Willow Autumn

Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Just another Gryffindor - taking it one day at a time.​

<COLOR color="firebrick"><SIZE size="150">Basics::
Full Name: Willow Faye Autumn
Birthdate:1 March
Current Age: 13
Grade:First Year
Playby: Zooey Deschanel (younger years.)
Basic Appearance:Willow has shoulder length dark brown hair that is always wavy/curl She has bright blue eyes and sparkling. She is tall and skinny. She has a positive and happy demeanor. She is a bit of a fashionista but doesn't really seem phased into whats 'in and out' of fashion and likes to express her own creative style: Casual and comfy but has some feminine touches.
Marlene Joanna Autumn nee White -Willow's Mother and has magical blood, she is an amateur author who has had works published in the daily prophet. Originated from England and moved to France at a young age, Marlene is the third child of her family and has always had a positive and encouraging outlook on life. Later passed away (along with husband, David) on a plane flight went wrong on a buisness trip.
David Mark Autumn - Willow's Father who is a muggle. He works as a cartographer and architecture and enjoys many simple things of life. He is the second oldest in his family and is protective of his younger brother, James. He met Marlene on a 'culture awareness and in need of inspiration' for his architecture project whilst in a cafe in France. He too passed away with Marlene on the same plane flight.
Extended Familiy:
Alice Rhianna Autumn nee Jones Willow's Aunt, Alice lives in Dunedin and owns her own cafe and bakery in the local township of Mosgiel. She is an extremely caring and sometimes over-protective person of her children and family. She see's Willow as her own daughter after she and her husband, James, adopted her into their family.
James Richard-Pierce Autumn Willow's Uncle and David's younger brother, he is quiet friendly person who was more than happy to take Willow into his family after David's and Marlene's passing. He is a talented musician and teaches part time in the city as a teacher teaching music and instruments to his students. He and Alice met at the University in a English Literature lecture.
Max Damion Autumn Willow's Cousin and Alice's and Jame's Son, He is an outgoing boy and enjoys playing many sports and eating Alice's and Willow's baking. He is an academic fellow but likes to see himself as a practical joker.

Extra Info::
Pets: Goldfishes, Horses, Sheep, Cats and a dog
Area of Residence: Mosgiel (Dunedin), New Zealand.
Blood Status:Mixed
Heritage: Willow is of English/New Zealand/Scottish Heritage
Interests & Hobbies: Willow loves to be outdoors and is often on the family farm saying hello to the horses and the sheep and other animals. She loves to be around her family and friends.
Skills: Willow can play the violin, piano and guitar and can also bake.
Strengths: Works well under pressure, remains calm and enjoys helping people.
Weaknesses:Willow can be stubborn at times. She also does 'too much of a good thing' such as helping people when they don't need to be helped.
Willow in five words: Ambitious, Gentle, Friendly, Determined
Willow's outlook on life: Willow see's everything and everyone in a positive light but she also can be vain and put herself first at some points. She also gets a little sad when she hears people talking about their parents as her own parents passed away.
Favorite place to be: Outside somewhere - lying in the sun.
Friends: Willow has a few friends but she is mostly seen with Chris - making mischief.

Wizarding World::
What would Willow's Patronus be?: A Horse/Pony
What would Willow's Boggart be?: Spiders and bugs. She hates them.
What would Willow's Animagus form be?: A White tiger - strong and beautiful
What would Willow see if she looked in the Mirror of Erised?: Her parents and her adoptive family as one big family.
What would Willow's Memory be to create the patronus?: Playing with Chris when they were at primary school playing make-believe games.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Willow's Attitude towards school: Willow has a positive attitude towards school, like her cousin max she was raised to take opportunities and risks when given the chances and enjoys challenges and obstacles to jump over when facing them. She isn't necessarily a 'geek' but takes pride in having good grades and abilities. She can also be a bit of a rebel sometimes and relishes in the chances to skip classes if she is feeling mischievous or bored.

