Willow Faye Autumn

Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Character's Birth date::
1st March 2014
Hometown & Current Residence::
Willow lives in Dunedin, New Zealand in the suburb of Mosgiel.
Health Status::
Known Conditions::
Inherited Hypotension (Low blood pressure)
Sudden Syncope (fainting)
Blood Status::
Half Blood
Current Wand::
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hogwarts House::
Behind The Name::
Willow:: From the name of the tree.
Faye:: Variant of Fay: Derived from Middle English faie meaning "fairy"
Autumn:: From the name of the season
Zooey Deschanel (younger years)
Emily Deschanel (Older years)
Like always, Subject to change
Personal Style::
Willow has a very feminine style but she enjoys to create her own styles.
She loves bright colors and having bows in her hair.
Other distinguishing features::
Has her ears pierced and wears a ring her uncle and aunt made her​

::More about Willow
Willow is a very friendly and open person. She likes to think that people can approach her with their concerns and she would try her best to help them. She was influenced to be a kind and helpful person to other people as her Uncle taught her that if you do good to people then you'll get kindness in return. Willow is very modest and doesn't know how to react to compliments but she is also a very ambitious and determined person and although she can seem a little harsh now and then, but she only means it in good intentions. Willow has a habit of becoming self-conscious in what she does and what she wears, although she isn't fazed by what her body shape is like, she is conscious of what people may think of her and gets afraid of what people might say. Willow can be easily influenced to become jealous although she isn't vain and nasty, she easily puts herself down thinking that she isn't good enough to receive the fortunes or good things that other people may have and her jealous feelings will go away as soon as it came.She's a very creative person who enjoys playing the violin, piano and guitar and enjoys baking and cooking when given the chance.

Willow can be a very clumsy person and sometimes accident prone thanks to her childhood of climbing up trees and other adventures she endured with her best friend, Christopher Wright. Whom she grew up with - going to the same schools (Kaikorai Primary and Balmacewen Intermediate) and living in the same area. She doesn't seem fazed to think she is best friends with someone the opposite sex, in fact she finds it thrilling and thinks boys make better friends than girls.
She is also a very defensive person when it comes to her friends, sticking up for them when needed. Her weakest point in this though is that she comes up with really bad-trying-be-cool-but-failing-miserably come back lines. But it only makes her stronger.
Willow was born in Dunedin, New Zealand and lived in the sunny suburb of Abbotsford with her Parents, Marlene and David where she spent most of her time growing up. Eight months after her fourth birthday, her parents flew to Auckland on a buisness trip and left Willow with Alice and James. When word relayed back to Willow that her parents passed away in the plane crash to Auckland (due to engine failure) on the 14th of June . Willow has almost no memory of her time with her parents, occasionally remembering snips of family time in the family home or doing heart to hearts with either David or Marlene. On the anniversary of the plane crash every year, Willow and her adoptive family spends the day out doing family things such as visiting her parent's gravestones then going out for lunch and go sightseeing or see a movie out in the city, it's on this day where Willow becomes most withdrawn. Alice and James naturally took Willow into their family and created a ring for willow to wear: A silver and aquamarine ring in the shape of a heart to remind willow of how her parents loved her. They live in an area called Mosgiel (15km outside Dunedin) where they live on a small family farm.
Before attending Hogwarts, Willow attended Kaikorai Primary - a public school in a sunny area and enjoyed the school atmosphere immensely. From there she attended the same intermediate school as Max: Balmacewen Intermediate. In which she both liked and disliked: liked because of the musical culture, disliked because of the students.





::Willow's Family
<FONT font="Georgia"><SIZE size="50">
Marlene Joanna Autumn nee White - Mother
Marlene was born in England but moved to France when she was five years old when her parents wanted to relocate. She has two sisters named Dorothee and Seraphine and a younger brother called Lucas. She discovered she had magical blood when she was a young age and attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic near France.
She was an Author in her own right and enjoyed writing poetry and short stories - many of which were published in the daily prophet.
When she was 26 years old she met her future husband, David, at a local cafe in Paris.
She moved to New Zealand with David after he proposed to her.

