
Jimmy Maxwell

Jimmy sat on a grassy hill by the lake. he kind of sat in a pose that he thought would him look cute, handsome and someone you really want to talk to. The blew gently blew ruffling his mop of a hair doo. While he waited for someone to come he thought of why he had come to Hogwarts and how much it had changed him. His mum murderer by his dad and his aunt and uncle he lived with while his dad was in jail were doing drugs. He had been a flirty jerk. He still liked to do the whole flirt thing now and then. He found it funny. But what he enjoyed the most lately was listening to people.
(( hope you dont mind if i join, ill edit if you dont want me to ))

Arisa walked almost zombie like through the wind towards the lake front. She hadn't been feeling the greatest lately and had spent a few days in bed. Wanting to get some sun on her pale skin she was wearing a green tank top with shorts. Once she came out of her trance like state she looked around and noticed she was at the bottem of a hill with a boy sitting on top. Walking up silently she brushed her blonde hair out of her eyes. Once she was standing next to the boy she sat dowm beside him, "Hey, mind if I join you?" she asked looking towards the lake.
Jimmy looked at the girl and grinned from ear to ear as his deep blue eyes sparkled in a hypnotizing way. He had really wanted company. "No please do I'm Jimmy Maxwell by the way and you are? He replied in his new sweet, funny, caring way.
Arisa looked over at the boy when he introduced himself. "I'm Arisa Havishmen" she said smiling back at him. She couldn't help but notice his sparkly blue eyes, they reminded her of Sern. screw him, he left, came back long enough just to bring your hopes up then left again she thought before turning back to the lake, "What brings you out to the lake today?" she asked.
Jimmy smiled and replied studying the girl "It's an amazing place to chillax and just forget about your problems how about you!"
She smiled at Jimmy's relaxed ways. Thats what she needed right now with all the stress in her life, "Oh, I've just had a bit of a cold and wanted some sun" she replied casually.

(( sorry that was uber lame! ))

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