World On Ice

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
It was not like he had expected the classes, the new ones to be easy, but they were proving already impossibly hard. Stefan struggled with the most basic of things that happened in the most basic of classrooms. These new classes that he had to take were going to pose new problems that he would have to face. A part of him wondered if he could just avoid going to them altogether, but a part inside him knew that it would be a very bad decision if that actually happened. He had to learn all he could so that he could survive and create a better life for himself. But, the new lessons, just reminded the Slytherin of something. A small something. The fact that he was very much alone. No one in the class would understand how the Slytherin felt about all that he had to go through. None of them would ever have to experience what he had to live through each day, and at the start of the new term, as he watch those others talk happily about how good their holidays were because they got some new gift or were able to go somewhere nice, or other who spoke of horrible holidays were it rained and they stayed indoors. Stefan would never barge in and tell those people that they had no idea of the real definition of an awful/ horrible holiday. Stefan was walking away from his first elective class. Care of Magical Creatures. It had been interesting. He stole a small glance at the large group of third year students from his class heading back into the warmth of the castle. Stefan Archer had however walked in the other direction, staying in the sunlight which was odd for him. His heart was only beginning to slow down after the panic of being so close to the foribidden forest. And the short breaths he had to take were only just wearing down to a more controlled level. He didn't know why being so close to the forest had scared him. It was only the edge, and yet to him it had felt like he was right deep inside the forest with hundred of horrible creatures heading straight towards him, ready to pick at the little meat on his bones. At least that was one thing he could be happy with, whatever needed to eat within the forest was less likely to chose someone like Stefan since he was just so thin. And weak. It wouldn't be good meat. At this thought a small smile crept onto the Slytherin's face. However it was short lived, when he remembered that it was probably true in the sense that he would devlve further in with the professor. It was not something he was looking forward to. It was in fact exactly what he currently feared and yet their was little escape. He knew he could not get out of it. The boy knew he was quite literally stuck. The desire to learn matched with the ever strong desire to just stay alive. He did not suffer through everything he had to at home to be carelessly killed at school in a forbidden forest.

The young slytherin boy was unsure why he was staying outside. The small winter sun was making it difficult for him to see where he was heading and causing a slight irration both of which caused by the colourblindness. And that went without mentioning that it was fairly cold. But Stefan was used to this kind of weather. He was used to the cold. It was not friendly, and he did not really truly desire it, but if it was around, Stefan could put up with it. And since he was one of the only students outside he was glad that it was cold, so that the grounds and lakefront would remain this quiet. It meant he could feel everything. Each time there was a tiny gust of cool winter air flew through him, he felt goose bumps on his skin. The hairs stand on end, and relaxing feeling that followed. The cold air, just reminded him, that he was really at Hogwarts, That it was not just some dream, that he was really there. That Stefan was alive. He was half tempted to strip off his robes and jumper and roll up the sleeves. Let his arms be exposed to cool refreshing air. But, even if there was no one around him now, he couldn't. His arms were too mark with scars. And his left arm had a small scar from a burn, and his right arm had a nasty sore bruise just below his elbow. Letting the cool air breath upon the bruise on his face was a small relief. Not strong, but good enough. All he really required. Stefan found that he had walked to the edge of the water of the lake. He looked out to vastness which was the lake. It looked so peaceful in his black and white world. Stefan stood silently for a few moments. He held his stomach grumble loudly. Placing his bandaged hand on his stomach, the Slytherin boy knew he could last withouth filling it. It wouldn't really matter. What difference was a couple of hours to the boy. With that said, a whole new waving exchaustion engulfed him, causing him to sit down on the cold ground. His shoes right on the water's edge. He had his knees drawn up to his chest, and his back was curled and he placed his head on top on his knees. His hands hugged his legs closer to his body, but of course not too closely where it would then hurt. He closed his eyes and just sat there. Silently. Not moving. Reopening his eyes a few minutes later, Stefan looked back around his surroundings. He looked down at his feet. He was wearing his old, dirty and worn out old converse trainers. He pulled them off his feet. Placing them down beside him, Stefan then proceed to take off his socks as well. Placing them inside his shoes. Stefan placed his feet onto the cold ground and felt the cold tingle up his entire body. His feet were relatively unharmed. A small cut on his left foot that ran from the pinky toe to the ankle. It was clearly at least two or three weeks old. To add this there were tiny little bruises and scars. But nothing too clear. At least from what he could see.

Slowly, Stefan Archer placed both his feet into the water. Suddenly it feels like he's put his entire body into ice. He let out a small shocked gasp. Smiling as he did so. Finding it oddly nice, this feeling on his feet. He could feel the steady movement of the water. In and out. Bringing with it another wave of coldness. But it was okay. He enjoyed how it felt. He enjoyed the cold feeling. He loved the way it just felt like his feet were meant to be in the water. Wiggling his toes, Stefan was quickly forgetting about everything around him. He was no longer just the Muggleborn Slytherin boy, he was just a kid. Just a boy, a teen, who was enjoying something as simple as the feeling of cold water upon his feet. There were no thoughts of his father. No thoughts of the friends he currently lacked. No Kate. No amazing Kate that made his life seem a lot more worthwhile than he thought it was. No Willow or Sara. No one. The thoughts of the boy James who'd sworn to protect him and then had just bailed did not fill him with a fear that Kate would do the same. Willow or Sara. He didn't want to lose any of them. He knew they could handle losing him, but the other way round was nothing something he could think about, and while he didn't too often, here in the water they were literally a million miles away. A smile was on the Slytherin's face. The dark blue eyes showed the happiness that the boy was actually feeling in that moment. A llittle company would be nice, but he didn't need it. Feeling a little safer, Stefan stood up and took off his robes, leaving him in just his uniform, plus his jumper, unzipped, but sleeves pulled down. Stefan rolled the sleeves up ever so slightly. So that all that could be seen was the bandaged left hand, the scarred right hand, and a tiny little bit of the bruise below his elbow on his right arm. He was happy and for the first time in a long while he felt safe. Like for once, things would be okay and Stefan was well and truly on his way to believing such a thing. He sat back down, and just sat in silence staring at his feet within the water. Briefly wishing for the company of a girl he had strong feelings for. Kate.​
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Kate walked outside into the shivering cold but at the moment in time Kate didn't feel it.She was t annoyed to notice where she was going or who was around her.She was like this because she had just had a run-in with her sister.She let a sigh out.She couldn't believe that her sister was acting like this.Where was it coming from??She was saying stuff that was totally not true and it even though Kate didn't want to admit hurt.She let out a curse.She wasn't going to bother with her sister anymore she could do what she wanted.Kate then felt more relaxed and more calm.She shouldn't act like this it didn't matter what Sara said what was important was that Kate didn't believe her.

