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Daniel Duke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony 15'', Essence of Phoenix Talon
So, I'm looking for someone , anyone to RP Daniel with.

Daniel is British-Nigerian, likes Quidditch an awful lot. Likes solving puzzles. Is very observant and also equally likes mischief.

He was actually born in France and lived there briefly before moving to Nigeria and finally settling in New Zealand when he was eight.

His mother, Toyin Ade-Duke comes from a Nigerian family of purebloods and works at St. Mungo's as a medi-witch. His late dad Michael Duke was a muggleborn wizard. They met while studying in Hogwarts Scotland and travelled the world together after graduating and getting married. He died of a strange illness later on while Toyin was pregnant. Daniel never got to meet his father but his mother's family took them. He and his mum later moved to New Zealand to start a new life.

Danny has bright golden eyes which he inherited froom his mother and also is a lover of cats though he has no pet currently. He likes planning things almost as much as he likes planning their destruction.

So he's currently looking for friends, preferably first year.

Or a mentor, preferably Ravenclaw.

Thanks in advance.
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I have Lucy here to be a friend if you want.

She hasn't really had many friends at all and generally lives in books. She loves learning new things and has a habit of remembering the silliest facts that generally have nothing to do with anything and will use them as an icebreaker often. She can be sassy and, while she would be reluctant to start with, does enjoy a good adventure. She hates getting in trouble and does enjoy saying I told you so.

So, I have Aaren Nightray here to offer as a friend. :)

Aaren, in general, is really talkative and spirited. She loves adventures and loves to do new things. Being raised in a really strict environment, Aaren learned to enjoy the time that she's away from her parents. She loves to talk a lot sometimes, to the point of it being quite annoying. She's quite a loyal friend, but once she doesn't like something, she wouldn't hesitate to say so. She loves cats too, but just like Daniel, she never did have any pets as her mother hates them.

If you want a mentor, I have my sixth year Ravenclaw, he used to play quidditch though I'm also planning to let him join the try outs for this school year too. Ryuuji's the type who worries too much about his friends, valuing them the same way that he values his family. Most of the time, he's easy going and carefree.

So, tell me what you think :)

Say Hello to Turquoise Tangerine

Turquoise is a twin of Lilac Tangerine, But They're Completely Opposite personalitys most of the time, Lilac is Happy then Sad where Turquoise is Girly or Punk like...
She's Generally a nice person if people can learn to understand her split personalitys, she was sorted into Gryffindor but she hates the house with a passion she wanted to be with her Sister in Slytherin. She has a cousin in Ravenclaw which she just met but thinks that he's weird.

Turquoise spends most of her time floating around place to place. I'm not sure about her and Quidditch yet since i have Kida Frost who is my main who is ALL ABOUT QUIDDITCH. so thats yet to be decided

Let me know​
I've been so busy, I almost totally forgot about this.

I'll PM you guys so we can come up with stuff. *nods*
Hello! Margo hasn't been sorted yet (as I write this anyway) but she's a first year and I feel could possibly be a good friend to Daniel.

Margo is a mischievous and energetic little imp who loves adventure and playing pranks. She is fiercely loyal to her friends, almost to a fault, and would do anything for anyone she is close to. She does have a bit of a temper however.

She and Daniel could possibly cause a bit of mischief together if that is a direction you'd like your character to go. Let me know! Margo needs people to help her stir the proverbial pot a bit.
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