- Messages
- 78
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Age
- 1842 (170+, 25 at death)
It was a quiet afternoon, as most afternoons were for Lady Helena. The semester was getting on, and she knew for students exams were right around the corner so she avoided distracting the studious sorts. Not that she was the distracting type. Lady Helena much preferred to mind her own business and keep to herself - unlike some of the other ghosts and most pointedly, poltergeist. Still, there was something to be said for the adventuring spirit of her house. She dimly remembered her exploits as a schoolgirl, given how long ago it was, but ghost-hunting used to be a fun sport. Even recently amongst those at Hogwarts New Zealand. Yet there were none this semester and truth be told it made her feel lonely.
She traversed along the sixth floor corridor, hoping to chance upon someone fresh-faced and curious. Maybe that sort of behaviour usually irritated her but it also broke the hum-drum. Lady Helena glided along, not for the first time, somewhat dispirited with her lot in death.
She traversed along the sixth floor corridor, hoping to chance upon someone fresh-faced and curious. Maybe that sort of behaviour usually irritated her but it also broke the hum-drum. Lady Helena glided along, not for the first time, somewhat dispirited with her lot in death.