Now that Kate wasn't as angry she finally realised that in her temper she had walked all the way down to the Lake and she was freezing.Rubbing her hands over her arms she walked closer to the end of the lake until the tip of her shoes were at the edge of the water.She looked around her and smiled the grounds did look beautiful covered in frost it was almost magical.She looked to her left and suddenly her heartbeat started speeding up.It was only now that she fully realised how much she had missed him over the holidays.Even from her he looked small and frail but that didn't bother Kate.He was one of the most important people to her.She started walking over towards him,the closer she got the more she saw and that meant she saw more bruises and cuts.It hurt her how much she knew he suffered but he had made it clear that he wanted no help.When she was beside him she looked at him carefully.He had what lookedlike a bad bruise on his elbow,a bandage on his left hand and his right was scarred.She also looked at him and found herself looking into his bright blue eyes. "Hey"She said a smile coming on her face.
The silentness that engulfed the grounds was much like the wind. It caused an entire blanket of cold to just pass over the young teen, who had in a brief moment of insanity put his bare feet into freezing cold water. More to that point, he showed no signs of wanting to remove his feet from the water. Stefan Archer was odd in a way that most would not quite understand. How this kind of cold was a welcome feeling. That he enjoyed his feet going numb and feeling nothing at all, though still aware they existed. Shots of cold ness every so often causing him to shiver slightly. He figured that it also probably had something to do with the light wind and the fact his school robes sat beside him. And that he had ever so slightly rolled up his shirt and jumper. Bit it really did not bother him. If he caught a cold it would not surprise him. If he caught something worse, it would still not surprise him. It would matter little to him. He knew the fact he had made it to be a third year and thirteen was a sheer mircale. If he was to die now, of a cold or something more, he would almost welcome it. Be ok with it. And since he had few friends that really stayed long enough then he would never have to worry about them being upset. However, as Stefan leaned forward and let his hands play with the water, a face and a name flashed in front of his eyes. Kate. Stefan was no idiot, he understood that he had some form of feelings for her, and that they were a lot deeper than just friendship, but he knew that she deserved so much more than a broken person, with a tortured soul. She was too good for him, the fact she had even wanted his friendship was still a mystery. Now he found himself in a pickle. He did not value his life much, but Kate. Knowing her, wanting more with her, made his will to life stronger, than any motivational words of promises of a better future. He wanted to be able to protect her, keep her from knowing about him. To not shatter her bubble. But she and Stefan had not left things on the best of terms. They had kissed, but everything with his father had caused him to think over his feelings for the girl. He'd pushed her away. He'd been horrible to her, he'd caused her to stop eating. But this was a new year and a new term, and Stefan was a little hopeful that he could get them back on track. Back to being close friends. He missed her company. He missed the way she smiled, or how the wind blew her hair in all sorts of directions. Stefan Archer missed just sitting with her in a silence that made him really believe that everything would be okay. Much like how he felt then, with just him, the silence and the freezing cold lake.

If by some miracle, a small voice sounded. And as he looked round and noticed the girl who'd been on his mind. "Kate?" His voice was low, and it was a question. He was surprised to see her, and almost wondered if maybe he had just fallen asleep and this was his dream. It was a good dream, and Stefan just wanted to bask in the moment with Kate sitting at his side. As the confusion from his eyes faded, a small smile appeared on his face. He let his eyes glance to the water before he looked back up at her. Turning his head slightly so he could see her properly. Leaving the bruise at the side of his face in full view. He could hardly believe she was their in front of him. He'd missed her a lot more than he'd been letting himself think. Stefan Archer's smile as he looked at Kate, was one that showed that he had truly missed his friend. During the darkest of days and coldest of nights, it had always been his memories of her that had gotten him threw. However, before Stefan could saw much else, a winced slightly and jerked his bandaged hand out of the water. Letting his dark blue eyes glance down, he realised that the water was not the best idea. However, Stefan quickly brushed those thoughts aside, as he turned to look back to where Kate was. He was almost afraid that she would've been gone. As silently as she had arrived. He did not move to pull down the sleeves of his shirt and jumper. He didn't move to pull his feet out the water, instead he reached out with his bandaged hand and lightly touched the side of her face. His touch was soft. Moving from above her ear to her cheek. He was more or less checking to be sure that she was real. As if suddenly realising what he'd done, Stefan dropped his hand back to his side, and could feel a warm in his cheeks. He didn't know what this meant, as no one had ever told him, that the warmth meant he was going red at the cheeks. Embarrassed. The colourblind boy smiled at her. He really was pleased to see her. He turned back slightly. And glanced out at the lake. "How are you?" Stefan asked, "Like really, how are you" No lies was basically what he wanted to say. But he could hardly blame her if she did. He was also not the perfect person, and if the question was returned, he would lie. Stefan believed he had a lot more reason to. He had a lot more to lose if he told her the truth. His father was a terrible person, Stefan knew that, but he was still family. And that had to count for something. He knew that most of the time he had done something to deserve it. So it was just his father punishing a badly beheaved son. And if the slytherin boy was completely honest he had no idea what he would do, or how he would cope without his father. foster care and group homes were not something the boy fancied. It was also unlikely that Stefan had any other family. If he was taken from his father, Stefan knew it would be difficult to cope. Alone in a world full of bad people. People just like or worse than his father. Although worse he had trouble believing.