David Mark Autumn - Father
David grew up in Dunedin, New Zealand with his parents,younger brother, James and Sisters Alison and May. He attended a public school for his younger years and attended the inner-city high school for boys where he excelled in many subjects. He became a Cartographer (Map drawer) briefly before turning into a career of Architecture.
He moved to Paris, France briefly to gain inspiration for new buildings and met Marlene at a cafe that he went to regularly
Noticing something to spark between them both he asked her hand in marriage on their eighth month anniversary together. They then moved to New Zealand to start their future together.

Extended Family::
Alice Rhianna Autumn nee Jones - Aunt
Born in Dunedin, Alice works and owns her own bakery and cafe in the town and often pops into central dunedin now and then to drop off baked goods to various office executive's meetings.
She doesn't seem to mind that there's a witch in the family and often jokes with Willow asking if there was a quicker way to clear up the dishes but has a firm rule of no magic in the house until she learns enough to not fool around with magic.
She met David through the local University in a lecture on English literature. Alice also gave James the idea of making a ring for willow to remind her of David's and Marlene's love for her.
Alice is a happy-go-lucky mother and person, she enjoys the simpler things in life and loves socializing when given the chance.

James Richard-Pierce Autumn - Uncle
Also born in Dunedin, he grew up alongside David, going to the same schools.
Unlike his brother who was more into Architectural drawings, James is a Musician and spent most of his older years at University studying various Music papers and also had a liking towards history and english. James is fluent in many instruments including the piano, saxophone, trombone, viola and double bass. He loves to compose his own music in his free time.
He currently works part time at his music studio in the city teaching students how to play the piano or the saxophone and spends the rest of his time on the farm.
When he found out that Willow was a witch, he was surprised at first and wondered what his brother thought but he loves her the same way as he loves his son, max.
James is a very laid back person and likes to see both his students and his children succeed in their own goals in life.

Maxwell Damion Autumn - Cousin
Maxwell or Max as he wants to be known as is three years older than Willow and see's her as his younger sister. He is very protective of her and worries about her when she's in trouble (as much as she dislikes the attention, she see's him as her older brother).
He often busses into town where he goes to the same high school to where his father went.
He loves eating his mother's and willow's baking and is talented in playing the clarinet and electric guitar. When he found out that Willow possesses magical talent, he was (naturally) jealous but he soon got over it and said he was still going to be her older 'brother'.
When he grows up, he hopes to be a doctor or a Veterinarian of some sort.
Max is a strong and dominant person in his own right, but is a bit of a fluffy marshmallow in the inside and enjoys just being a kid.

Other Family Members Mentioned::
Jeremy Issac Autumn - Cousin
Mentioned briefly in Willow's Diary. Lives in Wellington with his wife, Alison Kathy Autumn nee Wilton
May Wilson Jones & Marissa Elizabeth Jones - Cousin
Willow's Cousins on her mother's side who are about five years younger. May and Marissa are twins.
First mentioned in Willow's Diary.

::Behind the Character
About Missy::
Where in the world is Missy?:: South Island, New Zealand
Lieks:: Cupcakes, Glitter, Photography, British Comedy, Horses & Other Stuffs
Similarities to Willow:: Liek Music, Play the violin and piano, I bake a lot.
Other HNZ Charries:: Aiofe Chan (currently inactive)
::First Term
Willow enters Hogwarts New Zealand for the first time along with her best friend Christopher Wright where she and Chris get sorted into the house of Gryffindor.
Willow is introduced to classes for the first time and takes Potions with Slytherin, Defence Against the Dark Arts with Hufflepuff, Herbology with Ravenclaw and Flying with all classes. Her first impressions of each class varies, she enjoys Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts as it's somewhat more practical but dislikes Herbology and Flying - Herbology because she is intimidated by Professor Styx and Flying because she isn't interested in flying at all.

Willow meets up with Chris and talk about their first week in Meeting an old friend. Where they talk about their likes and dislikes and their first impressions of Hogwarts.

