? All of the houses can be fun, but there is only one house that'll work for you. That house is...Gryffindor!""
Wyatt's first year at Hogwarts felt, to him, like he was thrown into the deep end without knowing how to swim. He was sorted into Gryffindor House and although he was uncertain of his new surroundings he wanted badly to have fun. During his first year he met many people but most importantly his two best friends, Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods. It was during this time that they developed the acronym WAM for their friendship group - even if he felt always teetering on the edge with Marisol as to whether they were friends or enemies. At the beginning of the year Wyatt had not viewed Hogwarts as anything to be taken seriously or even real but it took a sharp turn when he noticed that for once in his life he was doing poorly in his classes.

First: Clark Kent & Superman, Yuleball
Second: Werewolf & Yuleball w/ Mari
Third: tattoo'd guy (most magically enhanced) & Didn't attend YB
Fourth: Bank Robber & YB w/ Amber
Fifth: Halloween - Hufflepuff Beater & Didn't attend YB

when we laughed, when we cried those were the days we owned the nights
locked away, lost in time i found the nerve to say i never want to leave

Helping Out - With Lydia Archer and Felix Warrick.
Passing Notes - With Marisol Woods.
Chicken Wings Before Bed - With Asaiah Murphy.
Moody - With Marisol Woods.
Pals Over Gals - With Kayla Sheridan.

Break A Few Heads - With Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Back To Our Roots - With Marisol Woods.
Work This Out - With Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Aftermath - With Asaiah Murphy, Felix Warrick, Freya Odegard, Marisol Woods, Teagan Maxwell and Zach Jordan.
To Be Alone With You - With Marisol Woods.
My Youth Is Yours - With Marisol Woods.
Christmas and Chill - With Marisol Woods.

Quality Bro Time - With Asaiah Murphy.
Bros Dancing - With Asaiah Murphy.
Guess I'm Doing Fine - With Professor Cyndi Kingsley.
Car Radio - With Eleanor Hope.
Just Out of Reach - With Amber Chou Wilson.
Be As You Are - With Asaiah Murphy, Cato Rainsworth, Marisol Woods and Zara Cohen-Knight.
Whiplash - With Noelle Seung.
Ex's & Oh's - With Marisol Woods.

Bloodstream - With Marisol Woods.
The Healing Component - With Felix Garcia.
Sun & Moon - With Marisol Woods.
The Distance - With Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Welcome Back To School - With Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Stone Cold - With Bethany Zanders.
A Violent Noise - With Asaiah Murphy, Marisol Woods and reactions from: Flavio Morales, Professor Justin Cliffeton, Teagan Maxwell and Zara Cohen-Knight.
Issues - With Amber Chou Wilson.
Celebration - With Marisol Woods and Rose Holland.
Sleepless - With Stella Finch.
Prelude to a Kiss - With Marisol Woods.
Ever So Ill - With Felix Garcia and Teagan Maxwell.
Lately It's You - With Ainsley Lynch and Amber Chou Wilson.
No Matter How Hard You Try... - With Asaiah Murphy, Marisol Woods, Ms Fortune's Portrait and Professor Justin Cliffeton.

Kamikaze - With Amber Chou Wilson.
The Trouble With Us - With Asaiah Murphy, Marisol Woods and Zara Cohen-Knight.
Freeway Searching - With Professor Cyndi Kingsley.
All We Got - With Amber Chou Wilson, Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Through Omnioculars - With Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Hopeless - With Jucinda Tennison.
Wild Thoughts - With Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Have They Learned Their Lesson - With Asaiah Murphy, Marisol Woods, Professor Cyndi Kingsley, Professor Justin Cliffeton and Professor Kalif Styx.
Sweatpants - With Stella Finch.
In The Middle - With Amber Chou Wilson.
Let's Tackle This Head On - With Asaiah Murphy, Marisol Woods and Noelle Seung.

Disparate Youth - With Marisol Woods.
Don't Pull Away - With Asaiah Murphy.
Check Out The Competition - With Grace Holland, Phoebe Holland and Rose Holland.
Check Up - With Jucinda Tennison.
Two High - With Evelyn Manning and Lizzie Taylor.
Moving In Stereo - With Asaiah Murphy.
Rundown - With Marisol Woods.
Old Now - With Frankie Tillington.
Word of Mouth - With Stella Finch.
10,000 Emerald Pools - With Bethany Zanders.
Birthday Cake - With Asaiah Murphy, Marisol Woods and Tesla Wilde.
Learn to Let Go - With Amber Chou Wilson and Sara Benivieni.
Pay Up - With Asaiah Murphy and Marisol Woods.
Stay A Little - With Soohye Kendall-Wu.
Rise Up - With Eva Mariani.