"I've missed you" Stefan admitted quietly looking away from his friend. "It was a cold winter. How was the summer in England?" Stefan knew that Kate's life was completely different from his. While he had been struggling most of the holidau to keep warm and alive, Kate would've been in warm, sunny England surrounded by family members and lots of food. Stefan envied her a lot. But only because compared to her, he had literally nothing. Which was true. Stefan did not need to pack much for his trips to and from school. His entire life could fit into an averaged sized backpack. "Tell me all about it." Stefan just wanted something to distract him. Something to take his mind off comparing them. Which meant he needed to know more. He wanted to learn all he could about Kate. Stefan knew a lot now, but he wanted to know even more. The dark blue eyes of the boy looked up from the lake and to Kate. A smile on his face. It was funny how she made him smile without even trying. He reached round and took the robes he'd placed down beside them and then wrapped it around Kate. "We don't want you to catch a cold." The Slytherin boy stated. Meeting the hufflepuff girl's eyes and smiling. This was good company.​
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Kate looked down at Stefan and a small frown appeared on her face.He had his bare feet in the water,his robe was beside him and his shirt was rolled up.How was he not frozen?She was cold and she was out of the water.Thinking again she realised he probably was cold but he was either ignoring it or he didn't feel it.She wondered why he was doing it or why he had done it in the first place but she had realised that Stefan was different in that way so she decided not to say anything.

Kate smiled when Stefan said her name.It also sent a small shiver down her spine.It hit her again how much she had missed him. "Yes Its me"She said smiling.She was glad that he looked happy to see her,in one way she had been worried that he would do the same thing as last year but deep down she had knew he wouldn't do it.It was hard not to gasp when he turned and she saw the bruise on his face but she kept her face neautral knowing it would upset him if she didn't.What he did next surprised her but she didn't pull away.She just watched him as he raised his hand and pulled it along her face.It felt nice and she couldn't help closing her eyes.Her eyes opened when she felt his hand move away.She tried to stiffly a laugh that was coming when she saw the two bright red spots appear on his cheeks.She thought it was cute but luckily she just smiled.She didn't take her eyes off him even when he looked away,she was really happy to be sitting beside him.when he asked her a question she was going to answer with "I'm grand" but he added a small little extra.She decided not to tell him everything because it wasn't fair to give him anymore worried so instead she answered with "I'm okay...things have been better but its okay"She said really meaning it."How are you?"She asked not bothering to add the little bit extra because she knew she wouldn't get the truth.

Kate's heart beat a little faster when he said he missed her.That statement had lightened up her day a whole lot. "I missed you too"She said quietly meaning every word. "Well the weather was all right,a little bit windy and cloudy but okay"She said smiling glad they were having a pleasant normal conversation. "We even went over to Ireland for a week"She said her eyes lighting up slightly.She loved her home country and it had been great visiting it. "We didn't really do anything else though we did go to Sweden for 10 days.That was fun"She said smiling at the memories"How was your holidays even with the weather?"She asked not knowing what her answer would be.She did have a small idea but that was something she didn't like to think about and something Stefan would never admit.What he did next made her like Stefan even more.She felt instantly warmer when he put his robes on her.She wanted to give them back because she didn't want him getting a cold either but she knew he would just give it back. "Thanks"She said wrapping it fully around her.It smelled like Stefan which made it even more nice.Hesitantly she moved in closer and slowly lay her head gently on his shoulder.She knew this could be dodgy but she decided to try anyway.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry about the delay
For what it mattered, Stefan was glad for the company that the Hufflepuff gave him. It obviously was not a company that most others could give him. Odd it was for Stefan, since he felt close to no one really, and yet when it came to Kate, more so than Sara and Willow. He felt completely at ease, and there was always something at the back of his mind that told him that he could if he wanted to, tell her everything. But Stefan Archer knew that it would be selfish of him to do such a thing. They were just friends after all. It wasn't like she would actually want to be in any other form of relationship other than friend. And Stefan was just as unwilling. He knew nothing of romance or just how to act. For one thing, he had always heard that a relationship is based on trust, and honesty. Those were two things that the slytherin was no exactly good at doing. He trusted Kate to a certain extent, but if it came down to it, he probably would be quick to break the trust, even if it would be hard. And Honesty. Stefan would laugh at the idea of him honest. He could not lie well at all, but it did not matter. Since he would still not be honest. It wasn't like he didn't really want to be, but if he was to answer the questions he was given truthfully, he would never escape the looks of pity that would follow him. People just did not understand. His situation was awful, but his father was all he had. His only family. And he knew somewhere, very deep down that his father actually care about him. That this was all just temporary until his father got over the death of his mother. Despite the fact it had been over ten years. That and his father finally went out and got a proper job like all the other fathers. Stefan was just facing the brunt of his father's aanguish and sorrow. It was not like Stefan didn't know it wasn't right, but he knew at times he deserved it. Other times, it just seemed so out of the blue. The words that followed the hits were less easy to take. Most of the time, it was the words his father shot at him, the names he was called that hurt the most. He wanted to believe that his father didn't mean it, but it was hard. Stefan was far from prefect. He knew it, but his father made him, through his words, feel completely worthless. Kate on the other hand, was not like that. Even though he couldn't see her properly, she made him feel like he meant something. The way she smiled at him, despite the fact he was pretty sure she knew something about his home. If not knew, guessed. But, it did not really matter. Stefan Archer just enjoyed her company. It was nice the way she didn't flinch away when he'd lightly touched her face to check she was actually their. That it wasn't a dream. It had felt odd, and he had no real why idea why he'd done it. Just that he wanted to check. Because she did appear in his dreams. Nothing odd, just he saw her smile. And hwhat ever worries he'd had as he'd gone to sleep were faded. It helped his nightmares. And despite how much Kate actually helped him, he would never tell her. Just repeat that he'd missed her.

