William Fabrighazo

Birch Wand, 14 1/4'' Essence of Dragonstone

Character's Name

William Fabrighazo (Will)

Character's Birthdate

7th of March 2018

Blood Status


Hogwarts House



Will stands at around average height for his age,
with scruffy light brown hair and fairly large brown eyes.
He's got one of those cheeky smiles, which will almost always be found on his face.
He's slim and doesn't have much style clothes wise.
He'll usually be seen kicking about in jeans and a sweatshirt.


Will is a cheerful, easy-going, laid-back young boy.
He can be very enthusiastic and probably comes across as overly-friendly at times,
shyness isn't a trait he's at all familiar with. He's not cocky or loud, just confident.
He's interested in magic and eager to learn, he also has an itch for adventure
which could easily lead him into trouble. He's a loyal, trustworthy friend.
Trust is an easy thing to gain with Will, perhaps a little too easy,
he has a tendency to see only the good in people.
He could be seen as naive, but he's no fool.

Family & History

Muggle-born Will is the son to Carlos and Diana Fabrighazo.
His father, an Italian was born and raised in Verona, he studied law and met Diana,
a student nurse, through a friend when travelling during the holidays of his last year at university.
Diana lived in northern Ireland, and after striking up a relationship Carlos returned to Ireland
and her after he had graduated. A short 10 months later, Diana fell pregnant, Carlos proposed
and they moved in together. They've lived in Ireland until recently, when Diana secured a job
as a head nurse in a newly opened hospital in Sydney, Australia.
They now live in Sydney, and despite missing his home town Will's loving Oz.


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