Woken From A Nap

Ella Palmer

Well-Known Member
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Ella was walking around the lakefront. She walked around admiring the nature. The birds, animals, plants, and insects made her feel happy. Of course, she loved the beach more, but this was as close as she could get for now. After a while, she got a bit tired and decided to rest in the bend of the main branches in a maple tree that she had discovered as she was walking. She climbed up in to the bend of the huge branches that lead up to smaller branches and leaves and so on. It was beautiful because it was Spring. She leaned against one of the huge main branches and made sure she was comfortable. A bunch of thoughts raced through her head. All of a sudden, she was sleeping as the wind blew and everything in nature was swaying.

About an hour later, she woke up facing the lake, still leaning against the branch, and was confused for a moment. Then she remembered what had happened and relaxed. She felt like someone was looking at her. She turned the other way and saw someone looking at her. She sat up straight.

"Oh my gosh, don't do that ever again," she said, hoping it wasn't a mean person. "Nice job on scaring me, I'm usually not so easily creeped out. I'm Ella. Ella Palmer. And this is definitely one of the weirdest ways I've met someone."

She jumped out on the side facing the lake and walked around the tree to the person. Ella didn't want to keep on talking in an awkward position.
Sam was walking along by the side of the lake with her large bag draped over her shoulder, it was a warm day so she had decided to head to her favourite spot and catch up on some of her drawings which have been seeing decreasing amount of sunlight in the last few months - it was almost getting to the point that she couldn't remember what she had been drawing 'now that is bad' she said to herself.

Her legs seemed to be on automatic heading for the same spot she has spent so much time last year, when she was supposed to have been in class of course, she day-dreamed until she was close to her tree when she noticed that something or someone else was already here, she took a few steps and realised that it was a girl noticing that she seemed to be sleeping, she moved quietly to another tree near her and leaned against it wondering how long the girl would sleep for before she noticed that she was being watched.

It didn't take long before the girl stirred, Sam smiled hoping that she would not scare the girl too much when she noticed her, she grinned and held back a giggle when the girl told her off for startling her "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" she moved towards the girl a little more "I'm Sam Carter, and I have defiantly met someone in a weirder way", she chuckled at the memory.

Sam dropped her bag on the floor wincing as it hit the ground with a sickening crack, "and that would be the sound of bright red ink staining everything in my bag" she said mainly to herslef in a slightly annoyed voice, she dropped to her knee and started to empty the freshly inked contents onto the grass.

She looked up to the girl her dark brown fringe in her eyes, "so any reason you were napping down by the river instead of your dorm?" she smiled to let her know that she wasn't making fun of her.

Ella smiled at Sam. "It's okay," she said. "It's pretty easy to scare someone when they just woke up. I find comfort on the beach, but it seemed like this was the closest I could get. And I wasn't planning to sleep in a tree, it's kind of odd. I just sat to rest for a bit and kind of nodded off. I guess I got lucky. Nobody came and played a prank on me while I was asleep. So any reason you were out here? Besides trying to catch me asleep."

The last part was a joke, of course. It wasn't like Sam was walking around trying to find people asleep. That would be crazy. She just tried to lighten the mood. It was what she did a lot when she was with friends. It made her feel like she didn't have to sit up all straight and stuff because it was so serious. She didn't enjoy serious at all.
Sam giggled a little "Well obviously my main goal was to catch you sleeping, it's an ambition of mine" she said sarcastically, hoping to make Ella laugh.

"I love the water, and I came down here to get some of my drawings done, well that was before the ink decided that it had better ideas" she said looking at her now red sketches, and sheet music, she would have to ask her brother for yet another copy of that song.

She let her self fall back onto her bum, it was better than standing around, she continued "also you were sleeping on my tree, that's why I was watching you." she said the first part jokingly so that she didn't come across as mean

Sam started sifting through the messy paper to see if anything could be saved
Ella laughed as Sam talked. It seemed that they both loved the water.

"The ink probably should have told you that it had plans, but it's probably too lazy to learn how to talk. I kind of just found the nearest tree that looked like it had a good place to rest in it and I sat in it, then of course fell asleep and had one of those crazy dreams," she said, remembering the dream she had about a beach and two people on it who got stung by a ton of jellyfish and got eaten by sharks, wondering if it was a warning or something, but she wasn't scared of anything so the thought left her head quickly. "Those things sure are strange. And it seems that the crazy ones always pop in to my head. Sorry that that happened. Can I help with anything?"

She sat down next to Sam, ready to help clean up or something.

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