It was good to hear her not lie to him. But of course she went into very little detail. Not that he could blame her. Even though this year he had promised himself that it was going to be less about him, and more about the people around him. Since thinking about himself and what he needed to do to distance himself did not work. He'd try the less selfish way. And that started with Kate. He glanced down at her, and smiled. She looked a lot better. While not as she once had, Stefan was glad that she did look a lot healthier than before. He knew from complete experience that being as underweight as he was, or as she'd been was not a lot of fun. He felt worn out all the time. Little energy came to him. It did not help that he wasn't sleeping well. Food was a tricky process. Since he could not yet dive into full meals. It caused a lot of problems being as thin as he was. A happy medium was where he wanted to be, but knew he would never. "You look a lot better." Stefan said, his voice still quiet, but deeper than the year before. "You had looked amazing then too, but being that thin, it's not fun. And you look a lot better. You look amazing." Stefan half rambled, trying to find the words to say that she was better at this weight than the weight she'd been the year before. Stefan gave her a small smile when she asked how he was. As if it was not already clear how he really was. Stefan in that moment felt every bruise and every cut that was new. His left hand moved instinctively to the large bruise below his elbow and just sat on top. And his right arm was wrapped lightly around his stomach. "Tired" He replied shrugging slightly. "But, I'm fine. I'm good" He was more than a little tired, buthe had to give her something. Something more than he had previously. Or would normally. It didn't really matter, because she could pronanly see how he was. Exchausted, worn out and sore. There would be no kidding that he was sore. Everything hurt. But the cold water seemed to numb things, make it more bareable. Stefan met her eyes when she said she'd miss him. He smiled slightly. Glad that she had, but also worried. As much as the slytherin boy tried to not think about it, hearing her say that she missed him, reminded him that getting too close would cause her more hurt than normal should he not return after a break. He almost felt like he should tell her that she shouldn't miss him. It would be pointless. Stefan did not want to upset Kate. He liked havin her with him. It was nice. Saying little things like that would annoy her and push her away. Those were two things that he did not want to do this term. He was tired of being alone all of the time. Being with Kate made him feel good. Normal.

"Ireland and Sweden? What are they like?" Stefan asked, not really understanding her concept of doing nothing. It seemed like a lot. He'd never been out of New Zealand. And the only times he even went to the city was for the train to Hogwarts. Stefan had not left the house in the entire holidays. "It sounds amazing" It amazed him that she, and her family, that was fairly big from what he could tell was able to go to two different countries over such a space of time, while his family, him and his father were forced to chose between food or heating. And even at that, it didn't matter because it wasn't like he got very much either. He knew that her family was better off than his. It was pretty much clear, but Stefan couldn't compare. It was not her fault. When the question was returned to him, he looked away from her. His eyes keeping to the water in front of him. "My Holidays. Pretty miserable." Stefan admitted. Not meeting her eyes. "My dad, he's out of work. So, we don't have a lot of money right now. Less so than usual." Stefan only glanced up briefly. "So, it was a holiday full of one thing or another. Food or Heating. Hot water or electricity." Stefan had also decided to attempt to be more honest and here he was. He gave nothing away, but it overall gave some form of explantion as to why he was so thin. Maybe not an explanation for most things, but it was something. As Kate put her head against his shoulder, his body tensed slightly and he winced slightly. Slowly relaxing as he became aware of it. On his shoulder was the tail end of a deep gash. But he slowly relaxed as the pain began to become less clear. "Why did you come outside? Isn't it dinner, or lunch?" Stefan asked, just curious as to why she had decided to go outside. While saying this he put his arm around her shoulders. His touch still soft, but still upon her shoulders, bringing her into him ever so slightly. Unsure as to if this was the appropriate thing to do. "I can't believe it's third year." Stefan added quietly. Keeping his eyes forward and staring out at the lake.​
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It was strange how much things had changed since first year.Kate had used to be so young,she used to think everything would work out and be okay.She had never faced any problems in life.She had basically been spoilt growing up.She had grown up in a safe,happy household which had blinded her to what happened in the real world.She had never known true pain that was until the start of second year.In a way it had been good what had happened to her.She was more mature and more grown up.She understood things better and she realised the world isn't a perfect place like her parents made her believe.she was sometimes angry with her parents for raising her that way,maybe if she hadn't she wouldn't of been so hurt at the beginning of second year but she then remembered that they had done it because they loved her and didn't want any harm to come to her.

She smiled back at Stefan.She was so happy to see him smile again.Things had been so hard last year and it was great now to be talking and smiling again.Though things weren't completely right Stefan was still incrediably thin and he had more cuts.She still wondered why her didn't tell anybody let anybody help him but he obviously didn't want help as the found out the hard way last year.Kate smiled when he complemented her.A small blush came to her cheeks but luckily Stefan couldn't see because if he could she probably would of gone a whole lot redder. "Thanks"She said meaning it.It meant a lot that people still cared not like the others that just judged her calling her an anorexic freak.But she had chosen to ignore them so the stares and whisperings had stopped.Kate was glad that he gave a little more about how he was.But she did nearly raise an eyebrow when he spoke next but luckily her eyebrow stayed in place as it would be ruse and mean if she did.She smiled back without thinking to him.It was now almost natural to smile back at him.Whenever he was around she just smiled didn't matter if she was having a bad day he still made her smile even without trying that was one of the reasons she enjoyed his company so much.

