Who Wants to Help?

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Samual Kaster

Father of 2 | Retired Auror
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Hey guys!
So this is similar to Teigan's INTERVIEWS! except it's not interviewing your character. So basically, I need some lovely characters to anonymously send letters to Aunt Meg. Aunt Meg is an advice columnist for the Hogwarts Monthly, if you weren't aware. I know this isn't as amazing as being interviewed, but I think it could be interesting for your character. If your character has any sort of concern and needs someone that is not connected to them to give them advice, this would be the time to do it. I supposed a professor could also send in a letter, but we must remember that a student is behind Aunt Meg. :lol:
The letters can be sent to my main account (Samual Kaster) and are supposed to be anonymous, so the character should not sign their name or use anyones name in the letter. I'm posting this up because I'd like a little site involvement with it. It'd be fun for some people to send in advice-wanting letters (IC) and get a reply from another character. It could also help with a plot of yours if you look at it the right way. The adivce recieved from Aunt Meg could help your character decide something and move on from there, or you character could think it absolute rubbish. I'm not picky :p
Anyway, that's about it. If your character has any sort of concern going on in their life, they can send a letter into Aunt Meg and receive a reply in the Hogwarts Monthly. As I said before, everything is supposed to be anonymous and I do hope I can get some help on this! Just send it via PM to this account. Don't be shy! Letters can be from anyone, as long as they're attending Hogwarts New Zealand.

Thanks everyone! :hug:
Dear Aunt Meg,
My one of my male friends is being a total brat and is always teasing me. I don't know what to do! I can't tell him to leave me alone, he never listens. I need some help!
Totally Lost.
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