In week two, Willow meets up and talks amongst other students for the first time at the Student Lounge:
[li]Exploring Sees Willow making friends with Roze Castro, Kate & Sara Moon, Vayne Rozeleouxe and Ciel Micheaelis. They later on have a picnic to get to know each other better (A Picnic in Exchange for friends, Happy Birthday Roze!)</LI>

<LI>[li] Skipping A Class Willow walks angrily into the Student Lounge only to realize the presence of Stefan Archer. She confides to him for the first time that she grew up not knowing any magic or anything about the wizardry world at all (Walking, Just Walking)
[/li][/ul]During this point, Willow starts to get Homesick and decides to bake her favorite cupcakes that she baked with her aunt many times. She meets Dante Summers who gives Willow a helping hand (A little sugar and spice). She also joins the Conglomerated Arts Club for the first time.

Chris and Willow makes a plan, and breaks the school rules for the first time in +Dont speak, dont tell Where the two venture into the Forbidden Forest. With the least knowledge of magic and ill prepared, the two curious eleven year old's find out why the Forbidden Forest is named so.
Willow formally meets James Killian, a bright wizard in her classes and the boy who accidentally stunned her stupefy in a DADA lesson, she gets to know him better in + Have I seen you somewhere before? over a quiet breakfast. Will they become friends?

Exams are approaching soon, and a lot of things are going down -Stress is nothing here!
Willow meets fellow Gryffindor, Georgiana Night in the Trophy Room where both girls were minding their own buisness and thinking about their future until a comment starts a fiery competitive rivalry in who would become the most successful student that Gryffindor House and Hogwarts New Zealand has ever seen in Present and Future
While over at the Dungeons, Willow meets someone who goes by the name of Bella White where things go a haywire, maybe she finally found a Rival after all at this old place. Things get a little heated between the two students and a disastrous consequence lands one of the characters into more trouble when personalities collide in This *was* supposed to be easy right?

After sitting her exams, Willow's main focus is one thing - The Yule Ball!
Determined to have a relaxing and fun time, she is sorted - the make up, the hair, the dress, the shoes but she's missing one thing: A Date!. With Chris nowhere to be found, She decides to make her very first Yule Ball experience a night about having a good time with good food, a happy atmosphere and a night to celebrate the end of her first semester with her friends in Our first Yule Ball.
In another time-frame, Willow makes her way into the Yule Ball, loosing her friends at some point from the entrance to the insides of the hall, amongst the beauty and the gorgeous atmosphere of things, Willow is out to have a good time and making sure she has her fill of cupcakes, while standing alone she notices a dark hooded figure, Willow recognizes it's voice and it can only be someone that she has talked to before in Yule What?
Potions: Outstanding (100%)
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding (100%)
Herbology: Outstanding (103% - Top of the Class)

::Second Term
Note:: Willow wasn't attending any of her second semester classes due to my hiatus break, hence a cover up story. neuugh.​
Although Willow is initially very pleased about her marks in the first semester, the pressure that had built up from that imploded Willow's mind, along with personal problems such as if she should start calling her uncle and aunt, 'mother and father' and her cousin, 'brother'. Attending the few first introductory lessons, Willow's inner-personal hell broke loose forcing her to retreat to her Cousin Jeremy's for relaxation and destressing for the majority of semester two, celebrating her twelfth birthday quietly with family members and corresponding with Chris using the school owls (even though she does not own an owl of her own).
It was not until April when Willow made her return to Hogwarts with the decision to exempt herself from classes (as she saw no point as she missed out on many things already) and decided to spend her time productively in the library slowly self-learning the subjects that she is currently missing out.

Willow meets Dimitri Blaze, while studying in the library on a very sunny day. Inviting him to sit at the table where she was studying at in Exploring Somewhere New Will they become friends? (as quietly as possible of course, being in a library and all.)

Meanwhile, over at the Great Lawn the The Hogwarts New Zealand Wheel barrow race was on and finally (after a long period of time) Willow and Chris entered for the prestigious...event with the intention to win. However, the pair had other ideas in mind...such as, who is going to be the wheelbarrow? and why was being around each other so....awkward. The pair find themselves having feelings for each other, but they refuse to tell - maybe they are more than just best friends.

On a quiet snowy day, Willow found herself at the Rosebush, touched by the memorial she starts playing a tune - only to be over heard by her friend Kate Moon, the two friends bond over their love of Violin playing and their disgust over the word 'practice' in Admiring the Roses.