"Well.Ireland is a green,wet country but it was lots of tourist sites like newgrange,rock of cashel and Dublin castle to name a few.But the people there are lovely though you will meat some rude ones"She said sighing "Am Sweden is a white country though it can be quite warm in the summer.There not much tourist sites there except for the icebergs and glaciers which are pretty cool"She said smiling.Remembering sliding down the glaciers into a heated pool. "That's all I really know about Sweden but if you want I could tell you more about Ireland"She offered glad of this normal conversation they were having.But what he said next got ride of that feeling.She listened her emotions mixed she was glad he was telling her most of the truth but she felt angry at the way he had to choose between food and heating and if it had been a cold winter it must of been harder. Instead of saying anything she just gave him a reassuring smile.She wanted him to know that she was there for him and if he needed anything he could just ask her.She felt relaxed when he relaxed and put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her a bit closer.She felt instantly warmer and safer even though nothing could harm her "Thanks"She whispered glad he hadn't pulled her away.She did a small uncomfortable shuffle when he asked his next question. She wanted to be just as honest as him but she didn't want to ad to his worries.She then made a descion "Well things aren't very good between Sara and me and we just had a small argument nothing really"She said sadly.She knew things would never be the same between them but what was done was done and there was no point looking back on the past.She smiled and looked up at him "I know, a lot has happened"She said a little sigh escaping from her lips. Somethings had been good but others had been made but she just had to take those things in her stride.She always stuck to her saying "To every cloud there's a silver lining".
The first thing that Stefan was beginning to think as he sat with the girl who'd been his friend since half way through first year. It was odd, despite his lacking in good friendship skills and things of that sort, the slytherin boy had to admit that he was glad. Even if at times it had been challenging. For him it had all been a learning curve. A chance for him to do more than just sit around and attempt to keep his father's temper at bay. School, education and his three friends had all been completely new things for him, and like anything, it was understandable that Stefan would've gotten some things wrong. Here, now, the teen was attempting to make up for what had happened. Of course, he could not just keep repeating the word sorry over and over. After a certain time, he had to attempt to get passed what had transpired in the previous term. Maybe he would never really forgive himself for it, but he could at least move passed it. Not let the memories plagued his mind over and over. Relentlessly reminding of the failure that his father made him think he was. However this was the past, and as a third year, Stefan had to in a sense grow up. Grow passed it. It would be silly to think that Stefan Archer had not grown in his years at school. In both the physical sense and in the mental sense. He'd grown in height, his hair was longer and his voice deeper. Since first year, Stefan had learned a lot, his mind had been widened. He could make good decisions, bad decisions. He was able to just do things that he wanted to. He wasn't stuck indoors, or in constant fear. Stefan could roam the halls when he wanted to, eat what he wanted to, and sleep when he wanted to. There was little worry at Hogwarts about heating, or lighting. Everything was their already. The slytherin was happy about that. Hogwarts was the very best place for him. It was the only place that he wanted to be during the day. The holidays were not anything that he enjoyed. But, the school terms had made them a little more bareable. Looking up at Kate, he gave a smile. It was real. Unlike most others he faked for people, to pretend that he was okay. To make them believe that he was. It was difficult since his condition was one that took a lot of lies to make others believe that he was actually okay. But, with Kate, or with Sara and Willow. The smiles came a lot more easily. He didn't have to fake them. He didn't have to pretend with them. Not any more. It wasn't like all the time they were real, but most of the time, he didn't have to pretend that everything was fine. When an alien from mars would've been able to tell that their was something wrong with him. Kate could make him completely forget about everything. Make him believe that he was just like the rest of them. Completely normal and just a thirteen year old slytherin boy, sitting outside with one of his oldest friends. It was nice and easy. He listened as kate started talking about her holidays. He actually liked the sound of Ireland. It sounded like a good place to live. For Stefan all he knew was New Zealand. Well, his house that was in New Zealand.

"I'd love to hear all about it." Stefan said honestly. He actually wanted to. Plus if it was something that Kate was willing to talk about then, Stefan was more than willing to listen to her. He did not have much to say. He didn't have any hobbies, and he didn't go anywhere, and the books he had read were limited since it took him so long to read them. It was not like he would forever be the boy with nothing interesting to say, add or do. But for now he would have to put up with being that guy. As the teen knew that life was unfair, his situation giving him little opportunity to expand his horizons, it lead to him wondering, if his mother hadn't died, and his situation gotten to what it was like, if he would have hobbies. If he would've been on holiday to places near and far. If he would be able to fly a broom without a fearing of fall. Or be able to play sports without exchausting himself in the first few minutes. If he would be of a more normal weight. But he wasn't and there was no way that he could change it. He was stuck with his bad deck and there was no or little way of improving it there and then. He couldn't, not when he had to focus on education, and his attempts to become normal were futile. "I'd love to go." He added looking at Kate with a smile. Having his arm around her, was a little painful. It was the arm with the bruise below the elbow. It was a pretty bad one. And had very slight markings making it look like a hand had been their. Which it had. He could feel her back pushing into it every so slightly, but he willed himself to ignore it, and just be in the moment with the girl in front of him. Kate. "If it's upsetting you, then it is not nothing." Stefan had noticed that they had grown slightly apart in the past few months. But since they were not really around him, or with each other, it was going to be hard to deny that their were cracks in their relationship. Stefan had always admired them both for how loyal they were to each other. He knew that what ever it was, they would eventually get over it. "Let me tell you something." Stefan started. He took as deep breath as he could with his bruised ribs and brought his feet out the water. He sat his feet right on the waters edge. The dark blue eyes were looking out to the lake. He was taking a moment to form his words. To really know what he was going to say and how he would say it. It was a tricky thing words.

