Why am I back?

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
He was back. He didn't really think, he just sort of walked there. Earlier that day he had been playing basketball- a muggle sport he had learned to play over the summer and got very interested in- and now he was here. In their spot. Yes, he had feelings for Toni but he knew nothing could ever happen. And why would it? It was clear that she didn't have feelings for him, she probably wasn't even over Beau yet. But that still didn't stop Sam thinking about her all of the time, every day.

Sam walked up a path which he hadn't walked up in almost a year to find himself in a place were he hadn't been in almost a year. But the carving in the tree looked like it was carved less than a day ago. Sam stood still for a moment looking at it. 'Sam + Toni' was what it had said. Many memories flashed into his head, some happy, others sad. He shut his eyes tightly and opened them a few seconds later, forcing himself to move over to the roots of the tree opposite to where the carvings were.

The tree was in full blossom, it was nice. He placed his basketball next to him as he sat down on a large root sticking out from the ground. He leaned his head against the large tree, not really knowing what brought him to come here again. He hadn't been here on his own in ages. It had always been him and Toni. But he was back. By himself. But it didn't feel like this was his spot anymore, it was now always Toni's aswell. He looked up at the sky above him, which was a light pink and shades of purple from the setting sun, his thoughts were running riot and he coulnd't focus on a single one. He was glad, no one else knew about this place, here he could think things straight. He think about Toni alone.

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