Writing Away

Crystal Simons

Active Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Crystal had taken a walk, just for the exercise and to get out of the house. She had come to the park, not on purpose but that just so happened to be the place where her feet took her. She smiled looking around at all the families having picnics or playing with there dogs. Crystal sat down on a bench and took out her notebook having some sudden inspiration and started writing away. It was for her latest book. She didn't have much for it yet and her publishers were getting antsy about when she would have it done. That was why she had started carrying around her notebook, in case she got sudden inspiration like now. It was magic and as she wrote it went straight into her laptop at home so she didn't have to write then type it. It made things much easier. She liked writing outside better than inside anyway. The sun felt good and there was a slight breeze much more comfortable than her home office.
Maite took a leave from work. She was sick last night and had to take a rest for a while. The park was perfect to help her relax and just feel the sun. She sat on a bench next to a woman with her notebook out and didn't want to bother her so she looked around and felt a sudden longing for her children. She saw families having a good time. She wished she had one too. At least she knew where her children was, they were at their Aunt's - Maite's sister - that was a relief for her. She took her eyes away from the playing kids and took notice on her seatmate. She didn't want to bother her but she needed to make friends.
"Hi. I'm Maite. So, what's with the notebook?" she asked hoping that she didn't scare the woman.
Crystal had been so absorbed in what she was writing she hadn't noticed the woman siting next to her. She looked over when she spoke and smiled glad that she had spoken up, Crystal needed friends. Since New Zealand had at one point only been the place which held her vacation home she didn't have many friends. "I'm Crystal." She said looking at the woman, "Oh my notebook, I'm a writer and I could get inspiration anywhere so I take it with me so if I do I can write it down before I forget." She smiled at Maite, Crystal had never heard that name before and wondered if she would use it in a book someday. She often took names of people she had met and used them in her books.
"So you're really a writer. Wow, that's amazing. When was young, I wanted to be a writer too but I was so hard-headed I didn't even hold my pen." she laughed. That was true. She was really a pain in the back when she was young and rebelled when she was a teen but all of that were the past and nothing can be done to change it. "So, what are you writing?" she asked.

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