"I met Sara before I met you. But, when I put two and two together and realised you were twins, I wondered what that would be like. To have someone that would be close to me in almost everyway. I'd never seen a set of twins before you both." Stefan had never seen them, since he had not been outside much at all, which limited the possiblities of seeing twins. He took a short breath. "When I see the two of you together, it's like, I can see the loyalty you have for one another. When I upset you at the start of the term in second year, Sara stood up for you. I hadn't expect that. I know families are meant to do that. But since it's just me and my dad there are little opportunities for one of us to stand up for the other. And then when she was worried about you, and she didn't know what to do. When you help her out, and you do things for one another. I can't explain it. But, I know whatever is going on you can work it out." Stefan wasn't sure if what he said actually made any sense. He still wasn't very good at forming words. He knew that he had to say something that would mean something, so that she could see no matter what happened that he trusted fully that they could work it out. "And if you can't fix whatever is the problem, then their is little hope for the rest of us being able to fix our problems." Stefan pulled her closed to him, careful to not place much pressure on his already bruise ribs. "I think it would be fun to have a twin. Or a sibling." That was a half lie. But, he hoped that it wouldn't really matter. That she would not actually ask him why. Stefan looked to Kate and just smiled at her.​
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Kate looked at Stefan while he wasn't looking.She wondered how it had all started.She couldn't believe she was friends with him for three years,well two and a half years.She remembered the first time she had met him.It had been a cold winters evening outside Hogsmeade.She remembered how quite and distant he had seemed.It was amazsing the change that had gone through him since then excluding what happened last year.She hadn't thought anything about their meeting.She just thought she was making another friend but she had realized it was something deeper than that.It hadn't really been until he had basically snubbed her at the begging of second year.Normally it wouldn't of hurt her so much but it had.During those nights she had spent alone in the dark she had fully realized.Of course when they had kissed at the end of first year she knew there was something more there but she hadn't realized how much until second year.She knew that whatever they had would have to wait she didn't know how long it would take but she was determined to be there when it happened.

Kate's smiled widened. "Well what would you like to know?"She asked happily.It was great to have a normal,pleasant conversation with Stefan.They hadn't had one in a while. She wondered did Stefan have any hobbies,she had seen him read a few times but that was it.She was curious but she wasn't sure if she should ask.Somehow she believed that maybe he didn't have any.This made her a small bit annoyed that he hadn't got a chance to explore what he could do.But that couldn't be helped at the moment.She felt quite warm and cozy in her current position.She was worried that she was hurting him but luckily he hadn't complained but she decided she wouldn't stay for to much longer in case it was hurting him.She looked down at her feet.She knew something like this would happened but she supposed she may as well get it out of the way.She shifted uncomfortably "I suppose"She whispered.She still wasn't sure if she wanted to talk about this she decided she would say something But he surprised her and talked first.

When Stefan was finished she felt a tear fall down her cheek.What he had said was so true but she didn't want to believe it.She didn't want to believe that no matter what Stefan said she had lost something special without even realizing.His words hit home and suddenly she was in floods of tears. "I know..but you see I don't know how it happened"She said through her tears.She was telling the truth she had no idea what had happened but she just knew it would never be the same and sadly nothing Stefan could say changed that.The two of them had grown up in the last year and they had both changed.Kate realized it was probably because of this change that they had grown apart and it was the reason nothing would be the same. Maybe they will still be taking when they are older but things would just never be the same. She looked at Stefan tears still in her eyes "I'm sorry Stefan but something has changed between us that we can't replace"She said bowing her head again while tears dripped down onto the ground
Shifting position slightly, the Slytherin teen, attempted to make both himself and the girl leaning into him more comfortable. This was an odd position for the teen to be in. While a part of him, was telling him to just back away, to remove his arm from around her and say that it was too much. There was another part of him and that would bring back a memory like this when he needed it more. The softness of her hair, as it brushed against his front. The sweet scent of her hair, and the way her body seemed to fit with his. It was odd for the teen to admit he actually liked having Kate that close to him. Stefan Archer thought it was a nice way to be. He could feel her heat as she leaned against him. When there was a small silence, he could feel her heart beat. Although she was just leaning into his side, being the type of person who did not take a day for granted while at Hogwarts, he could feel his heart and hers. It was just something he was tuned into. He liked the way when she breathed, he did too. Like he was almost in sync. Of course as the Slytherin whose chest was a patchwork of bruises and whose ribs were fragile, it was sore for him to breath as deeply as her. Which was why, even as he did so, he had to be careful. More careful than her. Something that the Slytherin teen was used to. It was hard for him to place where his feelings for her truly lay. She was the only person that Stefan at this moment thought he could maybe trust with his life story. The one that was true, and not fake like most of what he said. The dark blue eyes of the boy glanced down at her. He noticed her lips, and his mind reminded him of when they'd kissed. It had been one of the greatest days of Stefan's life so far. And considering the boy had more bad memories than good ones, that one was among the best of the best. Stefan looked down at Kate as her smile widened, causing him to do so too. "Everything, and anything." He admitted. Having never been out of his area, Stefan did not know what wonders a place like Ireland could hold. "I've never been abroad, so, anything you can tell me I would love to hear." Stefan did not see fit to add that he hadn't even really been outside of his home. The only times he went out, was to get supplies for school and the train. And this was not exactly a long time. It took no time at all. It was one of the main reasons that Stefan was so pale. That and his colourblindness made the sunlight difficult. "Is it cloudy? Sunny places are no good for colourblind people." Stefan sounded as though he was almost thinking about going to Ireland. Which he knew would never happen, but showing a keen interest in the country that Kate adored, he was pretty sure would let her believe a little less of what she believed about his life and his father. Which was what he really wanted to achieve. As well as he wouldn't put it completely out the picture, he knew that if he ever managed to break free from his father and get some money, taking a trip to Ireland would be high on his agenda.

As Kate shifted slightly, Stefan winced audioable. He couldn't help it. It had just escaped his lips before he could do anything about it. His chest was not the thing to lean on. And his clothes were not thick. But instead of asking Kate to stop, he just moved slightly, and shifted, to be sure that she was comfortable as was he. Or he was going to be. It looked to Stefan that Kate was clearly not keen on talking about the situation with her twin. It had been the main reason for why he had said something to begin with. Stefan knew little of what it took to be a sibling or how growing up changed things. He was a firm believer in family being something where people stick together no matter what. It didn't matter what the person was like or what they had said the day before. But, this was really more a fantasy that Stefan had created. His life was far from perfect and he knew that so were many others. But his family was so terrible he just hoped there was better. For the people he cared about and for those he called his closest friends. Because at the end of the day, Stefan did not wish them to have any existance that in any way resembled what he had. But, when he noticed that Kate had begun to cry. At this Stefan was a loss. He didn't know what to do. Crying girls had never been a strong point for him. Well, he'd never really had to deal with any until this point. Stefan Archer since he did not know what to do, just looked to her, his dark blue eyes alert, and afraid of what might happen. With the arm not around Kate, he quickly wiped away a few of the tears. His fingers lightly touching her cheeks. "Kate, please don't cry. I'm sorry" Stefan said quickly, feeling pretty bad about the fact she was crying. He hadn't meant for this. He'd merely stated what he thought. Stefan cursed himself. He knew his father was right when he told Stefan to not meddle or say anything about others. Keep quiet, and act like you don't exist. Stefan wondered why he had not done this here. After all, he had been pushing her to talk about her sister, when Stefan would not even admit to the slightest about his family. Or lack of.