(Roleplays do not include House meetings, Fairs, Quidditch games, etc)</SIZE></FONT>

<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">
birth || wyatt theodore finch was born at 2:57 am on january 3], 2029 at 7.2 pounds as the first child to avalyn logan and tristan finch. he left the hospital without having a name as his parents couldn't decide. ava wanted to name him frank after her father who had died when she was just ten but felt it only right that if her oldest sister, wyatt's aunt, audrey were ever to have a son she should have first claim to their father's name. tristan having no familial connection to name wyatt after due to his abandonment had gone through several names with avalyn and it wasn't until they had stumbled upon the name theodore that they had decided on even giving him a middle name as both ava and tristan didn't have one. wyatt's first name was given to him by his four year old cousin who, while visiting with her aunt to see the baby, had called him wyatt that they had decided on the name. avalyn felt the name suited him naturally, although they later regretted giving him the initials w.t.f.
early years || as both of wyatt’s parents were very young at the time of his birth and both finishing their education, he spent much of his time with his grandma during the day. she saw him everyday because anna supported avalyn and tristan in accomplishing their career goals as she had with hers and because she knew that her late husband, frank, would want their daughter to finish her education. higher learning was always something he cared deeply for, as a professor. for some time after his birth, the small family were very heavily in debt because of the cost of their respective education and the sheer length of it and although wyatt has no recollection of this, although he is aware it happened, there were many times the power would go out and he would have to sleep over at a family member’s home so that he wouldn’t get cold. still, he had a very happy early life although he often complained he never got to see his parents much and missed them often as he couldn’t understand that they were, inadvertently, helping wyatt.
by the time he was a toddler, it was rumoured that he was meant to show signs of magical ability but as he spent a lot of time with avalyn’s family who were unaware of the wizarding world they went unnoticed and considered random happenstances when it did. as his parents didn’t see any signs of it they decided not to tell him anything about the wizarding world because the shock of it had hurt wyatt’s father when he had learned about his inability to wield it and they wished to protect him as much as they could from the hurt. so they raised him as they would have if tristan had gone on not knowing about magic and had a child. they even took him to work sometimes. wyatt was quickly a favourite visitor to the hospital his father worked at where he instantly had decided, at four years old, that he wanted to be just like his dad and be a surgeon even if he had no real clue what that meant. while other children were practicing twinkle twinkle little star on the recorder, wyatt was learning about the organs a person had and the tools his dad had to remove them. the law office his mom worked at paled in comparison so he quickly was able to look up to his dad. wyatt would take time from his play to look at gruesome photos and when he was able to read, he would try to go through his dad's medical journals and textbooks even if some words confused him. it quickly became clear that wyatt would be a surgeon too and as his parents had gotten out of debt they even got him a tutor to teach him more advanced mathematics and science than his grade level because he applied himself and had a natural affinity to it. while he enjoyed the idea of becoming a surgeon he also felt pressured to it as well because he was paraded about the hospital as the "best future surgeon who will ever live". it gave him a little anxiety and stranger things happened more so he surfed to ease any of the strange happenings because he had found that whenever he was nervous weird things happened. weird things that he worried would ruin his chances to become the surgeon his dad wanted him to be so the boy told no one.
pre-hogwarts || all good dreams must die, however. wyatt finch was a wizard unlike both of his parents and had found this through the mail. an owl. he had thought this was a joke for his birthday so he had shown it to his parents at breakfast, curious who had the ingenuity to find a trained messenger owl for such an odd birthday party they must have had planned for him. it was then that his aunts and uncles were called and all suddenly appeared, shocking considering some lived on different continents never mind different parts of the country. he was sat down and had everything explained, every question he had answered and then hugged tighter than he had ever been. his mom started to cry. wyatt's friend told him something like this happened to him when he was diagnosed with a tumour. they all explained and eventually his mom cried. wyatt felt like he was dying the same way his friend was. only his friend had an 85 percent chance of survival. the young wizard had no chance. he could never be a surgeon without a proper secondary education because he could never tell a college that he had gone to a school to be a wizard. he cried himself to sleep every night leading up to his departure to australia where he had been allowed to live during holidays and where his mail would go through. apparently wizards couldn't use skype or text. it was a gruesome future now had but he was told of the wonders of magic too. or they tried anyway. it was only seeing his uncle and cousin fly that made him excited. for the most part all wyatt could think of was how he had disappointed his dad and how they would never understand him again. and how his mom had cried. he had been sure hogwarts would be awful so he would only do what was fun.
first year || wyatt's first year at hogwarts new zealand had him sorted into gryffindor where he met several of his house mates and became close friends with several of them. it was in this time that he became a little more reckless with his education because he truly believed that there was nothing he could learn at the school because he knew that his future as he had known it was over. during such time of recklessness he explored magic more and discovered that it was less fun than he thought it might have been, especially as professors were less than willing to teach him spells that could be used for pranks or jokes. he did, however, discover the joy of quidditch and his affiliation for the falmouth falcons began thanks to his uncle and cousin, both of whom played professionally on said team. while it was all-in-all an exciting year for wyatt finch, he has never been so distant with his parents because of how his dreams and goals were never to be realized. he was barely able to look at them during holidays which caused several arguments about things which normally would have ever been mentioned like his surfboard tracking sand into their garage or leaving a book on the couch instead of in his room. it was a year of discoveries for the logan/finch family and while wyatt was glad to have had his closest friend, marisol woods, over to his los angeles home he was glad to have returned to australia with his aunt and uncle just before the return of term.
halloween || clark kent, kal el, superman
yule ball || suit
second year || after a great summer back in los angeles, wyatt was excited for his return to hogwarts to see his closest friends although they were fighting. it wasn't long before they were closer than ever before thankfully, as wyatt's social circle revolves around asaiah murphy and marisol woods. from a poor excuse for a start to the school year it went on to a particularly bad few evenings where he insulted his best friend by choosing to dress up like a werewolf to be as terrifying as possible. unsure of why that triggered her, it's was a point of contention between them although they moved past that easily enough. only just so wyatt could ask her to the yule ball where they attended as friends. during their attendance they had fun together but after the yule ball when they exchanged presents was most memorable to wyatt because he was given his second most cherished item by marisol woods. a medical book to match his father's old one. this was when things became awkward for wyatt because he felt strong feelings towards her due to the gift which he expressed to asaiah in disgust.
halloween || werewolf
yule ball || tbd
third year || tbd
halloween || tattoo'd guy; won most magically enhanced costume
yule ball || not applicable
fourth year || tbd
halloween || tbd
yule ball || tbd
fifth year || tbd
halloween || tbd
yule ball || tbd
sixth year || tbd
halloween || tbd
yule ball || tbd
seventh year || tbd
halloween || tbd
yule ball || tbd
post-hogwarts || tbd
smoking cigarettes, chasing girls who didn't know love yet as the bonfire
moon came down, I won't forget the good times I never want to leave



