Willow Rosebank

The Basics
Character's Name: Willow Rosebank
Character's Birthdate: November 14 2006
Age: 18
Hometown: Near Queenstown
Heritage: Scottish
Born and Raised Near Queenstown
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Wand: Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose

Hogwarts NZ
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Hair: Long red hair
Eyes: Brown
Height: Average
Style: She usually wear tight short clothing

Children: Willow has a two year old named Daisy, and is pregnant again.
Siblings: Lisa, Cameron and Carmen, Ted, Molly, River, Willow, Katrina, Mels

Mother: Julia Rosebank
Age: 45
Parents: Lucy and George Kennedy
Siblings: Kate, Simon, Nick, Julia, Sarah, Mary.

Father Mike Rosebank
Age: 47
Parents: Helen and Peter Rosebank
Siblings: Mike, Lizzy, James, Catherine.

A Little Deeper
Your Patronus: Hare
Your Patronus memory: Holding Daisy and Lily for the first time
Your Boggart: River in trouble

Likes And Dislikes
Interests or Hobbies: drawing
Strengths: Drawing, flirting,
Weaknesses: Agoraphobic, can't resist a drink, or two...

History: My name is Willow Rosebank, and I am 18 years old. I am a muggle born witch, and so is my twin sister. We lived in a large house in the country, with lots of relatives, and all our other relations would drop in on weekends or birthdays, so as children, we were never alone. There was always a cousin, or sister or brother or an aunt or uncle the same age as us. At the school we attended, there were at least five or six of us at any given time. When we were ten years old, we got a letter from Hogwarts New Zealand, telling us that we had been accepted into the school. We were packed off to Hogwarts, returning home on the holidays, showing off to our muggle family. We had been sorted into Hufflepuff. I dropped out at sixteen, when I got pregnant. I moved back into the family home near Queenstown.

(OOC)Willow is very naive, however, and fell in with the wrong people. She has already gotten pregnant twice, and doesn't know who the fathers of either are. River disapproves, and keeps trying to turn Willow around.

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