Willow's Plans for the future: Willow is a family person and hopes to have a family of her own one day with a loving husband a few kids or so. She wants to have a career as a healer or something that allows her to help people.
Season: Autumn/Fall of course - not because it's part of her name, but it gives her an excuse to jump into crunchy leaves and climb into trees.
Flavor of Ice cream: Cookies and cream - nothing beats something creamy and vanillary with a nice chunk of chocolate cookie!
Animal: Willow's favorite animal is the Panda - no reason, she just thinks their cute
Singer/musician/band: Willow is completely in love with New Zealand music and has a varied music taste, she loves music from the 90s and is also into classical music (thanks to James).
Instrument: Willow enjoys playing her Violin out of all the other instruments she can play but enjoys playing all types of instruments.
Food: Willow enjoys eating summer fruits and crisp green apples. But she has one hell of a sweet tooth.

<FONT font="georgia">A Page from Willow's Diary::

December 25th

Merry Christmas Diary!
It's been a lovely day today, the sun is out shining and the weather is incredibly and amazingly warm - much nicer than the rain storm that we experienced last week.
Uncle James, Aunt Alice and Cousin Max got me my own horse for christmas, I called him Starbright. I don't know why thought because it just fits with him perfectly. I bet Max is really happy now because I always had to ride on his horse, Lockie.
It's going to be super awesome now because that means all four of us can go riding together as a family out in the fields behind our house.
I called Chris today, I've known him since primary school days and we're going to go to the same intermediate school- except we're a little bit older. He's great fun to be around with and I couldn't ask for a better friend. I didn't talk to him for long today though, I didn't want to interrupt his family Christmas dinner (his family is super awesome).

It's been six years after mom and dad passed away, I still look at the ring that Auntie and Uncle got me on my fifth birthday - a silver and aquamarine heart shaped ring that was to remind me of my mom and dad's love for me. I miss them, and I wish I could remember more about them. But I can't, I was so young back then.

Well, I better go!
Can you believe it's only three months till my birthday and then i'll be 11?
-- but that also means that It's another two months till school starts up.

Awesome CD. I've thought of a few questions for you :)

How old was Willow when she lost her parents?
Did she know about magic before her parents died, or did she learn after?
How did she feel when she found out about her magical blood?
Do Willow and Max get along like brother and sister?
Is she allergic to anything?
How does she feel about being a Gryffindor?
What is one thing that always cheers her up when she's down?
How old was Willow when she lost her Parents?
Willow was four years old when she lost her parents.
So she can't really remember much about them, but have some memories of being with them.

Did she know about magic before her parents died, or did she learn after?
Willow didn't know anything about magic before her parents died, if she did - she would have
forgotten. So, Willow *properly* learned about magic when her letter from Hogwarts arrived.
Her Uncle and Aunty didn't want to tell her that she was magical in fear that she'll be
excluded from friendship groups or the like when she attended Muggle schools.

Do Willow and Max get along like brother and sister?
Yes, Willow and Max have a very close sibling-like relationship. Max is three years older
than Willow so he sees her as his younger sister and is very protective of her, while
Willow sees him as the annoying older brother, but they love one another like any other
brother and sister would.
Although she's been calling everyone in her adoptive family by first name,
she's been questioning if she should just call her aunt and uncle; 'mum & dad' and Max as her 'brother'.

Is Willow allergic to anything?
Willow is thankful she isn't allergic to anything major like Gluten or Peanuts. But she's allergic
to Raw Pineapple (She can eat it, if it's cooked or mixed into something).
She gets bad hay fever around summer time.

How does she feel about being a Gryffindor?
Willow is proud that she's in Gryffindor, although she wouldn't really care what other house she would
be in, in the first place. Because she has no idea of the wizarding world or the background of Hogwarts
she would thought that each house has their own strength in something. Probably, when Willow grows older
she'll start to realize how competitive each house is to each other and would probably think she's lucky
to be placed in such a house.