Anna Caroline Logan (nee. Neistat)

Retired Police Detective
Meryl Streep
Wyatt and Anna have a distant relationship, mostly due to a distant relationship Anna has with his mother. They love each other though. Wyatt does wish he could see her more because she gives the best hugs.
Frank Matthew Logan

Philosophy Professor
Simon Baker
Wyatt and Frank never met as he died quite young from inoperable throat cancer. However Wyatt does like to hear stories about him but doesn't ask for them much because it tends to make the family sad.
Audrey Lillian Logan

Civil Engineer
A.J. Cook
Wyatt and Audrey are similar sorts of people as they both think quite critically about a non-emotioal problem. She often would watch Wyatt while his mother was finishing exams so there is affection there.</CENTER>​
[th colspan="2"]Maternal Family[/th]
Hazel Logan

Natalie Dormer
Wyatt and Hazel never got along because she hates children, in fact she avoids her sisters entirely because they all have children. Hazel is the black sheep of the Logan girls so there is no real love lost between Wyatt and Hazel.
Avalyn Logan

Common Law Spouse to Tristan Finch
Candice Accola
Wyatt and Avalyn were never thick as thieves but she loves him with all her heart which is why she has been absent much of his life - so she can provide for him. Wyatt sometimes has trouble recognizing this but he does admire her.
Sophie Parker (nee. Logan)

Married to Tim Parker
Art Curator
Amanda Seyfried
Wyatt and Sophie's relationship is based solely through the lens of her children who he was forced to spend time with as a young child but since he has been revealed to be a wizard she no longer allows her children to spend time with him.
Tim Parker

Married to Sophie Parker
Crime Scene Investigator
Adam Scott
Wyatt and Tim were never allowed to interact because Avalyn has always disapproved of his relationship to Sophie. This divide between them was only furthered with Wyatt being a wizard.
Brittany Amelia Linda Logan