<SIZE size="50">::Holiday Period
</i><FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="georgia"><FONT font="georgia"><FONT font="georgia"><FONT font="georgia">Before flying back home, Willow decides to meet up with her best friend, Chris and bond over ice-cream, still feeling embarrassed over the events of the Wheelbarrow Race, Willow is struggling to keep her feelings intact for him but hopefully Ice Cream will break the awkwardness in I think I love...Ice Cream.

On a snowy pathway, Willow meets a young girl by the name of Danielle Warbeck in <FONT font="georgia"> Looking for adventure. After bumping into each other, the two girls get to know each other in a very awkward, joke telling session. Danielle, wondering what Hogwarts would be like as she'll be attending in the next year - Willow explains to her that it's not as bad as it turns out to be, Crushing her understanding of House Rivalry - telling her that Slytherin isn't a bad house, just one with a troubled past.

In another time frame, Willow takes a flight all the way to the United Kingdom to celebrate the Moon Sister's new abode. Being so far away from home and feeling out of place, Willow turns up the the Moon sister's housewarming party feeling more than a little under dressed and more than a little out of place. With only a cake she baked to hide behind, Willow is feeling a little homesick and is desperate to go back home but not wanting to disappoint the guests and the Moon family, Willow sucks up her sadness and despair in A "Welcome to your new home" Party

Olivia and I were trying to think of a Playby for Chris. We became so desperate for ideas that I said Chris was actually Pikachu in disguise. Olivia said he was. I don't think we should believe it.

::First Semester
</i>A new year and a fresh start and it was The First Day, Remember?. To celebrate the return of the upcoming year at Hogwarts, Willow decides to make everyone Cupcake Pops (little cupcakes on lollipop sticks) and gift each one to all the friends she sees. After a mad baking session in the Kitchens (and the amusements to the elves) she makes her way to the Great Hall to see if she can find anyone there. She comes across to her friend, Stefan Archer. Instead of having a pleasant and wonderful return to Hogwarts she find herself confronting a hostile environment and a few confused friends, all isn't as happy as she expected it to be.

~Plots related to 'The First Day, Remember?':

[li] Running up that hill - Willow contemplates on her first week back as a second year at Hogwarts up at the cliffs. Night starts to fall and she seemed to stumble upon Stefan Archer sitting under the tree. The two share some quiet moments. ((Title: Running up that Hill ~ Placebo.))</LI>
[li]Keep Calm and eat a Cookie. - In another time frame, Willow releases her frustrations by going into the kitchens to bake some of her Aunt's famous Chocolate-Chip Cookies. Singing to herself and feeling the endorphins to come out to play, she doesn't realize she has company - Kate Moon.
[li]What we need is a miracle. - After having a heart-to-heart with both Stefan and Kate. Willow starts to wonder if her two friends would ever be friends with each other again. Ignoring her increasing stress signs (which is bad for her current health situation) she decides to take action into bringing two of her friends back together again - even if it'll mean she'll lose the respect and friendship she has with either Kate or Stefan. Trying to think of a plan, she contacts Sara Moon - asking her for her advice and ideas.
[li]You Kicked Me When I was Down - Willow finds a lone Stefan sitting in the courtyard and she goes over to say hello. Kate and Sara find themselves joining in the conversation but things don't exactly go to plan.
<LI>[li]Half the world away. - Side plot. After the disastrous meeting amongst four friends, Willow contemplates and apologizes for her actions but still feels rather angry

A letter arrives for Willow confirming something she was hoping that would never come. It was to explain a lot for her mystery illness over at the Moon's housewarming party, shocked and still confused about Chris and her feelings about renaming people in her family (mum, dad and brother instead of aunt, uncle and cousin) the twelve year old breaks down Under the Willow tree down at the Great Lawn. Hastily writing notes for her friends to come, needing their support.
((I have to admit, I wrote this plot when I only had two hours of sleep (or less) and so it's really hazy, but still essential for Willow's history.))