What is one thing that always cheers Willow up when she's down?
Willow used to turn to baking when she was feeling down, but her baking ability when she's down usually
suffers the end result. These days, she usually plays the piano or have a heart to heart with someone she
trusts or know who wouldn't judge her feelings and concerns.
If all else fails, then she just writes letters - no one in particular, about how she feels and then eventually burns them in a fire
or tear it up and throw it away.

Thank you for the fantastic questions, Cyndi! :)

:: Extra Developmental (and a tad biographical) Goodness :3

<COLOR color="#ee4a2d">:: Likes
Food (sweet): Willow enjoys cupcakes the best - she enjoys how simple they are and yet are very creative to look and make. This could also be inspired by her Aunt's bakery where they specialize in cupcakes and other cakes.
Food (savory): Willow enjoys all types of savory foods. She enjoys savory pinwheels and chilli con carne but has a huge love for lasagna.
Food (other): Willow loves freshly baked bread, pancakes and gummy candy.
Food (dislikes): Willow rarely dislikes any type of food but she hates raw fish and aubergines.
Colors: Willow loves pastel colors of any shade. She also loves funky or quirky patterns and designs.
Clothing style: Willow loves dresses - in fact it's rare for her to be seen in trousers or a sweatshirt. She lives, breathes and dresses in dresses :3
Animal: Willow loves all creatures - big or small. Growing up on a farm, Willow has learned to love and care for the Autumn's family pets. The only animal she really hates is the Spider
Destination: "Home is where the heart is" Willow loves Dunedin since it's her hometown and the last place where her Parents live. She also loves Wellington as that's where the closest of her relatives lives. Someday she'll love to visit Paris and visit the cafe where her parents first met. She has quite a large fond for Hogwarts New Zealand
Music: Willow has an appreciation for all sorts of music but growing up with classical music and being taught classically, Willow finds she likes orchestral and instrumental music the best.
Place at Hogwarts: Willow loves spending her time in the Great Lawn and the Lake - especially the Willow Tree at the Great Lawn. She also loves spending her free time in the Kitchens baking or cooking food and the music rooms in the conglomerated arts club.

:: Current & Future
Career: At this point of time, Willow wishes to embark her life as a Healer. She isn't sure why she wants to head in that direction but it's been heavily influenced by her time spent in Hospital during her time away from Hogwarts. She also hopes that when she retires one day, she'll open her own retro vintage, music inspired, candy bar shop.
Relationships: Willow isn't fazed by relationships yet but she has a small underlying crush on her childhood friend, Christopher Wright. She isn't sure if they are going to embark on a relationship just yet.
Traits Currently possessed: Currently Willow has anxiety issues - mainly from her hasty return to Hogwarts after months from being away. Although, she'll revert to her usual self at some point - being the strong, helpful person that she wishes to be.
Annoyances: At the current time, Willow doesn't have much annoyances but it's clear that she is frustrated and annoyed at herself for staying out of contact with her friends for so long.
Person she looks up to: Willow looks up to Stefan Archer. Currently a third year Slytherin. This is possibly due to their close friendship ever since their first year. Both coming from non-magical backgrounds and their lack of understanding for magic and their quirky friendship of a 'gryffindor and slytherin actually being good friends rather than rivals'.
Friendship Group: Willow doesn't have many friends other than those she met in her first year. She has a developed close bonds with each person and cares for each deeply. These are Stefan Archer, Kate & Sara Moon. Although she'd like to meet other people in younger and older year groups, these aren't likely to happen soon.

:: In The Magical World
Boggart: Willow's (current) Boggart would be seeing any of her friends die or turn away from her.
Patronus: It has been speculated that Willow's patronus would take the form of a horse (for it's beauty and strength) or a lion cub (playfulness and loyalty)
Favorite Destination: Willow loves Makutu Mall & Brightstone Village for it's Musical Shops and cafes.
Spell: Willow is quite fond of the bluebell flame spell & Reparo since she's quite clumsy and breaks things often.

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