College Student
Subject to change but currently Alycia Debnam Carey
Wyatt and Brittany have always had a very close relationship, despite their age difference. He has always thought the world of her and never thought much of the fact that she doesn't have a father. They view one another as brother and sister.
David Frank Parker

Ethan Cutkosky
Wyatt and David have never once gotten along as they were forced to play together by their respective parents. Although Wyatt dislikes that he is being kept away from his cousin they are both glad not to talk much anymore.
Adeline Emily Parker

Bailee Maddison
Wyatt and Adeline hated each other so much that he purposefully destroyed her dolls just because he thought it was funny that she got upset even though this is well and truly out of character for him.


Amanda Hilsinger

Married to Demetria Gabor; Divorced Marcus Finch
Former Death Eater
Claire Danes
Wyatt and Amanda's relationship is non-existent because he has a strong sense of loyalty to his father and although she is rebuilding relationships with Wyatt's father even before his own birth he has never wanted to talk to her.
Marcus Emmerson Finch

Married to Valkyrie Finch; Divorced Amanda Hilsinger
Death Eater
George Clooney
Wyatt and Marcus have never met because he views Tristan as disgusting and a waste to the Finch name and his children similarly. Wyatt harbours rage for Marcus.
Demetria Gabor

Mixed Blood
Married to Amanda Hilsinger; Divorced Aaron Prewett
Retired Ministry Employee
Gemma Arterton
Wyatt and Demetria have never met.
[th colspan="2"]Paternal Family (WIP)[/th]
Valkyrie Finch (nee. Zimmerman.)

Mixed Blood
Married to Marcus Finch
Death Eater
Rachel McAdams
Wyatt and Valkyrie have never met.
Leah Samantha Bennet (nee Finch)

Married to Fletcher Bennet
Brittany Snow
Wyatt and Leah visit with one another often because during school holidays he has a tendency to stay with her because L.A. is too far to fly. He respects her but ultimately they are different people so they don't get along very well.
Izaak Jay Finch

Married to Alianne Finch
Zac Efron
Wyatt and Izaak tend to get along like a house on fire. They are fairly similar people in interests and the way they develop relationships with people. They don't see each other as often as they used to when Wyatt was living as a muggle because he's often not in North America where Izaak lives.
Tristan Finch

Pureblood Squib
Common Law Spouse to Avalyn Logan
Dave Franco
Wyatt and Tristan love one another dearly - Wyatt wants to be just like him however there are a lot of unresolved feelings from the past four years because Wyatt feels guilty and betrayed. He is not sure how he feels about his father lately.
Fletcher Dillon Bennet

Married to Leah Bennet
Retired Quidditch Coach and League Player
Ben Barnes
Wyatt and Brittany have always had a very close relationship, despite their age difference. He has always thought the world of her and never thought much of the fact that she doesn't have a father. They view one another as brother and sister.
Alianne Finch (nee. Cooper)

Married to Izaak Finch
Blake Lively
Wyatt and David have never once gotten along as they were forced to play together by their respective parents. Although Wyatt dislikes that he is being kept away from his cousin they are both glad not to talk much anymore.
Jay Dylan Bennet

Dating Delilah Richarde
Professional Quidditch Player
Brendon Thwaits
Wyatt and Adeline hated each other so much that he purposefully destroyed her dolls just because he thought it was funny that she got upset even though this is well and truly out of character for him.
Gabriel Mercer

Wyatt and Adeline hated each other so much that he purposefully destroyed her dolls just because he thought it was funny that she got upset even though this is well and truly out of character for him.
Alexis Bennet

Gryffindor Student
Brynja Jónbjarnardóttir
Wyatt and Adeline hated each other so much that he purposefully destroyed her dolls just because he thought it was funny that she got upset even though this is well and truly out of character for him.
Cassie Finch

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Wyatt and Cassie never met, although he heard of her death.
Ella Mae Finch

Mixed Blood
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Wyatt and Ella never met, although he's heard of her death.
Liam Finch

Mixed Blood
Gryffindor Student
Wyatt and Liam are quite close ever since Wyatt's acceptance to Hogwarts because he regularly stays over during the holidays and as they are house mates as well it makes their bond even stronger. Liam is like the brother Wyatt always wanted.
Lucy Finch

Mixed Blood
Wyatt and Lucy get along well enough but because of the age difference they don't tend to spend much time together outside of meals during the holidays. He hopes to pawn his sister, Stella, off on Lucy.

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