Retreating to the music room on a classless, quiet day. Willow plays the Piano to pass the time, playing her compositions and occupying her thoughts with all things positive - and nothing is more positive in Willow's life than Music! Add Sara Moon and the two bond over music and similarities, enjoying each others company with one starting to learn the Guitar. Don't Stop Me Now ((title: Don't Stop me now ~ Queen))
Meanwhile, outside Willow takes advantage of the spring weather, finding the newly bloomed flowers as inspiration for writing a song. Making her way to the gardens she comes across Danielle Warbeck - a first year Gryffindor girl that she met recently in the holidays and at the Moon's house warming party. Wondering how she is, Willow goes over and says hello in A Nice Small Brunch.

It's the first time since forever that Willow Autumn has saw her best friend Christopher Wright - in fact it's probably the first time the two had met with each other this year.
Contemplating on her first semester at Hogwarts, her friends and her crush on Chris; Willow finds herself on the Cliff again - an area that's starting to become more of her thinking place and where the heart-to-hearts lie. You & I

It's the most beautiful time of the year! The School Yule ball has arrived and Willow feels a little bit more casual than usual but it doesn't matter. Letting her hair down, Willow spends the night with Kate and Sara Moon - without the hostilities. Just Dance

<FONT font="Georgia"><COLOR color="#650335">::Departure from Hogwarts
</i><FONT font="Georgia">
With the Yule Ball over and her health still declining, Willow went back to her home in Dunedin to de-stress and recuperate the strength that she had lost from the first semester of Hogwarts.
During this time Willow helped her father work on the farm, looking after many of the Autumn's animals and farm animals that they own. She also spent quite of her time one to one tutoring music at her father's studio, teaching beginner piano classes to young children who would come straight from school into piano tuition.
She also spent the majority of her time refining her violin technique and repertoire where she completed her Grade 10 music examination and passed with flying colors - also achieving the status as one of the youngest violinist to achieve such an accomplishment and is currently working towards achieving the maximum graded violin examinations she can grab her hands on.

But Willow's life didn't necessarily revolve around the family farm, the music studio and her hobbies. Willow was admitted into a two week hospital stay during her departure from Hogwarts - due to her Hypotension and Sudden Syncope. The Doctors worried and fussed over Willow's conditions and were worried that her symptoms were preludes to a much worse condition - to this day, they're still not really sure but declared Willow a clean bill of health otherwise and released her. Willow's experiences in Hospital were both negative - both times she had bouts of depression and was feeling isolated from her peers and most importantly - wanting to go back to Hogwarts before the next year started. But both her parents forbid her to return until she was 100% healthy - both physically and mentally.

This led Willow to think about her future, something that she hasn't done much of lately and her experiences in Hospital made her want to take up some career in the medical field. Willow knew that she was a strong minded person, someone who didn't mind getting pushed around to make sure someone was okay at the end of it - her thoughts drifted back to the rift between Kate and Stefan and wondered how those two were getting along and also the rest of her friends; especially since she couldn't keep in contact by Owl since it was too risky to expose any sort of magical elements when she was somewhere so public in the muggle world.

Months after her ordeal and missing out on the first semester of Hogwarts, Willow felt like she wouldn't be able to catch up until her return in the second semester of Hogwarts - something that she was not looking forward to. Since she has been out of contact from her Magical friends for so long, Willow wasn't sure if she'll fit in - or better yet, still have the ability to cast magic. Now Suffering from social anxiety and bouts of depression, Willow returns to Hogwarts as a third year and hoping to have the strength to face up to her friends and catch up on what she missed out.
((And that is Missy's way of saying: I've been out for so long. T______T))

<FONT font="georgia">
A new start to Hogwarts, Willow finds herself returning two weeks before the Hogwarts Semester is about to end. At present, Willow does not wish to be at Hogwarts - in fact, she'd rather be back in Dunedin tending to her animals, playing her music and helping her Aunt and Uncle at their day jobs. Deciding that it would probably better if she went outside and take in everything that she had missed about Hogwarts, Willow goes for a walk and lands back to the old Willow Tree in the Hogwarts Lawn in Intuition where she meets a few of her friends - feeling both guilty and anxious to be in their presence after being away for so long.

Willow attends the Yule Ball with no intention of socializing and no knowing if she was meeting up with any of her friends. With the intention of being present at the Yule Ball for the sake of it and also trying to re-emerge herself with being surrounded by large groups of people, Willow sits In the Corner watching every other student and professor having a good time.



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