Crying in the Archer Household was not a good idea. Not that Stefan didn't cry. He was generally in a lot of pain while at home, which caused tears to spring in his eyes. But Stefan had gotten fairly good at not crying in front of his father. Crying showed weakness, something Stefan did believe slightly, and weakness was not tolerated. Weakness meant another bout of yelling or a fist connecting with a part of his body. When Kate apologised, Stefan shook his head. "Kate, you have nothing to be sorry about. I should've just kept quiet. It's not my place to comment" His tone was odd, quiet, as if he was saying that he didn't have a right or deserve to talk to Kate. Stefan closed his eyes for a brief moment, before reopening them and letting the dark blue find their way to the Crying girl beside. He pulled her into him, and as he had seen others do, whispered a quiet sssh. "I'm sorry" He apologised again. "You don't need to be sorry." He muttered to her. "You'll always have me" Stefan added. It also being the truth. No matter what happened, Stefan knew that no longer being Kate's friend, Stefan knew that losing Kate would be more painful than anything his father could do to him. Although as much as he had meant what he said, there was no denying that at the back of his mind, he knew that he shouldn't be letting her get too attach. He still knew there was a possibilty that one term, he might not return. "I will always try my best so that, you'll always have me."
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Kate closed her eyes and she leaned on Stefan's shoulder with his arm around her. She felt comfortable and safe with his arm around her.She had never felt like this before.It was new to her but she liked it.She liked the way she seemed to fit in his arms and the way she could hear his heartbeat.When there was quietness she just listened to that and for some reason it made her smile.She looked up at him and smiled "Well I'll tell you some of Ireland's history"She said smiling.She liked talking about this even though sometimes it annoyed her about what the British had done but that couldn't be helped now. "Well lets just say we don't see the sun that much"She said grinning.The weather did annoy her sometimes they never really got a good summer. Ireland was known for its rain. Kate started thinking about which piece of history to tell him.There were lots she finally decided on the Easter Rising. "Okay so in the start of the 1900's and long before hand Ireland had been controlled by and from England.During the years there had been lots of revolutions but all had failed mostly because of bad weather or English spies.But this time the Irish had a great man called Micheal Collins who was from Cork.He was always one step ahead of the English.He learned from previous mistakes.There was also quite a lot of other great men like Eamon De Valera9though debatable after what he did in the end, Padrig Pearse and lots more. Anyway in 1916 the came up with a plan.They would take over the GPO( the post office).So on Easter Sunday they put this plan in motion.Everything was going very well until the British called in the 'Black and Tans' as they were called because of their mixed uniform.They had just come form World War 1 and because of them the Irish lost and Paidrig Pearse and few others were caught and killed by a firing squad.Luckily De Valera and Collins escaped and because of this in 192 Ireland would finally get their freedom even if some of the people were'n't happy with it"Kate said taking a big breath afterwords.She hoped Stefan had caught all that.There was a lot more to that part of History but she would let him register all that first. "So what d you think"She asked a smile on her face.

Kate looked up worriedly when she heard him. "Sorry"She said with a worried face "I can get up if you want?"She asked.But her question was answered when he shifted again and let her lay there.She was grateful but she didn't lay lean as hard this time.Kate couldn't believe that Stefan was apologosing.It wasn't his fault she was crying.He had just said he truth and she was grateful that he was trying to help.She hadn't told anybody else so in a way she felt better for telling somebody.It took some of he stress away.She felt his fingers wipe some of the tears away.She stopped crying and took a big breath.She calmed down and wiped away the rest of the tears. "The only reason I'm crying is because what you said is the truth and it made me realize what I've lost."She said bowing her head.She had lost something great but she knew their was nothing she could do now.They had both gone their seperate ways without even realizing it.They had both turned out differently and in the end they would never of got on.She would still wonder why it had happened but she would probably never know.Maybe they were never going to grow up as best twin sisters maybe it was meant to happen.

Kate nodded her head at Stefan and looked straight at him "But your wrong you had ever right to comment and you were just stating the truth and I'm glad you did"Kate said her voice getting more firmer as she talked to him.What he did next surprised but pleased her.She closed her eyes and listened to him even though saying sorry was pointless and he had n reason to but she let him comfort her becasue it felt nice and she felt normal again and more calmed down. She was happy when he said he wold always be there for her.Normall her sister would of been there for her but now that was gone.She was glad to have someone else to take care of her. "Thank you"She whispered her eyes still closed.
Enjoying the company of his best friend, he let her talk about her home country's history without him saying a world. It was true that he knew nothing about Ireland. All he knew that it was off the coast of Great Britian. He hadn't known that there were two countries in Ireland. It had once been one, but it had split into two. Stefan had only recently learned this while looking at a map. But, that didn't matter. He was glad to have her talk about it. Stefan Archer could clearly see that Ireland meant a lot to her. More than her new home did. But, he didn't know what moving was like after having become attached to certain place. He had never had that. Not yet. He had always lived in the same house. he had never visited anyone elses house. He had never known anything else. His existance was all in that house. Almost all his memories were from within the house. And even at that he knew that the memories he had outwith the house, were the ones he had at Hogwarts or somewhere in the magic world. Which were not as many as his home life. But Stefan Archer knew that everything was not going to change over night. That much was clear. The slytherin was well aware that changes to his life would not happen overnight. In fact the fact he was still skinny, and bruised was just what proved that fact. If problems could be solved overnight, Stefan was sure he would no longer have any problems and nor would anyone else in the world. Now that would be a much fairer world. But, of course, it was not a fair world. The SLytherin was all too aware of that fact. So instead he just sighed to himself and continued to listen to Kate, whose story was not exactly the happiest considering people got shot in the end. However it was a story of wanting freedom, and wanting free of someone. In Ireland's care the English. And he could relate tp such a story. After all he wanted freedom. Freedom from his father and the way he was towards him. After all it was his father's fault that he was the way he was. Stefan did have to admit, he would probably be as skinny as he was, since they would still be lacking in money, but at least his father would actually like him and care for him. Stefan just nodded. "It's interesting. And I had never heard about it till now." Stefan left out the part where he said he could relate, he didn't want Kate to think anything. He was pretty sure if he said something, she might try to ask him again about his father, and he was just enjoying her company. He knew that she was probably wanting to ask. He noticed she hadn't said anything about the bruises, he wondered if she just had stopped and was waiting for him to tell her. Which was for the best, he thought and knew. When he was ready. When he knew he had a chance at getting out for good.

