With my best girl

Keagan Maxwell

HS Graduate | Pride of Portree Keeper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Summer holiday in New Zealand wasn't a tradition up until they found out that some of the Maxwell are living there. Distant relatives from the father side that held the highest title than them. He wished her cousins were studying in Scotland than New Zealand, it would be much fun to see them wreak havoc like the ones he's been hearing. Today, though, they would meet for a family dinner in Wellington. Keagan was up early with her favorite niece, Raelyn, who's been very eager to go somewhere exciting. She's a five year old with a happy demeanor and a horrible tantrum. "Alright, eh? I'm in charge to pick where we going then. How about a scenic route?" Keagan asked his niece, who was already pouting cutely. He smirked at her, "Whyyyyyy you so crueeeel?" Raelyn asked, her famous tantrum emerging.

"Aye! I'm being fair. Whenever I come home to visit you, you always pick the place." The Ravenclaw wasn't having it and so, he picked up Raelyn and put her on her booster seat at the passenger seat at the back of an SUV. "Can can I picky the song though?" The half Irish and half Japanese girl pleaded. Keagan, being the good uncle, gave her his cellphone that was already connected to the SUV's audio component. Once Raelyn was buckled up and he was safely tucked as well on the driver seat, the two drove to the to the Point Halswell Lighthouse. Keagan's face was poker as Raelyn found her own playlist of songs on his phone, all the old Justin Bieber songs were blasting and she was singing with it. At last, and a relief, they arrived at the said lighthouse. The Ravenclaw parked and killed the engine. It was a nice Winter, cold was just coming in. "We hold hands while we're here, understood, Rae?" The girl nodded and was taken out from her booster seat and onto her feet as they walked toward the lighthouse. It was truly an awe moment for them both.
Another break. She could've sworn they've just had one not too along. Not that she would complain. Stella enjoyed her breaks. Go as far as loving them, every one of them. With or without Erin, a break for her was a break from Hogwarts and every miserable failing assignment. Stella welcome those non-ink days, and outdated paper that can be used for a cat's scratch post. It's too bad Erin couldn't make the visit until August. Stella had that to look forward to at least. But for two months she'll have to think of something to occupy her time. Anna encourage her daughter to go out more, to look for inspiration for a next project. Something along the lines of clothing. Stella shrugs, eyeing the women. Her mother always been a huge supporter of Stella's dream. However, her guts says her mom was up to something again. Whatever it may be, Stella would come to know of it. Stella waved at her mom, for the first time in a long time took the woman's advice. She means well, Stella knows.

Stella took her old muggel bike to travel. She took a small picnic, maybe a little more than she should if she so happen to see her brothers later on. Her old bike felt awesome, it was like seeing an old friend after such a long time. Kinda. Stella biked her way into unfamiliar territory, where the sight of a lighthouse stood out amongst the first thing that she saw. Along with this breathtaking coast line, Stella struck gold. The scene felt like one of those movies, where rich people bought beach houses for the view and sandy land. One that would cost a lot of money, but worth the gamble. Stella bike down the a sand path to get closer to the lighthouse. She wanted a closer look, maybe get up there someway, somehow. Anything to seek another look from a different point of view.

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