When Toes Meet Ice

Ezekiel Smith

OOC First Name
Zeke sat on the grass by the lake. He was wearing some heavy dark jeans, a pair of white trainers and a Hufflepuff jumper.
It was a cold day and he didn't want to be around the other Hufflepuffs. Most of them were so cheerful and confident but Zeke was shy and .. well, he just wasn't comfortable with this world yet.
Ezekiel had come from a muggle family. A family who had been happy and comfortable with the muggle world. His father was in charge of the family business- A funeral parlor. Zeke had been told that once he was old enough, he would be taking over the business.
This was fine with him and he had not bothered too much with school. He wasn't worried about his grades because he knew he would have a job no matter what.. That was until one morning when he awoke to find a letter. He had broken the seal, opened it and his eyes had flitted across the page. He had laughed. Zeke had thought it was a stupid joke but then he had spoken to a friend of his- they had received a letter too and that was when he discovered what he was.
Zeke was a wizard. He had no idea how to deal with that and he stared into the distance as he sat there, his mind drifting from one trouble to another.

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