Having ignored her apology and offer to get up, Stefan Archer noticed that she was at least not leaning as heavily, which the boy apreciated. He didn't want to have to ask her to stop leaning on him, since he was enjoying it. Even if the pressure was hurting him. He really didn't care after all, how bad could it really be. He couldn't imagine the bruises getting any worse. Only if she suddenly and ever so slightly bumped his side. Only then would the Slytherin actually be worried about them getting worse, and be worried about her seeing them too. It would cause him a lot of pain, and there was only so much pain a person could hide. And he was doing his best to hide the pain he was already in. And he thought that he was doing a fairly good job of it, since she was leaning against him. Which he was glad for. Since, it felt right. It felt good. He felt like that with her, by her side, the world could be perfect. Fair, and safe. Everything he knew it was not. Realising what was lost. It was an odd phrase, he thought it was sort of like just loss in general. Like losing his mother was similiar to losing being close to a sibling. Stefan had never thought of loss in any other way than death. Hearing Kate say that really opened his mind to what loss really was. The slytherin just nodded as she spoke. It was odd for him to be attempting to comfort someone. his only relfex was to keep apologising and the teen knew that in this situation it was probably not the right way to go about things. When she thanked him, He just smiled at her, while letting the arm that was around her rise up and just lightly stroke her hair. In a comforting manner. He wondered what to say next. He didn't know how to make the situation better. How to make her feel better. "You do still have to remember that you haven't lost her forever. Just right now." Stefan said, "But, the only loss I know is death, so I'm not sure how it works between siblings. Loss hurts" Stefan just nodded. It was odd that in his entire time at Hogwarts he'd only once been close to tears. As much as he had a lot of reason to the Slytherin teen didn't cry. And if he did it was never in the company of others. "I don't remember what my mum looks like." Stefan admitted. He wondered if he'd already said that, but it didn't bother him. "I was two at the time. And as much as I love her, and I miss her everyday, I don't know anything about her. Or what she looked like. All I known is me and my dad. Until this place. And this place has made me realise not what i've lost, just what I've missed." Stefan glanced away from her and to the castle. "You're strong, and beautiful, and this loss, will be bareable because of all the friends you have made and will make." Stefan was trying to make her feel better, in two ways, one, by showing her that things could be a lot worse, by talking about his own mother, and two, by reminding her that everyone at Hogwarts would support them both. "Now, lets talk about something happier. I joined the brotherhood. Are you trying for the Hufflepuff quidditch team?"
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Kate was always facinated by her countries history.In primary school it had been one of her favorite subjects.It was a complicated side of their history though.There were two sides to it Collins and De Valera. She was a Collins fan herself and was proud to be and that's why she wasn't exactly happy with the way the whole story played out.She would often be in disputes with her primary school teacher who was a De Valera fan and she would only teach one side of the story.It must of been funny for the other students to see them fighting.Kate forgot how they stopped but they eventually did.Kate smiled "Well there's a lot more to that paticular part of history but maybe I'll tell that another day...unless you want to hear it now?"she added quickly.She wondered what would Ireland be like now if they had broken completely free of the English.Maybe there would of been no troubles in Northren Ireland?She guessed they would never know.She looked at him curiously after a few minutes "Do you know anything about New Zealand history?"She asked.She didn't really know anything about New Zealand

For a while they just sat there in silence.Kate leaning on Stefan while his arm was protectivly around her shoulder.It felt nice and comforting.After the beginning of second year she never imagined being in this position.She felt something really strong for Stefan.It was way more then just a really good friendship.But for now it would have to stay at that.She knew Stefan wasn't ready yet but she was happy the way things were now.She hoped that some time in the future things would change but good things came to all who wait.She was brought back to the present when she heard Stefan talk again.She listened quietly and nodded her head.He was right loss did hurt..a lot.She listened to him talk again and she couldn't help smile.Stefan was really opening up and that was a good thing though his loss was rather sad.She wondered what it would be like never to talk to her mom and to never even know her or know what she looked like.She wondered why there were no pictures at home or why his dad had never told Stefan anything.But she didn't want to seem nosy and she thought it was kind of private.Kate looked up when he described her,it made her feel stronger.He was right she was strong and she would pull though.he was right she had great friends who she knew would help her out. "Thanks"She whispered before he continued talking.She couldn't put it into words how much she appreciated Stefan being there for her.It meant a lot and it only made her more determined to be there for him."cool"she said when he mentioned he joined the brotherhood. "What is that?"She asked curiously "Well I thought about it but I still have lots to catch up on from last year and I'm still not in best physical shape"She said looking down at her still quite thin stomach.

OOCOut of Character:
well her is the reply after what two weeks?? Sorry about that.Stupid internet didn't like me in Ardmore! :mad:

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